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If You Won't, Who Will?

Lewa Krom


A few years ago in my Honors English class we read a story (or watched a news clip, forget which :P) about a young girl who was being harmed (very harshly) in the streets. It was night in a big city. Apartment building were on either side. Several of the people woke up to her screams and looked out the window to witness the harm being delivered to the young girl. And nobody called the police. They all thought someone else would do it and therefore the attacker escaped (I don't remember if the girl lived or not). The moral of the story is, hopefully you can clearly see, If You Won't, Who Will


Now while that's a story giving an example of conformity, it also is something that seems to happen on a (much) lesser scale here. As a guest I'd see many topics come up. Many people wanted movies to be made after they were canceled after WoS. Many people wanted game to be developed, when there weren't any in production. Many want the sets to continue. But no one does anything about it.


Lego isn't going to be serving movies or games on silver platters anymore now that Bionicle's essentially over, marketing wise. In fact, Lego never served anything on silver platters. They provided what they could. They're a business and can only provide so much. They can only hire so many people to work for them and develop products for the Bionicle fandom to enjoy.


But BZPower isn't that way. It shouldn't be that way.


If you want movies, get involved in making those movies!

If you want games, get involved in making those games!


Nobody's going to be giving you this stuff anymore. If you want something, at the very least, attempt to contribute to the work effort. If You Won't, Who Will?


I'm leading BNG. We wanted movies so we've stepped forward to make those movies become a reality. But people continue to think it's impossible. "How could the fans ever create as good movies as the professionals?" "They're doomed to fail." (In some cases, "Lewa Krom is too new to the site for me to want to be involved." Yes. I've been told that in PMs and elsewhere.) Lego can only hire x number of people to make a movie. On BZP, we could use everyone's help (though, obviously irrational). Do you think Lego could have afforded 100 animators for one film? What about BZP? It wouldn't be hard to find 100 people who (a) already know 3D animation or (B) could take the time to learn it.


Many people want movies. And now they're realying on BNG to bring them to them. Well guess what! It won't happen unless we have more animators and modelers. At the moment, we won't be able to produce things as quickly as many people would want expect them to be produced. You don't know how to 3D model? Well we have a Blender Academy for you! If You Won't, Who Will?


There was a topic about "What if Lego were to make a Bionicle MMORPG?". Most of the responses were along the lines of "Lego won't do that for a discontinued line." Well of course they won't! But what about you? Yes, you! If You Won't, Who Will?


And a game? What if Glatorian Arena had more than the current characters? Or a game that spans the entire Bionicle storyline? Or a game for the Aethion Universe? If You Won't, Who Will?


I have stated, in the Blender Academy blog entry, that if you do enroll in our classes you will not be forced to join BNG. Why? So other people can take the initiative and put some effort towards their own dreams. If you wish upon a star and it won't grant you your wish, go to the star and get it yourself!


As a guest, rarely did anyone ever make an effort to do such anything larger than a Flash game (an exaggeration, I admit ;)). Lewa11 took the initiatve and worked on BQOTT. It's been five years and he's still working on it (He had a hiatus of a few years though). Bionicle: Next Generation took the intiative. Bionicle: Year One also did. There group projects are the ones doing stuff while everyone else sits on their tail and complains and dreams of a world where Bionicle didn't end. Well guess what? Get off of your bum and do something about it! After all, If You Won't, Who Will.


Despite people wanting to do an MU MMORPG at BNG, I continue to strive for the Aethion Online option. Even if I end up on my own on it, I will see to it that an Aethion Online is at least attempted. Sure, "Keep on doing that good work" or "I can't wait to see the final product" is nice but it doesn't help at all with anything.


BZPers. You are lazy. (in general)


You complain and miss the good old days (last year :P). You don't put any effort forward for anything. If I had my way, we at BNG wouldn't release any of our stuff to you guys. It'd be solely for those who worked for it. We could probably plan an MMORPG with only 100 people. Nothing's stopping us from excluding the rest of you.


Many people say "BNG is doing movies. Why must they do an MMORPG too?" My response: Do you see anyone else doing it? I didn't think so. We, along with Bionicle: Year One, seem to be the only organized groups of fans actually doing something about this stuff.


If you really want something DO IT! If everyone who wanted to see an Expanded Multiverse MMORPG joined together, I'm sure they could get something done!


And not knowing how to model/animate isn't an excuse. We have a Blender Academy for you now. If all the slots are filled, I will do my best to see if we can stretch our resources for you. So at least attempt to do something.


If You Won't, Who Will?


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Project X is also doing (secret) stuff, just very, very slowly. B:NG is moving a the speed of light in comparison. :P


But hey, I'm already involved in all this. I'm just irritated that we know there are issues, are arguing about them, and then doing nothing.

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If you are thinking of who I think you are, her name was Kitty Genovese. And while your sentiments may be noble in bringing up what happened to her, she taught us the importance of Diffusion of Responsibility. Something which is completely opposed to what it is you're talking about here.


Irregardless, the sentiment is nice.



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Just to add on that part where you're talking about the game:


There is a giant hamburger out on the table. A really tasty, world famous one. Nobody is going to be eating it. Then again, nobody has to eat it, but you notice it and you say, "If I don't eat this, who will?" You walk up to it. In your brain, you are saying "This is going to be perfect." You take that giant Hamburger, and take a huge bite out of it, and start chewing.


Suddenly you realize that it is really hard to chew, because there is far too much in your mouth. You then recall what your mother said "Take smaller bites and you will be able to eat faster." You are eventually able to swallow most of the food, but it would've tasted so much better had to taken the time to chew it thoroughly.


Now that's a rather humorous example, and I probably could've thought of a better one had I tried, but it serves its purpose. In case you missed the point, imagine that the Hamburger is all the BIONICLE-related things you want to see accomplished. Your mouth is all the things that you are working on now, which you, the workers, and animators etc (the teeth) are hammering out their work into some quality BIONICLE product (Um...no comment) that the rest of BIONICLE fans can use and enjoy (the rest of the body, including the tongue). By taking a big bite (a big load of all the BIONICLE things you want done into the workspace), though, you're "biting off more than you can chew" and work slows on one thing or another. Eventually it takes longer to chew (be finished), and it isn't as helpful for your body (the quality has to go down on something in order to get done).


Frankly, the way I see it is, the more BNG adds onto its plate (a huge game, ALL the canon story as either episodes or movies [which wasn't really added, but I didn't know about it at the time]), the more I go back to my first thought when I saw the first topic (when it was only about 2 pages in) "Wow, great idea, but I don't think it's going to happen, because it will take too long and people will lose interest."


Granted, I don't feel that way now about most of it, and I don't hope that on the project, but I can't help that feeling as I see you guys try and bite more and more. I mean, I sent you, LK, the edited script a month ago, and I haven't heard back. I don't mind, but if you're too busy to look at something that should be more-or-less top priority, then the burger does indeed seem a bit large. Frankly, I would suggest (though you don't have to listen to me) sitting back, looking at priorities again.


What I mean is, sit down and say "Are movies or an epic game more important? If movies, which of those are the most important. If game, which is more important 'creating a large game epic...whatever you call it, or a smaller epic version of the same game.'" Then go at the hamburger of things one medium sized bite at a time. You don't have enough people (big enough mouth) to tackle all these things.


You mentioned that LEGO could've afforded 100 animators for one of their movies, but we're about 1/5 of that. Granted, you will get some help from people signing up for the Blender Academy. However, one thing is, not everyone is an artist. Some people just won't be able to animate or model as well as, say, Bioxon, or Phantax. While I hope they will be, I am not getting my hopes up; If I'm wrong, hallelujah! If I'm right, then at least I was prepared.


Ok, let's step back a moment and all hear a story of myself as an example. A month before BNG was thought of/started, I began my own project, an audio drama of RotGB. BNG started, and I told myself I would not join them. I would only do voice acting. When I understood more of the project, I didn't like the fact that BNG was ignoring a sound team. I complained (mean old me) and before I knew it, they had one, and suddenly I was the head. Just as suddenly, work on my audio drama slowed. Pretty soon, because of encouragement, I started an epic much to my joy (writing is something I enjoy, and writing and seeing people enjoy it is better still). But, work on my audio drama has slowed further still (granted there are some reasons that were out of my control, but that's a long story)--I haven't quit, and would be rather upset if I did. But I bit off more than I could chew, and frankly, all areas, quality in particular, are suffering more and more because of it. (example, I could've done a whole lot better with wolves than I did)


I don't want that to happen to BNG, and I don't think you or anybody else does either. You might argue that since I'm just one person that's bound to happen...but something similar will probably happen, just because the people working on both projects have lives, and they have BNG movies, and BNG games, plus other things they might be working on.


On the other hand, what happens if you leave out Aethion Online. People will watch your movies for years as they come out. They will play the game being created now, and say "This is great!" They probably won't go "This stinks, I wish we had a massive online game for BIONICLE. Then I would really be happy." People will probably just be content with what they have. I can't say this for sure, but I can't say I've seen much wishful thinking about such an epic game, or people saying "we need a massive online BIONICLE game!" where I have heard them say "I wish we had a movie of_______." before.


In the same way, some people when they get a giant hamburger at a restaurant will cut it in half, and save the rest for later. To either eat later themselves, or to let somebody else eat later.


That's all I'm suggesting. Now I apologize if I sound like I'm trying to force you guys to do something. I would read over this again, but I need to get to work on school, so I don't have time. All I'm saying is, you might want to have majorly justifiable reasons before adding to your plate something as big as Aethion Online. Otherwise people might get bogged down and work might get unfinished.


...I think before DM's even done People are going to think I'm BNG's Public enemy #1 :P Sorry about that. I'm open to all people's comments on the subject. or you can PM me on either forum if you want.



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