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Costco Apocalypse

Kevin Owens


Everyone on earth is killed except for people who have read this entry.


You get the choice to kill yourself, or you get 10 minutes and then you're teleported to a sealed in Costco, with the objects on your person (what you are wearing and holding, your weight is the max you can carry).


The Costco appears to be normal, as it still gets power, water, gas except it is different in a few ways. The building is completely sealed, if you dig at the wall, all you seem to get is more wall, dig at the ceiling and you get more ceiling. Which is strange because the vents still work, though when followed seem to be coming straight through the wall.


The store is completely stocked, more then it would be in any normal case. It's filled with all of it's normal stock, but that will run out soon. Strangely enough, every 3 months a pallete gets dropped, it seems to be filled with a random item the store stocks, one time it may a shipment full of ceiling fans, another time it might be medicine.


How do you plan to survive?


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Eat all the perishable food then save the canned, smoked, sealed, and otherwise preserved food for later. I'd entertain myself by playing video games/watching moves.



I would also "play" with whatever I could find in the pharmacy.

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A. Carry a teleportation machine (or its key components, then MacGyver everything later) and a GPS with me into the Costco. Escape.


B. Dig through the floor.


C. Hack the Matrix.


D. Do something like what Anonlicious said.


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i'd get my family/select friends to read it in the ten minutes i had left

then i would just eat everything perishable first, then find hookups for the electric stoves and the like and use them.


i'd keep fit by using an iron gym LOL

and running around the store too.

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In a Costco, all alone, that's stocked up more than usual... yeah, I don't really think survival would be that much of an issue. Keeping oneself entertained might be an issue... or the whole feeling of being trapped in and ending up thinking that you're not alone, which would make you extremely paranoid.


I like Smeag's idea more.

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Yeah, I kind of agree with Smeag....but make it Powell's City of Books in Portland, and you have a deal.


Or, I'd first get really angry.

Turn into Hulk.

Pick up my house.

Take my house with me when I teleport.

Set my house down in a corner of Costco.

Turn back into me.

Party in Costco.

Meet up with Arpy.

Beat the Matrix.

Beat Voldemort.

Then Apparate to Pigfarts with Arpy and party with Rumbleroar.



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It makes me sad when people don't read my blog entry. :(


Spink: You'd have everyone else who read this entry as well. So you'll be hanging about with a bunch of friends.


Nukaya: You can only take with you as much as you weigh.

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what i would do is


well i have never been to a costco so i don't know what they carry


do they have transformers


if they have transformers and/or bionicle that is the primary concern, food later


and we would pretend we were in the real world


EDIT: everyone who read this should bring their bionicle pieces and we could make a giant robot with mechanical workings and we could drive it around the store and make it shoot canned food and whatnot

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