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Name Change



Alright, so I'll give you guys a few minutes to see this. It's a slight name change, and this would be it:





Whadya think? B)




SO THERE!! STEAL MY NAME SURROUNDING-SYMBOLS!! Yes, I'm talking to you =LOTF and .:Reznas:.



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You're not allowed to use those characters, as you cannot find them on a standard keyboard.
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:o What?? Are you serious?? <_< All you need to do is Alt-16 and Alt-17. I'll try it just to make sure.

EDIT: What was that? :evilgrin: Check out my name now. Pretty awesome, hmm? B)



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It is possible to put them in your name, but it is against the rules. Your name's going to be changed back soon.



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Shadix, they mean thatyou are not allowed and they will be removed by a staff member. :)


Rules, rules... so many rules...

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But... why? I'm not saying you're wrong (though I hope so), but what does it hurt? >.< This is what I HATE about BZPower... all the little rules that just eat you up and spit your out. -,-



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There is also another problem with it that's not in that post - the illegal characters can sometime crash the PHP software that BZP's forums are based upon.
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Why does my username suck? It's pointing outward.


It can?? :o Well, I reported myself, so hopefully this clears up soon.



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Aw...you yelled at LOTF and Reznas. And I was planning to become $62$Ardros%62% (not really :P)


Make sure you use awesome symbols for your next change!

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I shall. I may use Cherixon's idea of //-Shadix-\\ but who knows.

Well, I'm back to normal. I guess that kinda voids this thread.


Topic closed.




(I always wanted to say that XD)

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