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Outright Lies I Was Told In Elementary School

Kevin Owens


In the real world, everybody uses cursive.


All papers require a title page. Professors will not hesitate to fail you if you don't include one.


Introductory paragraph that builds up to and ends with my thesis statement. Three paragraphs each describing a point supporting the thesis. Each of these three paragraphs start off with a point, three supporting points, and a concluding sentence. Ending paragraph starts off my thesis statement and wraps up the paper. Always.


The sky is blue because of the oceans


While typing you must put two spaces after every period instead of just one.


You won't use calculators in the real world


Remembering historical dates is important


You need proper or even basic math, spelling, and grammatical skills to succeed in life.


It's what's on the inside that matters.


It's not weather you win or loose, but how you play the game.


Violence solves nothing.




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It's not weather you win or loose, but how you play the game.



Also, it's spelled lose in this context :)


Introductory paragraph that builds up to and ends with my thesis statement. Three paragraphs each describing a point supporting the thesis. Each of these three paragraphs start off with a point, three supporting points, and a concluding sentence. Ending paragraph starts off my thesis statement and wraps up the paper. Always.

I was taught this all up into high school. Feels bad man


While typing you must put two spaces after every period instead of just one.

I got marks off keyboarding class my senior year on assignments when I didn't do this.

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In the real world, everybody uses cursive. F


All papers require a title page. Professors will not hesitate to fail you if you don't include one. T


Introductory paragraph that builds up to and ends with my thesis statement. Three paragraphs each describing a point supporting the thesis. Each of these three paragraphs start off with a point, three supporting points, and a concluding sentence. Ending paragraph starts off my thesis statement and wraps up the paper. Always. F


The sky is blue because of the oceans F


While typing you must put two spaces after every period instead of just one.What


You won't use calculators in the real world T


Remembering historical dates is important F


You need proper or even basic math, spelling, and grammatical skills to succeed in life. T


It's what's on the inside that matters. F


It's not weather you win or loose, but how you play the game. F


Violence solves nothing. F

How'd I do? 8D


But seriously. You got told this in elementary school? Wow.


Then again, I was probably too busy not paying attention to notice when they said that to me.


Although I actually have been told by professors that we'd fail if we didn't put title pages on it.


Also, two spaces after each period what? Where the heck did that come from?

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It's not weather you win or loose, but how you play the game.



Also, it's spelled lose in this context :)

Also, whether.

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I put two periods after every space.


uh i mean


I ..put ..two ..periods ..after ..every ..space.


I also apparently type like I'm out of breath.


edit: whoa wait this is gato

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I think "You need proper or even basic math, spelling, and grammatical skills to succeed in life." has been proved in this thread.

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In the real world, nobody uses cursive.


Each professor wants his or paper formatted differently.


The way a paper is written depends entirely upon its purpose.


Why the sky is blue is infinitely less interesting than the fact that is is blue.


While typing you must put two spaces after every period instead of just one if you want to be typographically correct.


You will use calculators in the real world for all math you do, even arithmetic.


Remembering historical dates is only important for Trivial Pursuit.


You don't need proper or even basic math, spelling, and grammatical skills to succeed in life, but they are nice to have.


It is indeed what's on the inside that matters, but lots of people forget that.


It's not weather you win or lose, but how you play the game; lots of people forget that though.


Violence solves nothing correctly.

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Yeah, proper typing technique is to put two spaces after a period. It separates sentences easier and in general makes things easier to read (of course the forum software kills that second space, but I still type it anyway :P ).


Grammar, spelling, and basic math skills may not be necessary to survive life but I would say they are necessary to succeed in the workplace. There aren't many places that will take you if you have below a certain comprehension level of math and writing.

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Tell that to the guy who owns the Chic-Fil-A we work at. Easily makes 300k a year. Has the worst grammar and spelling in the world. Not that he minds I suppose.

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The sky is blue because of the oceans
This one's not entirely inaccurate. The sky and ocean bounce blue light off each other


Remembering historical dates is important


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The sky is blue because of the oceans
This one's not entirely inaccurate. The sky and ocean bounce blue light off each other

That is entirely inaccurate. The sky is blue due to Raleigh scattering, where the light from the sun is manipulated by the atmosphere so that blue light is the most predominant. The blue light particles are scattered further along the horizon, which is why the horizon is a paler blue than the sky above you (zenith).

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^Similarly Raleigh scattering is also why the sky turns red-orange-ish when the sun rises/sets, but it's too complicated for me to understand beyond that.


The oceans aren't blue. Well, clean oceans would be but I don't know if any exist.

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The sky is blue because of the oceans
This one's not entirely inaccurate. The sky and ocean bounce blue light off each other

no, it's because water is actually slightly blue


in larger quantities, this becomes more evident

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