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Pokéwalker In The Laundry



My Pokéwalker went through the laundry... AND SURVIVED!


And accumulated over 1 300 steps to boot. :lol:


In your face, Nintendo!


Which is more than I can say for my LEGO Harry Potter game, in which I've become trapped in a room with a white dragon with no escape (and I've done some Google searches that confirm this is a glitch). I hope TT releases a patch soon... :unsure:


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This blog post compelled me to search for "pokewalker" on Google - and holy karzahni, this could be the future of exercise as we know it. At least, it would certainly be a good motivator for videogamers who spend too much time sitting on the couch: "earn extra points and secret items by getting off your butt and taking a walk!" First, however, they have to take the concept and apply it to all Nintendo games - they really need to make a universal model that unlocks stuff in other DS games. Imagine being able to get a special cart in Mario Kart 3DS or a special item in The Legend of Zelda if you walk a few miles. :)

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Same thing happened to me too. It took a few days to come back to life though.


Well, by some miracle, mine worked instantly as though nothing had happened.

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I don't risk it.


My Pokéwalker has been in a plastic baggie since I took it out of the box. I change the bag occasionally, of course, otherwise it gets too wrinkled and I can't see the screen clearly...

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TT games are notorious for having glitches that prevent you from completing the game entirely. We have LEGO Star wars for the DS, and you can't complete it because you can't find all the secret canister things. Not to mention that the final boss just disappears entirely if you walk out of the room...
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TT games are notorious for having glitches that prevent you from completing the game entirely. We have LEGO Star wars for the DS, and you can't complete it because you can't find all the secret canister things. Not to mention that the final boss just disappears entirely if you walk out of the room...

Yes, LEGO Star Wars was just awful, but I had more faith in their console games. I sent them an email and they told me they're working on a solution. Now it's just a matter of time... :(

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I hated the LEGO Indiana Jones 2 glitch where if you lose the torch in the Raiders hub, you can't unlock Toht. I did everything else in the game but unlock that one little man. >.>

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I prefer to attach the Pokewalker to my sock than stick it in my pocket. That way, I can tap my foot all day and accumulate thousands of steps with almost no work. :P
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Aww, now I'm a sad panda because now I know I can't get out of that dragon room. Still, thanks for saying that it is a glitch so I know it's not my fault. I guess all I can do know is start another campaign.


:biorules: Atomic Toa

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TT games are notorious for having glitches that prevent you from completing the game entirely. We have LEGO Star wars for the DS, and you can't complete it because you can't find all the secret canister things. Not to mention that the final boss just disappears entirely if you walk out of the room...

Yes, LEGO Star Wars was just awful, but I had more faith in their console games. I sent them an email and they told me they're working on a solution. Now it's just a matter of time... :(


Tell me about it! Bionicle Heroes was a blast on the GameCube! But what really bothers me though: How the heck can you get away with releasing a game with that many glitches on it!?

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I don't have that game, oh well. I've never heard of a Pokewalker until now, maybe I'll google it sometime. I'm still amazed an electronic device worked through the Laundry, that's a one in a lifetime chance. :)


Kazi out.

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