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True Fans Of Bionicle Club (120 & Final Bump)

Takuma Nuva


FINAL BUMP EDIT: I would like to thank the 100+ people who join(ed) this club that Turakii, Avohkah Tamer, Laughin'Man, and I started. I expected, at the most, maybe 15 people to sign up. To reach a full 100 is mind-staggering. Even though I'm sure we all knew there were plenty of us who still wanted to honor Bionicle this way, it's nice to actually see the evidence. In celebration of this, I will make one last bump to this entry and will begin working on a permanent content block with a full list of names. Of course I will continue to accept more members joining and add them in.


All in all, this kinda gives a person warm, fuzzy, unity-duty-destiny feelings. Thanks a ton, guys.





I'm really not one for forming clubs (sure, I tried it once in the past), but it just seems to me we could use a club like this. Even if nobody joins, it seems worthy of bringing attention to. After discussing it with my "colleagues", we thought we'd go for it.


This club is for the true fans of Bionicle. Obviously the definition of a "true" fan is open to interpretation, but we are quite confident that we've come as close to hitting the nail on the head as anyone could. So we shall explain what we believe a true fan to be.


A true fan isn't blind. A true fan is willing to admit and live with truths that many refuse to accept to the point where they fool themselves.


Bionicle was great, but it wasn't completely void of flaws. If you believe that Bionicle was perfect in every single aspect, I'm sorry but you're wrong. Nothing in this world, no matter how great, is absolutely perfect.


Hero Factory is here to stay. A true fan of Bionicle will accept that. Boycotting Hero Factory and condemning it to the deepest pits of Karzahni won't help anything. What many fail to realize is that, just because you shouldn't hate on Hero Factory doesn't mean you have to embrace and love Hero Factory and name your first-born after it. You can like both Hero Factory and Bionicle if you want to, or you can not.


A true Bionicle fan keeps it alive through discussion and using it as inspiration for creativity. Storming LEGO, sending them threats, and other forms of wanting to force TLC to continue the Bionicle set line is, in a sense, disrespectful to the Bionicle theme we love. To do so is to act like a spoiled child who throws a tantrum the first time they're told, "no".


"Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back." The words of GregF have been quoted to the point where it's almost become stale, but there is a point to be made. GregF wasn't telling us to run Bionicle into the ground with "relentless and unerring" dedication as some seem to think. If you want to know what GregF was saying then take it for what it is. Star Trek fans didn't go nuts for years and years with petitions, raids, boycotts, etc. until it was brought back. They just kept having fun with it same as they always had and that is precisely what did bring it back.


Even if you didn't get the sets towards the end or you've "lost interest and moved on", I'm sure you can agree that Bionicle still had a great run. One doesn't need to worship Bionicle as a religion to be a true fan.


This is what we, the true fans of Bionicle, believe.


EDIT: Because some people seem to be misunderstanding some things, I'd like to add these in...


I'd like to point out that I'm actually not against petitions and the like. In fact, I believe that, at some point, a petition or two might actually do some good. As I said, it's when people go absolutely nuts about it that it's probably not going to do much good. From what I've seen, all these petitions seem to be fueled more by simply RAAAGE and anger than the actual desire to have the sets recontinued. A civilized petition? Yes. A petition formed by people who are all "SEE THIS, LEGO? THIS IS THE NAMES OF 20 PEOPLE WHO ABSOLUTELY LOATHE AND HATE YOU FOR DISCONTINUING BIONICLE, YOU #####!"? I'm gonna go with "no". Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places, but I've yet to see any other kind.


"Hero Factory is here to stay" might have been a poor choice of wording. Of course I don't believe that Hero Factory is going to be "permanent". I just as much expect it to only last so long, unless something drastic develops. I simply meant that sending petitions to restart the Bionicle line, death threats for starting Hero Factory, etc. isn't going to bring Hero Factory to a screeching halt. Even if the community did convince LEGO to recontinue Bionicle sets tomorrow, that doesn't mean they're just gonna drop Hero Factory in an instant. In fact, I'd much sooner expect that if Bionicle came back so soon we'd see the two themes running parallel rather than cancelling Hero Factory just because Bionicle was popular again. So long as Hero Factory is working for LEGO, they aren't likely to cancel it until they feel it's for the best, just as it was with Bionicle I'm sure. Hope this clears that up.



Of course, no club can be without a shnazy banner. Many thanks to Laughin'Man for contributing this while I was piecing things together...








Takuma Nuva


Avohkah Tamer

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

Lady Kopaka


Indeed Master Gorgnak

Kini Hawkeye




Show Them Fury Unleashed

DJ Reidak










Kumata Nuva





Max Justice the Sorceror


Lord Trionx

The Optimist






The Smoke Monster



Spartan Commander KNI


Angel Bob




Lord of Ice

Uber Bunny

Great Spirit's Disciple

Hubertus - Teutonic Knight





Element lord of Milk

Bite My Shiny Metal Armour

*..Awesome Masquerade..*

Nuju Metru



Rising Moon

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

Cheese Dalek


Diamonds Droog


Toa of Dancing





Bitter Cold



Night Fury




Tahu Nuva Unleashed

ROTF Devastator

A Timid Person



The Clue

Titan of Energy

Tylerax Toa of Awesome




TAK the Voyager






Matoro Inika: Toa of Ice

Vamprah The Phantoka

Mysterious Minifig

toa kopaka4372


Nuzar the Pinapoconut

Turaga Zaki

Aquatic Lewa



Kyou Fujibayashi



Endless Sea- Alaki

the last chronicler

Kohrak Kal: Sonic Engineer






Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

leg 'Obrick




Emperor Kragh





Recommended Comments

Every time someone uses the term "true fan" I want to punch them in the face.


All fans of Bionicle are "true" in their own way.

:tohu: Aaaaaaaand we have a critic. I've seen you support hating HF and calling yourself a try fan.


1. What does my dislike of HF have to do with anything?


2. I think you need to lay off the attempts to insult and discredit people who disagree with you.

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2. I think you need to lay off the attempts to insult and discredit people who disagree with you.

I seem to recall a certain someone expressing a desire to punch people who don't agree with them in the face.


How is that any different?


«Takuma Nuva»
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Every time someone uses the term "true fan" I want to punch them in the face.


All fans of Bionicle are "true" in their own way.

I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously when you have that Greg quote AND that awful, completely-inaccurate music statistic in your signature.


not to mention the laughably biased third quote there..

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If the current count of members is, in fact, 39, then make it 40: I'd love to join.


That banner is totally going in my signature.


~ BioGaia

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I'm in. Unlike other clubs which are just "bring back Bionicle and hate HF," this one actually acknowledges the fact that you shouldn't hate HF so Bionicle can come back. Thumbs up, buddy! :happydance: However, I still don't get the purpose of this.
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However, I still don't get the purpose of this.

This club was essentially made in response to all the "BRING BACK BIONICLE!!1!" and "HERO FACTORY SUCKS!11!" clubs that have been started recently. I had engaged in a few somewhat heated discussions with members of such clubs, and published a couple entries directed toward them, and eventually discussed them with Takuma and several others. Takuma had the fantastic idea to start this club in response.

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However, I still don't get the purpose of this.

When this club was founded by myself, Laughin'Man, Avohkah Tamer, and Turakii, there were numerous reasons we wanted this and they weren't necessarilly all mutually shared ideas, but the bottom line is we all agreed it was worth doing.


We're not forming a club for the purpose of organizing some sort of petition or movement or what-have-you. It's mostly just a way of stating that you feel the same about Bionicle as so many of us do and seeing that there are in fact a number of level-headed Bionicle fans. The sheer number of people who've joined in the short time this club has been up proves that.


«Takuma Nuva»
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Well said, no one thing can escape flaws, but it's the pros we remember.


Although the flaws do make for some good laughs. :D


Pi-Pi-Pi-Piraka! :P


Sign me up!



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I would absolutely love to join your club, as I agree whole-heartedly with all you say here.


And in hopes that it means something to you, here's my approval:


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Takuma Nuva, you are officially the best person EVER.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, and I would like to join this. Banner is awesome, BTW, I'm totally gonna use it.


*Rushes off to make an approval seal*




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At first I thought this was going to be bashing on HF. I'm glad I clicked the banner to this. I totally agree with what you've said. I'd definately love to join. :)



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