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BioniLUG Members Premier Members Year 09


About jed1ndy

  • Birthday 11/05/1999

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    Maryland, USA
  • Interests
    BIONICLE and other LEGO products, 8-bit video games (whether old or new), music in general, my other personal interests

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  1. LEGO is really putting their all into this theme (or at the least, this first wave), and it really shows. Every single set looks like they put as much time and detail into it as they do their LEGO movie themes, and I'm really excited to see where this theme goes. I do think the prices are not great, though. I do think they're justified for most of the sets; in fact, I think the Monkey King Warrior Mech looks above the price point they have it listed at, but the fact there are no real cheap sets is disappointing. I hope in future waves they have some more $15 or $20 sets, since I really like the look of this theme so far. Also, another interesting thing to note is that, comparatively, these sets are actually more expensive in China than they are here. The White Dragon Horse Bike is $34.99 in the US, but in China, the price is ¥299, or about $42.10 converted to USD. The Monkie Kid's Team Secret HQ set is $169.99 in the US, but again, in China, the price is ¥1599, or about $225.14 USD straight-converted.
  2. Based on what he's said, I don't think there actually has been any talks yet. Today was "the first day of the journey," and from what I can tell, he was supposed to have the first meetings with other people a couple of days before today, but these were cancelled due to coronavirus. I could be wrong about that, though. Also, the hashtag "#14B2020" literally means "One (Faber) for BIONICLE (or something like it) in 2020" EDIT: The goal of the hashtag was more to be a self-imposed deadline to create the pitch(es) rather than the release of something more final.
  3. He's currently live-streaming on Instagram. It can only be viewed on the app.
  4. will erihapeti finally visit elittra also did i spell it right Nope, she died. But, you did spell her name correctly.
  5. I would like to join Onu-Koro, like last season.
  6. Actually, Lucina's opening up sign ups for special characters mid-game. You can still sign up for one of these spots.
  7. [obligatory buffer post 2]
  8. [obligatory buffer post 1]
  9. If you want to, you'd probably be fine. In that case, PM sent!
  10. I think that players having multiple characters, while potentially being "overpowered," are a good way to fill up space if it looks like the game won't fill. Also, most of the steps your taking should mitigate most of the potentially unfair advantages a player could get from running two characters. While I want to run another character, considering you've been hyping up my antics since before signups even began, I don't think I'll be able to.
  11. It's not a problem at all! Smaller versions have been added to the Imgur gallery.
  12. I've made some new regional banners for this season. In concept, they are supposed to be "flags" of sorts for each of the regions. Let me know what you think of them, or if you would like anything changed! An imgur gallery for all the individual banners can be accessed here. Additionally, I have posted a Dropbox link in the discord for all the banners, including the full-size and "clean" (untextured) versions.
  13. Well, this was certainly earlier than I expected! I would like to reprise my roll.
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