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  2. Some of the parts where change so that they could print easily .
  3. Yesterday
  4. Honestly echoes my feelings when I drew them lol. Anyway, here's the latest batch, featuring some medium experimentation, the first MOC request and some absolute BANGERS. Enjoy!
  5. Another excellent chapter. Widrek did not stand out too much as a character to me before, but seeing what has happened to him is creepy and I love the unsettling mystery vibes in this chapter.
  6. http://www.bzpower.info/Imaging/stories/2024/06/06-16-2024-Vigilance.jpg Our Bio-Cup 2024 Preliminary Round coverage continues! Lots of builders chose to create some very alien designs to fit the Space theme. From diplomates to Andalites to Sneakerheads to beings with colorful glowing limbs, there's a lot of variety of species out in the great beyond. Which one would you want to meet?View the full article
  7. Chapter 8 – Truth From the notes of Chronicler Crisda. Few beings have had one-on-one audiences with Makuta Vhel, and each of them has come back changed. Even now, the Turaga don’t understand how or why. There is no sign of Infection on their masks, no evidence of meddling in their minds, and yet they are changed. What truth lurks in the Makuta’s memory that can warp a being so completely? Rost became joyous and jubilant. Dhozoh became more dour and withdrawn. Maliss became cold and cruel. Tuxar now consider himself to be a god. Widrek too, returned a different man to who he was when he departed. * * * Pira “How’re you holding up?” Savnu appeared at Pira’s side, making her jump slightly. “I appreciate the check-in, but I’m not one of your brood,” Pira said, waving her hand and summoning a brief breeze to dispel the dust that had been kicked up by Savnu’s Kakama-assisted arrival, “You don’t need to Mother me.” Savnu had been blurring about the crowd since Widrek had disappeared, speaking with some of the other Xian Toa. Ever since they’d transformed she’d taken full responsibility for them, overseeing their care and training. Due to her affectionate attitude and role in their creation, many of them had taken to calling her Mother, rather than Sister. Though Pira hadn’t been one of those transformed by Savnu’s Toa Stone gambit, she was the only other Matoran from Xia to have been turned into a Toa, so she’d often been lumped in with Savnu’s four surviving charges. While she didn’t mind having someone looking out for her, she wasn’t so big on the touchy-feely stuff. “Noted. But while I’m here…?” “Nothing.” “Nothing?” “I’m worried about him. Is that what you want to hear?” She blurted out, “Widrek hates my guts, and I’m still worried about him.” “He’s your Brother Toa. Our strength comes from our ability to set aside our squabbles and stand together when it matters. It’s only natural to feel as you do.” “Natural? What’s natural about any of this?” Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed stares being directed her way by others in the crowd. Before she could send some scathing remark towards the gawkers, Savnu suddenly wrapped her in an embrace, and after a brief blur they were both standing behind the transport, out of sight and earshot from the crowd. “Sorry about that. People are worried enough as is. Let’s not make it any worse,” Savnu said, letting her go. “You were saying?” “I don’t know what I’m saying. I don’t know what to say to any of this!” “For what it’s worth, you’re far from the only one feeling this way. We’re at the mercy of a situation we still don’t understand. I feel just as helpless as you do right now.” “You don’t show it.” “It wouldn’t help.” “So… what? You just shut off your feelings and pretend everything doesn’t suck?” “Nah, that’s Icthilos’ job. The sad truth of our universe is that sometimes bad things have to happen for good things to follow. The forest has to burn for new life to take root in the ashes.” “I’ve never been one for metaphors. You got anything more tangible?” “I keep faith in the Three Virtues. The world may have changed, but our Duty hasn’t. The fact that we’re all still here means our Destinies still lie ahead.” “Maybe you missed the news, but the Great Spirit is dead, and so is his evil replacement. I’m pretty sure Destiny died with them.” “How do you explain your own transformation, then? Or those of the other Matoran and Toa who changed after the Great Spirit seemingly perished?” “Dumb luck. Happens a lot to me. I still haven’t decided if it’s good or bad.” “It sounds like you and I believe in the same thing. Just with different names.” The only response Pira could bring herself to offer was an ambiguous grunt. She wanted to believe there was some plan or purpose to her transformation, to everything that was happening, but all facts were to the contrary, and blind faith had never come easily to her. “Perhaps the Great Spirit isn’t as dead as he seems,” Savnu said, “Or maybe, our Destinies are decided by some Greater Being beyond the confines of this universe. Maybe concepts like Luck and Destiny are just words we use to assign meaning to random chance.” “Or maybe it’s all meaningless. Maybe-” On the other side of the transport, the crowd stirred and murmured as a sound like a whirlwind swept across the arena. “-maybe we should go see what that’s about,” Pira finished. In a blink, Savnu had brought her back around to join the rest of the crowd. Widrek had reappeared, and now stood in the box platform alongside Turaga Rost and the other three Toa. He still looked like himself, with no sign of Infection on his mask, but when he spoke, there was a fanatical glee in his usually-sombre voice that made him seem an entirely different man. “My friends… I have spoken with the Makuta, shared in his memories, and he has shown me the error of our ways,” Widrek proclaimed, gesturing grandly as he spoke, “For too long, we have called ourselves the chosen people, placed our faith and praise upon a being who saw us as nothing more than cogs in his machine.” Pira felt something twist inside her. The Widrek she’d spoken to this morning was gone. “I have seen the truth,” Widrek pointed at his mask, “And I tell it to you now. The Great Spirit is not dead, but exiled, trapped within the Mask Of Life and banished into the void beyond our universe. Without him, this machine we live in is breaking down, and only the labours of the Matoran can keep this universe alive until he can be recovered.” Pira exchanged a glance with Savnu; the taller Toa’s expression indicated that she shared Pira’s scepticism, but there was also a grim kind of acceptance in her eyes. Pira understood why. Widrek – or whoever was putting words in his mouth – had just given all of the believers in the crowd cause to hope, preying on their faith to dissuade them from interfering with the new world order. His unspoken threat was a powerful one: any disruption to the daily work of the Matoran – such as the attempt to overthrow the Makuta’s rule that many of the Toa had no-doubt already been considering – could ruin any hope for the future. “So, is this Destiny’s design?” She asked Savnu, her tone bitter. “I hope not.” * * * Icthilos Any doubt he might have had about something nefarious unfolding behind the scenes had been swiftly dispelled by Widrek’s impassioned speech. He’d been gone less than a half-hour and his entire demeanour was different. “What are we going to do about this?” Trina asked him, speaking softly. “And don’t you dare say nothing.” “Nothing, for now,” he replied, not looking away from Widrek. “Round up a few Toa we trust, ones on the less… spiritual side. Get them to chat up as many of the local Matoran and Turaga as they can. We need a clear picture of what’s really going on in this city.” “What about you?” “I’m going to talk to the Chronicler. I figure he’ll either be the voice of free speech around here, or the propaganda orator for the new order. Either way, I’m sure I’ll learn something from him.” “What about Mal?” Icthilos’ gaze shifted from Widrek to the Fe-Toa standing behind him. The Brother that Icthilos had known was nearly unrecognisable; beyond his new prosthetic arm, his whole build was different, with a stooped posture and gangly proportions, enhanced all over with mechanical components, encased in jagged armour. The only consistent detail was the familiar, Kualsi-esque shape of the Mask Of Shadow Travel he wore. It had been nearly a year since he’d seen his brother, and time had clearly taken its toll on both of them. “If we go over there to him, he’s just going to toe the line, whether he’s bought in or not,” Icthilos said, “I think we need to wait for him to come to us, and hope he’s still himself.” “And if he’s not?” “We’ll find a way to help him. To help all of them.”
  8. Last week
  9. http://www.bzpower.info/Imaging/stories/2024/06/06-15-2024-StarFinder.jpg We return for more Bio-Cup 2024 Preliminary Round coverage. One of the first ideas that pops up when you think about Space is spaceship, from exploration vessels to battle cruisers to resource gatherers. There were a lot of cool designs entered this year; read on to check them out.View the full article
  10. xccj

    Fourfold of Fate

    Hello, I'm planning to run a space-themed Bionicle RPG on Discord, and I'm looking for some additional players. If you're interested, let me know and I can send you an invite to the Discord server. 200 years ago, the Spaceship Artakan crashed into the desolate planet of Omega, stranding a population of Agori settlers. Even worse, when they woke up from their cryo-sleep, a malfunction caused them to suffer amnesia, forgetting their mission and their past. With no hope of rescue, they struggled to build a new settlement in the narrow Twilight Band, the only habitable zone of the planet. Currently, their population has grown, but there is unrest between factions of the Agori, and strange earthquakes continue to threaten their new home. A class of recently graduated students now have a chance to further explore their world, to uncover the mysteries of their past and the strange planet around them. This is… Fourfold of Fate: Legacy of the Starship Artakan. Players will play Agori teenagers, recently graduated and ready to explore and put their talents to use. Players will have access to different mask powers, pets, and eventually all sorts of new tools and weapons, as they uncover mysteries, solve puzzles, and take part in occasional combat encounters. There will be four different routes the players can participate in. Underwater Exploration: Professor Sufina Blanca has taken an interest in the unexplored ocean beneath the icecap on the Cold Side. She desires to lead a team with a submersible to explore the depths and search for signs of life. This will feature Exploration, Puzzle Solving, and Teamwork. Underground Adventure: Eccentric technologist Fabarar DeepWood has discovered a radio signal that seems to originate south of the mountains. He wishes to travel beneath the mountains through the mines of Naxos to discover the source, in addition to scouting for new minerals and energy crystals to mine. This will feature Vehicular Operations, Technology, and Exploration. Investigating the Maze: Esteemed Adventurer Huaju Dolostone wishes to map out a route through the rugged canyons of the Maze to reach the other side of the planet, so they can further explore for more resources. This will feature Combat, Teamwork, and Diplomacy. Conspiracies and Politics: A lower class radical Eztli Aodh is seeking societal change, hoping to unearth conspiracies to turn the public against the ruling Orchids. She wants to lead a team to the wreckage of the Artakan and dig into the past. This will feature Politics, Investigation, and Espionage. More details can be found in the Intro Game Documentation. Hope to see you there!
  11. Probably the biggest LEGO specials are the Star Wars ones, which are already on Disney+ and I doubt Disney would be interested in changing that anytime soon. Same goes for the theatrical LEGO movies, they're probably on whatever platforms their distributors run. The BIONICLE movies are currently free on YouTube and at this point, everyone who wants to watch them legitimately (like me) probably already has them on DVD. They're just four movies less than 90 minutes each, so it would be a lot of investment for a comparatively small runtime of content. I find it kind of hilarious that this is how you end your LEGO streaming pitch. You are the single biggest Hero Factory fan I have ever encountered; if you are not willing to actually pay money for the HF specials in high quality, I doubt anybody is. I'm in the same boat, everything I watch are mostly DVDs or pirated.
  12. They are very cute. I love them.
  13. They do have a ton of content that could make for some fun binge-watching sessions. I mean, who wouldn't want to revisit the Bionicle movies and the Hero Factory TV show?
  14. http://www.bzpower.info/Imaging/stories/2024/06/06-14-2024-SpaceCat.jpg It's about time we posted our coverage of the Bio-Cup 2024 Preliminary Round! The theme to build for was Space, and today we'll look at some of the MOCs that celebrated Astronauts and Explorers. Whether they're meeting new extraterrestrial friends or fighting unspeakable, tentacle horrors, or just floating through space, they're the one's venturing out into the final frontier. Let us know which one was your favorite!View the full article
  15. does lego really understand games? lego footnote is nothing close to the original game, and all of the 'lego games' play almost exactly the same
  16. I remember bionicle. sweet, sweet bionicle...

    I always HATED it!

  17. This was a beautiful art piece, both the model itself and the video. Your humor and timing are impeccable.
  18. Recently at the Summer Game Fest 2024, Guerrilla Games and The LEGO Group announced a new collaboration and revealed the LEGO Horizon Adventures Cinematic Trailer! The game appears to be a retelling of the original Horizon Zero Dawn with a humorous LEGO take on it. Players take the reins of Aloy and will hunt Thunder Jaws, craft a base, and more. The game will be playable on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Windows this winter. What do you think of this partnership moving beyond a LEGO set into digital bricks?View the full article
  19. This is amazing! The Kini-Nui and Lewa model both look great. I appreciate the time you put into both the models and the video, which also turned out wonderfully. I'll be keeping an eye on your YouTube channel.
  20. Flock Step The birds from "Flock Step", one of the many minigames of Rhythm Heaven Fever. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the game 30/04/24
  21. Oh wow, that is IMPRESSIVE! I always enjoy a crafting video like this, and that Kini-Nui turned out looking so epic; really nice work Especially love how you made it look so worn down and authentic. The video on the whole was a lot of fun as well; I enjoyed the appropriate cut-ins from Bionicle media, and your sense of humour there in general gave me a good laugh ^^ I don't know if you have any more Bionicle dioramas planned, but I'll be excited to see them if so!
  22. https://youtu.be/meLGyvRkcYU?si=DTZRQf0zru5kO4Ve I made a 28mm scale Kini-Nui and documented my process!
  23. Absolutely killer collection! I’m pretty happy with my smaller collection, but seeing this definitely makes me somewhat wish I hadn’t traded some of the other prototypes and collectibles I’ve had. Oh well! It’s pretty fun looking through everything you have- I was honestly surprised to see so much of the super rare stuff, I don’t know if you’ve shared much or any of it prior, but if you have I must’ve missed it.
  24. They all look so cute!! I love all of the drawings 🥺 I wish lego actually made matoran plushies so I could have a beanie Macku to decorate my bed with
  25. A most well-earned brag. I can only hope to one day have such a bragworthy collection.
  26. Earlier
  27. Finally finished my collection! Took about 4 years. Cost about ~$15,000 as I started after 2020 when the prices spiked. A terrible decision? Perhaps. But I was bored. I've had it appraised and insured. Do you know how hard it is to find someone who can appraise this who also can drive to come see it? I'm not going to caption each image for this forum since you guys know what stuff is. Thank you to the regular users of this forum who got me started and put up with my dumbass questions. I think the "rares" topic is what finally got me to pull the trigger on starting this. Bionicle wouldn't be what it is today without you all. DM me if you're selling something I don't have. SDCC Kanoka, Kanohi prototypes, 3-color Kraata, and the like. I'll gladly kill or be killed for a white huna. The masks cost more but the Kraata are the component I'm most proud of. Took years to find all the random ones. Plus, I got both colors of orange! Nobody else seems to collect these even though they are distinctly different. No sane person should start a Kraata collection right now. Wait until bulk lots show back up on Ebay. My bad on making those disappear. I have 3 Kaukau's with bubble cheeks. I've heard they come in 5 colors. It'd be cool to get the others but it's so pedantic I don't care much. Also I'm going to fix that guide I wrote with about 25 factual corrections I got from you guys and FB. Plus better charts. However work has turned into a nightmare in the short-term so it will have to wait. Ty all for the info. It will, eventually, be finished.
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