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  1. Hey, folks. I thought I pop in today to mention that I beat Trials and Tribulations in Ace Attorney series yesterday! I think played it for like eight hours yesterday and I ended up being so engrossed with it that I stay up to two in the morning to beat it. XD So yeah, I was really hook on this game and I am already itching to play Apollo Justice (Which I am probably going start as soon as I done writing this entry.). And of course, now I don't know what else to say here, especially considering I just load the title screen of Apollo Justice on my 3DS right now. XD Well, I guess I can give you my general opinions of this series. Although I guess it is given that I greatly enjoy and have a lot of fun playing these games, I mean I do kind of blow up on Twitter whenever I am playing one of them (I try avoid posting spoilers on the games there, so its mostly just me sharing a quote from the game that I thought was funny and some occasionally thoughts on a case here and there). XD Hm...If I had rank the games that I played so far, I think I would rank them as follows: - Trials and Tribulations: Okay, this is probably not surprising really as I have played this one more recently. But well, I enjoyed a lot cases in this one, especially the final one (Which might just be my favorite of the entire series so far.). It also has cases where you play as Mia Fey (Who I honestly would love see get her own Ace Attorney series.). And of course, Prosecutor Godot is in this and I rather like him (Although I wouldn't go so far as to claim he is my favorite Prosecutor as that spot still kind of taken by Edgeworth as well, I played three games where he has appeared and I have seen him grow into one of best Prosecutor in the game series [i say this because his interest has always been on getting justice. Not just beating Phoenix as some Prosecutors seem so dead set on.]). It also did a great job of tying the three games together, which I rather liked. Although I am annoyed that the seen to have forgotten that a certain prosecutor was planning to return a certain piece of evidence to Phoenix the next time they met (REF: This loose thread is from the ending of the second game.). But well, that's just a tiny detail really, so it doesn't hurt me liking this game. Oh, and the music is pretty great! - Justice For All: Again, this might be a case of I played this more recently than the first game really. Still though, I feel like it improved the game with the cool new feature, "Psyche-Lock". Miss von Karma also a pretty cool prosecutor. Oh, and my favorite case in this one was the last one. Hm...If I had to say anything negative about this game, its that it only four cases rather than five cases. - Ace Attorney: Eh...There is not much to say here (I say this because it has been a few months since I played this one.), beside that while I do like original game, I feel like its sequels did a good job improving on the format set up here. That and well, Edgeworth plays a big part in this game and he is well, my favorite prosecutor. Oh, cases 4 & 5 were my favorites in this one. Alright, I think I ramble enough here about the Ace Attorney series. Apologizes if this was boring for you folks. I hope you all have a great day today and thank you for taking the time to read this. Talk to you later, BZPers. *clicks start on 3DS* - JMJ 2014
    1 point
  2. Today's emotions have actually just been good. And to express my happiness I couldn't think of anything more fitting than an image of David Bowie majestically playing a guitar during sunset.
    1 point
  3. I regret nothing Except not mentioning teh mudkipz
    1 point
  4. Why would you avoid downtown on Saturday nights? I hear it's alright for fighting.
    1 point
  5. I don't have very many black and grey pieces but I'll try next time!
    1 point
  6. If you’re someone who remembers BZPower back before the archive deletion and downtimes (I confess, I’m getting murky) and roughly prior to '08-'09, you might know me as a different person. I mostly lurked 'round this little forum called Artwork II, which was the place where all the shops and "sprite kits" were safely hidden from the world. Back then, most of my contribution to BZP came in the form of pixel art. Yeah, it was a different time. Well, I haven’t done any pixel art for quite a while—nothing worth posting, at least. Even so, I get the hankering every now and then. And in fact, for a long time I’ve been wanting to start something long-term: a project to fiddle with in my spare time. Pixel art is quite cathartic, I find, and it’s actually a great stress-reliever. Go figure. Unfortunately I haven’t really had that much spare time lately. That is, until last week. It was spring break...for students, at least. =P Even so, in between the grading, I did find a few moments to get creative: The project is a roughly to-scale isometric map of the island of Mata Nui; 1 pixel = ~.25 kio (these images are at about x3 magnification). I find landscapes to be very enjoyable to do, and isometric pixeling suits that pretty well. The images above should be kinda familiar: the Mangai Volcano and the southern tip of the island coast. This is only a few hours’ work, so it’s absurdly rough, but you should get the general idea. So yeah, the plan is to keep messing around with it, and maybe post some updates as things progress. I confess, even now I’m still pretty much an amateur at this, but I hope I can do it justice. =P JRRT
    1 point
  7. I dunno, I'd be less interested in getting that Spider-Man set for Electro and more interested in getting it for his parts—specifically, all that luscious lightning in such a small set.
    1 point
  8. I didn't have any but if I did I would have included them.
    1 point
  9. For some reason when I read the title I thought this entry would be about food. Anyway, yeah it looks cool enough; although I kind of wish that it had bigger flames.
    1 point
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