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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2014 in all areas

  1. So I totes forgot about my 11 year BZPniversary on the 2nd of April. To be fair, it does kinda feel I've been drifting away from the site for a while now. Still, 11 years. Quite a long time. In those years, I've experienced happiness, sadness, suicidal depression... Then music attuned my ears to the grinding gears and I started to live again and even re-learned how to love. Ups, downs, ups, downs. Now things keep going up. Here's a cheer for another year. Also, ponies.
    1 point
  2. So I've been missing my blue bohrok feet for yeeaaarrs and my Gahlok has been sitting on my shelf all this time with replacement black feet, and I'm so freaking excited 'cause I'd given up hope a while ago. Now it looks beautiful again I'm gonna have to thank the SBC Contest for that, since I was digging through every single bin and bag and LEGO in the house for the last two or three days while building. It's like, this really weird idea that I had as soon as the contest was announced and I'm glad that I've actually been able to build it, considering I haven't built anything in System for like... years probably. It's an elephant with long thin dangling legs based on Salvador Dali's The Elephants (this), but with also a long sort of giraffe neck, and a big ol' propeller on its butt like Karlson (foreign children's story/cartoon, this), but it's more like big helicopter blades. I gave it a sort of mix of diesel-punk and surreal flair, and it's all tan and dark grey, with some light grey too. It's SUPER HEAVY and I built the elephant head SUPER COMPLICATED, so it comes apart if all 3 or 4 major areas of connection aren't locked in place, and the ears pop off a lot, but it's nothing too bad. The legs are really thin and delicate so I have more trouble with those, and at this point I took em off and will attach em last. Cause I can't suspend it on string for the contest, I had to make ginormous stands for it to keep it up, and my only peeve with those is that it'll interfere with seeing the dangling legs fully since it'll prolly obscure one of the back legs, but, oh well I'll work it out. I'm really happy with how it's coming out All I have left is to finish building the front and top of the body, stick on the propeller, and mount it on the stands and pray it doesn't break. I had a nightmare last night about bullies completely demolishing my MOC while I was on the bus, since apparently I had to take a bus to bring the MOC to a physical location for the contest I guess. I woke up super angry, I think they also stole my ipod? It was a long complicated dream but yeah, that's how worried I am about this thing breaking I also saw Captain America! It was INSANE oh my god, this movie changes EVERYTHING. EVERYTHIIINNNNG. I have no idea how it's gonna affect Agents of SHIELD because WOW UM how is this gonna work but yeah, blew my FREAKING MIND. The part where Cap'n Merica and that other character go into that elevator and see the things and then that character explains the entire conspiracy? I still haven't gotten over that. Terrifying. Oh! And Passover stuff starts tomorrow (and I'm working) so I prolly won't be online as often as I usually am tomorrow and most of the week. Wishing a good Passover to any o y'all who observe it, and I think Good Friday is this week too, so, sweet, wishing a good Good Friday to any o y'all who observe that ^^ (Am I missing anything? Arbor Day! That's like usually in the last week of April and changes depending where you live, so happy preemptive Arbor Day everyone! )
    1 point
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