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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Your avatars are always so cool. =o

    1. Ezorov


      Thanks, bro. C: I love yours as well!

    2. Grant-Sud
  2. The fact that you will not be in the Epic's portion of the Library Olympics... is saddening. :(

    1. Legolover-361
    2. Aderia


      I know, tell me about it! I think I feel a sniffle coming on.

  3. ^_^
    1. Grantaire


      What does the Grant in the sky grant?

    2. Grant-Sud


      Sup bro, it's a name off of Pink Floyd's song, The Great Gig in the Sky. Go check it out!

  4. *Notices reviews and promises of future reviews*

    1. Grant-Sud
    2. Aderia


      *notices comment on profile and decides to comment back*

  5. Suuup brother. ^^

    1. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      Nawmuch buddy. How are you?

    2. Grant-Sud


      I'm doing pretty good. Just gettin some writing done as usual.

  6. Just wanted to say it's a shame we don't get to work together in the Epic Contest :( Happy writing though!

    1. Grant-Sud


      Oh... Oh SNAP we do! We totally do get to work together in the CoT, YEAH! :D

    2. Legolover-361


      We shall rule the Epics competition with an iron fist and number two pencil. >=D

  7. "You look sad. When you think, he can't see you. Are you okay? And don't just say you are, because I know what it means - looking sad, when you think nobody can see you."

    1. GSR


      "You can see me."

      "I don't count."

    2. Grant-Sud


      "You’re wrong, you know. You do count. You’ve always counted and I’ve always trusted you. But you were right. I’m not okay."

  8. Just giving you all my looooooove!

  9. I was on your blog and started reading through your music... At first, I'm like, "Okay... don't know... don't know them either..." you know besides the Beatles and stuff, I'm more into the classic rock group, you know? But then, DUDE, I was like, "Wait, what's that second to last one?" I read Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts, and was all, YEAAAAAH!

    1. Little Miss Krahka

      Little Miss Krahka

      Good, so my music is obscure enough to maintain my hipster cred! And YES YOKO KANNO YES

    2. Papa Vinc

      Papa Vinc

      Who's more obscure: Yoko Kanno or The Pillows?

  10. Yes, i really enjoyed your story. :)

    1. GSR


      Glad to hear it! I always figure that writing for yourself is all well and good, but if you're going to put something out in public, you should hope people enjoy it, so I'm always happy when people do.

    2. Grant-Sud


      Agree man. Writing is a wonderful art, so if you publish it, hopefully others get the meaning and it opens them up to new ideas.

  11. I'm not taking a shower today. Why? I don't care.

    1. bioniclehero01


      That's what I've been smelling around the forums then.

    2. Grant-Sud
  12. Going through my friend list and was thinking to myself, "Endoshine... who's this guy?" Glad I double checked. :B

    1. Kraahlix
    2. Grant-Sud


      Kraahlix my main bro! Be back in a few days man, on a trip right now. Really really nice to see you back and hope you had a great time!

  13. So you got both Eponine and Ezorov as your friends, but not good ol GS. I see how it is!

  14. ...Harry Chapin? : D

  15. Wow man I haven't seen you in a forever! =D

    1. LewaLew


      Yeah, been busy for a while.

  16. "So as long as you always maintain a sense of exploration, you will someday find the way out. This is my hope."

    1. Chols


      And I never needed the map. I am the best explorer.

  17. Anna is the best!

  18. I know I have the deadline coming up in a few days, will have the story done by then! Just letting you know. =D

    1. Velox


      Sweet! Look forward to them. ^_^

  19. Metroid Prime IS secretly the best game ever. lol

  20. San Juan is an amazing place to visit. And it's better with family to show you around.

  21. I got to get Second Chance done. :,(

    1. Zox Tomana

      Zox Tomana

      Yes, yes you do =P

  22. Derp. Wolf pack. :3

  23. Hey what's up Nup? =D

    1. Nuparu1995


      Cise!! :D Well, it's summer, so that's cool. I'm less busy, and I've gotten back onto BZP. Yayz! ^^ You?

  24. Just going to say that the fact that Cenotaphs got on the main page is awesome. You're a great writer and anyone who reads this, should read that epic. I haven't myself yet (lol) but will soon! =D

    1. Cederak


      Thanks, Quote, I really appreciate the kind words. =)

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