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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Ah... Big O. Nice.

  2. Alright I've started. Hope you like. =)

  3. Alright long list of Interests you have there, but I just wanted to say: You love Metroid Prime Trilogy and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. That is pure win. ;)

  4. Alright. XD Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.

  5. Also, (how did I forget this?) if you want to learn more about Bionicle, you can find any info you want there.

  6. Also, the Short Story Awards, I thought was a great idea. The main reason because, now we'll get a much a broader range of stories that could be overlooked you know? Example, when you post a story, I go read it. But if someone else posted just as good a story, I probably won't read it because I don't know the guy. :/ Sad but true you know? So nice job of bringing authors together.

  7. Also... well. Whenever you have time, and you don't have to at all. I really don't mind. But, I have one epic called, the Fallen Legacy. If you get a chance, look over it? :3 I wrote it when I was younger so it's not as good as my currents, but still.

  8. Anna is the best!

  9. Anthology Science Fiction Go!

  10. Biosector01, it's a wiki for Bionicle. (Run by Swert) It's pretty cool and where I usually work. It's a sister site for BZP. Check it out. =)

  11. Can't write this story ending V_V

    1. Naina


      What happened? D:

    2. Grant-Sud


      I'm going to finish it, I'm just rushing it! D:

    3. Naina


      Send me the link when you're done. ^_^


    1. Aderia


      Just give them a chance, people! They're not all out to use you, I -promise-!

    2. Naina


      And so children, even people who package store products all day long can be redeemed. Truly, there are no limits to the power of forgiveness and love. :)

    3. Grant-Sud
  13. Changed my name to Grant-Sud Rises =D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      This IS totally awkward. Both of you get off!

    3. Naina


      He's so cute when he's embarrassed. :P

    4. Peach 00

      Peach 00

      Agreed, he is adorable when he's embarrassed. :3

  14. Chp 9 is up. I think it's kind of bad though. :( Your character is awesome and the next chap will be awesome.

  15. Comments for the win and you read my story thank you... ;_;

  16. Cough* cough* Chp 8 is out my friend. You likey? ;)

  17. Derp. Wolf pack. :3

  18. Don't care what you say: Your my buddy and I've added you to my friend list. (So...YOU DO THE SAME NAOO!!!)

    Also, did you happen to check out the new LOST? :D

  19. Don't worry dude. The Grant is here.

  20. Don't worry i've given you your name back!

  21. DOOD!!! Sup?! :D

    Be my friend NAO!

  22. Double ClawShot whaaa? D: I'm not that far! Anyway, I love the Chain and Ball, the Clawshot, and the regular Bow and Arrow. I'm not a big fan of the boomerang mainly because I don't see much use with it. TP is amazing I completely agree. Yeah I love that song too. That's why I'm learning to play it. How about Link vs Ganon? Can't wait for that eventual confrontation. (I

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