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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Wait you have Treize Khushrenada as your avatar? SWEET

    1. Janus


      Heck yes, Treize is the best ever. (Also I had no idea what this profile feed thing is until now. Sorry)

  2. The Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack is awesome, what's wrong with you reviewers!

  3. Whoo, ok good. That's great news. I never doubted you for a second. ;)

    Yeah TNU leaving was a major bummer. Same for BC. He's out too...

  4. "All the very best of us, string ourselves up for love."

  5. Mmmhmm, I woved Flying Mario. :3 That rocked.

  6. Thanks man. =)

  7. Just to say. The Lion King is the greatest Animated movie of all time. Nice name. =)

  8. xD Hey thanks a ton. Yeah always seem to forget about that. :/ I'll be sure to correct it and thank you for reviewing my stories. =D

  9. No that's fine. :P Sounds fun. TP is amazing. I personally didn't enjoy the Sand Temple's boss. And i didn't like Ice's either. (just the bosses not the levels) Scary Ice boss. /uploads/emoticons/default_sad.png" /> But I did really like the Water boss. That one was awesome. And the temple of time was great. So much fun.

  10. *Cough cough* Dude... I'm gonna need some help with the RPG. >>

  11. Looks nice no? XD

  12. lol what's up man?

  13. No prob. XD I'll join you.

  14. "You know there's one thing, that gets us, together... it's gonna keep us together now, now, now, now!"

  15. I will. Your stuff is awesome. :) Thxkbi see you around.

  16. Wow Banjo Kazooe was awesome! ^_^ I never beat it though. Couldn't beat the witch. ;_; I loved that game, Donkey Kong, Mario 64, Star Fox 64 and Ocarina of Time the most. :) Wow. Wall-e. One of the best animated movies ever. You like?

  17. Lol no prob man.

  18. lol I'm sure we'll talk about this later, but it's all good man.

  19. Well it means a lot and thanks again. :)

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