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Status Updates posted by BenLuke

  1. It was a dark and stormy night . . .

  2. It's cool having a fresh character in the BZPRPG to play around with.

  3. J-red! you have acount here to?

    I'm BenLuke10 on the Lu creation Labs.

  4. Just finished reading the third Mistborn book last night.

    1. BenLuke



  5. Life is too important to take seriously.

    1. Havelock Vetinari

      Havelock Vetinari

      Except if your chasing a criminal. Right? :P

    2. BenLuke


      Of course!


      Curse that Jean Valjean!

  6. LIMES! :[

    1. sunflower


      i know


      i am ashamed

  7. Listening to Bach.

  8. Local second-run theaters are awesome.

  9. Medieval Latin > Roman Latin

  10. Merry Christmas, folks!

    1. BULiK


      Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

  11. My liege, and madam, to expostulate What majesty should be, what duty is, What day is day, night night, and time is time, Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time; Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.

  12. My new laptop is great.

  13. My new laptop is great.

  14. Mythbusters

    1. Elrond of Rivendell

      Elrond of Rivendell

      Yay, one of my favorite shows! Do you like unchained reactions?

    2. JiMing
    3. Simulacrum


      Ah, Adam and Jamie. Science and Explosions.

  15. New character done. Awaiting BZPRPG staff approval.

  16. New name.

    1. They


      Yes. It is new. Most ingenius.

  17. Noooo, not Beardless Riker! XD

  18. Nui-Rama Hive Assault: Completed!

  19. Oh cool, new spinny.

  20. One more day to revolution / We will nip it in the bud / We'll be ready for these schoolboys / They will wet themselves with blood!

    1. Aderia


      It's the police!/Disappear!/Run for it!/It's Javert!!

    2. BenLuke


      Another brawl in the square/Another stink in the air!/Was there a witness to this?/Well, let him speak to Javert!

  21. Playing the BZPRPG.

    1. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      As am I, it is good to have it back.

  22. Playing the BZPRPG

  23. Playing the BZPRPG

  24. Portal 2 = Beaten

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