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Status Updates posted by Cambion

  1. Can you PM me a pic of your costume?

  2. Change that username back, dude. :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hey it's felix

      hey it's felix

      Oh brilliant, we've got our good ol' pal Lord Oblivion back ;-; Never let the Ghost Rider take you again. NEVER.


      We should skype sometime. All 3 of us.

    3. Cambion


      ^^^^^this guy is correct

    4. Lord Oblivion

      Lord Oblivion

      He won't do it again Fee, I promise.


      Also, yes we must.

  3. Check again. And please pay attention to both messages. One is an...apology...for something I said in the other.

  4. Check your inbox at TDC.


  6. CoAD was amazing, I read the first 4 books once. But then the 5th took forever to come out, and I lost interest. As for Terry Pratchett, I recommend The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic for starters, as they follow each other chronologically.

  7. Comment deleted becaue of excessive spamming. ;)

  8. Comments deleted.

  9. Congrats on 900 posts!

  10. Congrats on the Vahi. No blog entry for it?

  11. Cool. Can I have back and side pics of Manu? Pleeeaz?

  12. di u look at meh wip

  13. Did you see your MOC?

  14. Didn't feel like having that entry around after all?

  15. Didn't you have an entry for my contest?

  16. Dude, you're not supposed to put quotes from yourself in your quotes block. :P

  17. Earth to Shadix? VOICE RECORDINGS PLEASE?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aurora the cat

      Aurora the cat

      I thought that there where only seven.

    3. Kopekemaster


      I have all the toothpicks don't even try to win

    4. Xaeraz


      seven toothpastes.


      maybe more



  19. Everyone already copies everyone else for Wat The Cee.

    So are you gonna enter #60?

  20. FOUR HOURS?!?! *stands there with jaw on floor* :P

  21. Glad you think so. B)

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