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Captain Mack

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Everything posted by Captain Mack

  1. Captain Mack

    Stupid Apps

    lol, macs they don't "just work" after all teheheheh
  2. Captain Mack

    Not A Manpurse

    Indiana Jones ftw. you can get them authentic, they're british gas mask bags. mkviii or something.
  3. Captain Mack

    Drug Test

    lol that's stupid, i didn't know schools could even do that
  4. Captain Mack


    mmm, everclear and research chems. fun night ahoy...
  5. See if you can get a few counterfeit Nigerian cheques, lol.
  6. only if i get to be princess leia
  7. dis is why you employ the JUST SEEKING ads
  8. It's been in the low 70s here all week. Fantastic weather.
  9. Cools me too!! But what did that have to do with the entry? RCF cause funny stuff like that happens daily like hearing gunshots the day i moved here.
  10. Captain Mack

    *sets ɳoose*

    I feel your pain...I got a D in math. scept, my school doesn't use + or - so I'm just gonna say it was a high D and I did bad on the final or something (even though in reality I barely scraped a passing grade) ah well. just glad to have passed it.
  11. I subscribe to the school of studying less and chilling out more and getting the B instead of the A although, there has been a class where i studied nonstop, sacrificing other classes to work on it and I still got a D. go figure
  12. In the immortal words of Dr. Dre: Everywhere that I go Ain't the same as befo' People I used to know Just don't know me no mo' idk i found it relevant
  13. although I do smoke regularly it is something I can and have kicked for months at a time. (p.s. mods I'm over 18 thnx) but I do enjoy it, and once in a while after a huge, good meal i will smoke a hookah, sometimes before a meal I enjoy something else, etc. carnal pleasures ftw. The key is moderation, people...not just with smokeables but with anything.
  14. Captain Mack


    ur name got haxd
  15. Captain Mack


    I was astounded when my dreaded math final ended up being super easy. I have a gen ed one in forty-four minutes...maybe I should be studying
  16. it's even more laughable that with all our wonderful sophisticated technology that we aren't on mars by now. TO THE POINT everyone should put their thinking cap on *squish* and apply their creativity...and by that I mean making money online, it's dreadfully easy and once you make like ten bucks everything can be outsourced to a bunch of indians who work for a few cents an hour and boost profit margins even higher...and that's just the legal side of it all edit: oh i guess this was about videos or images or something creative..oh well
  17. Those look nice. I have a pair of Sennheisers from like 4 years ago that I still use, but I can't take them anywhere cause they have a six foot cable (which has its advantages when I'm at home) I'm going to look more into those.
  18. he deleted that glorious, glorious entry. (not the christmas santa one...the other one...heh)
  19. Flagstaff may have snow but Tucson is just cold. BAH
  20. u attenshun ###### stop ruining santa p.s. i lol'd at the actual filter of that
  21. idk what I want to lol at more, the troll or the trolled... if there is a santa, my gift is going to take the form of a plane ticket after new years :DDDDD SO please provide it
  22. someone doesn't know too much about rocket fuel dumps obviously the rocket launched was out of control, hence the spiral, so its fuel was drained before it was able to do any damage. the rocket is still swirling around, so as the fuel dumps it follows a spiral that expands as it grows more diffuse. however it's all so high up in the atmosphere that it's frozen, so it hangs around for a while. look up noctilucent clouds and even NLC rocket trails. same concept. we see them sometimes here from vandebergh. this happened occasionally, on a smaller scale, in the past. Factual, but, no offense, a giant wormhole in the sky is much more entertaining. ~ Neccy
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