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Captain Mack

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Everything posted by Captain Mack

  1. Captain Mack

    Sci-fi Terms

    Chrono-synclastic infudibula
  2. oh god, do you mean those dead baby doll things? [removed -- kinda inappropriate for BZP -- Chunky!]
  3. Happens every 20 years or so. they're called fading and revival events.
  4. Captain Mack

    Working Out

    know what rocks even more? losing that amount in fat and then gaining it back in muscle.
  5. I dunno, from here it looks like he's bowing to them.
  6. ever notice how there are only white people in pokemon? lawlz
  7. Mm, Pink Floyd vinyl. I have Animals *points to sig* that is in extremely good condition (no scratches that I can see) and I played it once into my PC and then only for special occasions after that. i loooove animals.
  8. you're lucky I haven't even come across Suicune/Entei/Raikou course I'm playing pokemon Gold (minus the Heart and all). my own humorous story- after a ton of ultra balls I ended up catching Ho-Oh with a poke ball. what are the chances??
  9. Captain Mack


    i hate calculus its a half hour to class and i still haven't done my homework :/ i should get on that.
  10. Captain Mack

    My Pokeymanz

    name it after a rapper like ice cube
  11. just wait till your heart starts beating in your foot...then in your liver...under your palms... everywhereeee
  12. Captain Mack

    Potential Leave

    this and don't sweat the college mang, it's all R&R with a few papers here and there
  13. Captain Mack


    bzp i am disappoint
  14. I won't necessarily bother you - but I will laugh.
  15. metabolism or not, think of all those delightful chemicals you're ingesting njoi ur cancer
  16. hahaha braces perfect teef ftw
  17. Captain Mack


    i dont know anyone that does that and who would i do that O:
  18. Captain Mack


    Let's just hope he keeps his underwear on. But it's so liberating.
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