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Everything posted by Techn0geist

  1. IC: ReaverShe sprang upright, breathing heavily. Looking around, she found herself in an unfamiliar environment. It was a beach, high tide. The waves washed up against her armour, cleaning the sand out of the various scars in her armour. Clutching her head, she tried to stand upright, but fell back down. Right onto a stick jutting out of the sand. It pierced her shoulder, and she cried out in pain.But this time there was no glowing. There was no pleasure mixed in with the pain.There was no Mark.He felt her arm up and down, looked again and again. But it was gone. She hyperventilated, panicking at the loss of her strength. The scars were now ugly reminders of a time gone by, a time of power, a time of Godhood. Reaver curled up into a ball and wept, gritting her teeth. It was unbearable.She tried to stand again, but felt weak, and only managed a slow stagger. It was then she remembered something important. The most important person in her life.'EMOTIAAAAAAA!!'------------------------------------------IC: PayigesHer eyes flicked open to nurses with smiles spread across their faces.'What? Where am I?''Ga-Koro Hospital,' one of the nurses replied. 'Your vitals were all over the place for a while, but we managed to stabilize you eventually.'She slowly pulled back her bedsheets, and tried to stand up. She was restrained by tubes connected to some sort of pump device. Payiges slowly and painfully pulled them out of her arm, one by one. 'Why am I here?''Don't know. One of your companions brought you in here and demanded that you get immediate attention.''Companion? What are you on about?' So many questions all of a sudden.'Tall, silver Toa, quite a lanky build.''.... Who? And where's Ga-Koro?'OOC: Let's try this again
  2. Wait a tick... small, concealable weapons... Mask of Concealment.... I smell a thief/assassin.And yes, crash at Tillian and Emotia's place.
  3. 'Hmmm, now to make Reaver into a decent, sane person' - nobody ever.I'm actually kind of sad. The Mark of Agony was what made Reaver.... well, Reaver. What do I do with her now?
  4. IC: SableTwo small arms burst from Sable's chest and hooked themselves under Vertak's shoulders. 'Hold on tight!' And with a powerful flap of his dragon-like wings, they were airborne, travelling at speeds that evolution had not prepared them for. Then, to Vertak's horror, Sable began to enclose his torso around them, bringing them into a more stable position.
  5. IC: Sable'The Maze Craze... I think I went there once... yes, now I remember! Best darned drinks in Violet Orange! Which is probably the reason I couldn't remember it.' He chuckled to himself, before regrowing his wings. 'I can get us there in half the time, if that's alright with you.'
  6. IC: Sable'Suit yourself.' He said, as the finger-kinve sprouted legs, lept out of Vertak's hand, and crawled into his foot, before reemerging as a finger again.He looked at Artorre and grinned. 'I don't know, I quite like the idea of a drinking contest.' Maybe he could get him drunk enough to "convice" him to give over some of his possesions.
  7. IC: SableHe considered the situation briefly, before nodding, and shaping his index finger to a point, breaking it off, and handing it to Vertak. 'Just in case, you know?'
  8. IC: SableHe looked at Vertak with a quizically raised eyebrow. 'Who's this joker?' he said, pointing a thumb at Artorre. Sable's wings were constantly adjusting themselves into a new comfortable position, before he just decided to ditch them and absorbed them into his back.
  9. IC: SableHe grew a large pair of wings, and pointed dramatically to where he thought the Place of Good Drinks would be. 'Lead the way, Suddenly Clean Person!'
  10. IC: Sable'Yes, the loss of my arms is... tragic. But I'm sure I'll find some new ones around somewhere.' Just for a laugh, he began to eye up Grayvern's arms, and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. 'Wait! I'm feeling something....' he said, as he slowly regrew his arms from his sand-form, Grayvern's arms widening in shock. Once fully grown, he experimented with the joints, moving them in every which direction, including some not permitted by a normal anatomy.'Right... let's get some drinks.'
  11. IC: Sable'Bleedin' heck, calm down! I don't bite. Much.' He absorbed his arms into his mass. 'See? I'm 'armless.' He smiled reassuringly.'Disregarding first impressions, I've suddenly remembered that I have no one I could call a friend. Would you care for a chat over a few drinks?'
  12. IC: SableHe saw a Matoran walk into a wall, and was instantly intrigued. He slipped through the cracks in the ground, and sprung up in front of the being. Activating his Suletu, he read the Matoran's mind, finding his name.'Nice to meet you, Vertak. I'm Sable.'
  13. IC: SableThe unusually windy day in Violet Orange reminded him why he never came here. Flecks of sand were flying from his body every which way, as he struggled to maintain his form.Being made of sand does have its downsides.He then remembered that he wasn't going the right way back to Underhorror. He dispersed his body, becoming a miniature sandstorm. Not the strangest sight anyone had ever seen, but it was getting up there. Once behind shelter, he reformed himself, and looked around cautiously. You had to keep an eye out for trouble in these parts. A word on a poster caught his eye.TROUBLE.I'll be darned, he thought to himself, as he snaked his way over to the poster. A new competition for Trouble. The chance he'd been looking for, to rise from thief to king. He twisted his head behind him, and spied a collection of beings. He waltzed his way over to them, looking rather smug.OOC: Open for interaction. The collection of beings could be anyone.
  14. Name: SableSpecies: Toa/Sand Gender: Male Alliance: Purged Appearance: Varies, usually a tall Toa wearing gunmetal grey armour with yellow highlights. Weapons: Can extract weapons from his mass, or shape-shift his limbs into weapons. Mask: Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy. Power: Elemental Control of Sand. Form comprised of Sand, capable of shape-shifting. Personality: Very eccentric and somewhat egotistical, but extremely charismatic.Biography: Once a Toa of Stone, Sable foolishly travelled into the Cavern of the Unseen, and was destroyed by the horror terrors. As a being of strong mind, he managed to retain his sanity long enough to transfer his consciousness into a body of sand, and displace the part of his brain holding the memories of the Cavern into a vial, Purging himself. He keeps this vial within his person at all times. Should the vial break, Sable will go insane. He returned to Underterror, becoming a small-time thief with a well-decorated hut. Accidentally posted this in the profile topic. My mistake.
  15. IC: EndriinSparks flew off the metal eyepatch that he had quickly summoned. Letting it drop into his hand, he threw it with lightning speed at Kalios, reshaping it to a point in midair.
  16. IC: Lord Captain Velric Shrike'Quite right, Afro,' the Vortixx whispered. 'Alrighty, chaps, look's like we have to lie low for now. Banua, find us a bar, if that's alright with you.'
  17. Name: SableSpecies: Toa/Sand Gender: Male Alliance: Purged Appearance: Varies, usually a tall Toa wearing gunmetal grey armour with yellow highlights. Weapons: Can extract weapons from his mass, or shape-shift his limbs into weapons. Mask: Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy. Power: Elemental Control of Sand. Form comprised of Sand, capable of shape-shifting. Personality: Very eccentric and somewhat egotistical, but extremely charismatic.Biography: Once a Toa of Stone, Sable foolishly travelled into the Cavern of the Unseen, and was destroyed by the horror terrors. As a being of strong mind, he managed to retain his sanity long enough to transfer his consciousness into a body of sand, and displace the part of his brain holding the memories of the Cavern into a vial, Purging himself. He keeps this vial within his person at all times. Should the vial break, Sable will go insane. He returned to Underterror, becoming a small-time thief with a well-decorated hut.
  18. IC: EndriinThat cinnamon roll is mine! He thought to himself.
  19. IC: Lord Captain Velric Shrike'We have? I don't recall. Regardless, welcome to the crew. Anyway, yes, to the village.' He keeps a hand down by his side, ready to shoot any dangerous creatures if necessary.
  20. IC: ReaverMy eyes open. I was amongst ruins, of fire and stone. My eyes widen in realisation, my breathing quickens, and I pull myself to my feet, spinning around, taking in my surroundings.I stand in the village in the sky. Fallen.I clutch my chest, my heart pounding like crazy. Fitting, considering whose heart it is. A twig cracks behind me, and I unsheath one of my knives, holding it to the intruder's neck. 'Please,' it says, 'why bother? You'll only be killing a part of yourself.''Why are you here?' 'Because I want to talk. About you.''You know everything about me, what's there to talk about?' 'Your past. That's why we're here.' The Mark sits down on a fallen tree, patting the space beside it.I reluctantly sit down, slightly on edge. 'Okay, so what do you want to know.' 'I want to know what you did before me.'I want to answer that question honestly, I really do. But, the problem is...'I don't know.'The Mark laughed, and pulled me closer. Then, it did the unexpected. It kissed me. I'm suddenly frozen, unable to do anything but submit to defeat by this twisted creature.'What would you do without me?''Nothing,' I answer. I am completely stunned. Seriously, what the heck just happened?'Precisely. Now, before I leave, I have a gift for you.' She pauses for dramatic effect. 'The fate of your sister, revealed.' She gestures over to a pile of rubble, and under it, I see the body of a Matoran.'NO! SISTER!!' I yell, jumping up, and running over to her. I grasp her hand. She's cold. Then she coughs, and squeezes back.'Xanev....''No, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here...' I'm crying at this point, my voice shaky, as well as my body. 'I'll help you, don't worry.' Slowly, I drag her out of the rubble, and lay her down, stroking her mask.'Xanev, it's okay. I will soon see the face of the Great Spirit.' She smiles her familiar smile, ever-cheerful, even when staring down Death. 'I'm ready.''But I'm not! I'm going to help you, you're going to live!' But as I say this, she sighes her last breath, and her eyes glazes over. I wave my hand over her face, whispering a traditional memorial under my breath.'Don't you see the price of selfishness? You thought you mattered to your friends, and where did it get you? At the top of a tower, preparing yourself to die.' It lays a hand on my shoulder. 'You don't need her.'I take sharp, shallow breathes, and nod. 'You're right. I don't know her.''And I don't need you.'I stand up, spin around, a knife aimed at her abdomen.I miss. It doesn't.I fall to the ground. The last thing I feel is an agonizing pain, as I grab my sister's hand. Everything turns black, as I curse the Mark of Agony, and condemn it to Karzahni.------------------------------------------Her eyes opened suddenly, and she pulled herself to her feet groggily. Her fellow Bearers stand beside her, in the temple. The end is in sight.
  21. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeThe Vortixx gripped his revolver under his coat. 'You dare question my authority?' He said through gritted teeth. He then held his hand out in front of him, a friendly gesture. 'Good. I like my crew to have a fire in their belly. Anywhere else on their anatomy is optional. Would you, Toa Banua, care to join the crew of my ship?'
  22. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeHe suddenly pulled out his revolver, and pointed it underneath Banua's chin. This was followed by a confused expression, which was then followed by Shrike holstering his pistol and laughing. 'I suppose you know this island better than most of us, so we'll try to be discreet.' It was, however, very hard to be discreet whilst wearing a greatcoat and, let's be honest, rather fashionable hat.
  23. Has anyone here seen "The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn"?I read that in Sakharine's voice.
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