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Everything posted by Techn0geist

  1. More towns need to do this.Anyway, the Kavinika Crew are standing outside Ta-Wahi if anyone wants to interact with them.Or if they want to move themselves along, either one's fine.
  2. IC: Sable'Ahhh, time for Trouble.' He finished his drink, and slithered out of the bar, exploded into a cloud of sand, and rode the wind in the Town Square. Here, he reformed and waited.
  3. IC: ReaverShe heard yet more talking upstairs, and decided to have a peek. She activated her Kanohi Huna, followed Emotia, and stood just outside the room, listening intently and holding back a giggle.
  4. IC: Sable'Why not just use two mirrors? Reflection of a reflection, I'm pretty sure that's a double-abstraction.' He sat down on a nearby chair, crossing one leg over the other. When he felt the shivers down his spine, he stood right back up. 'Maybe we should head back to your lab. I don't think it likes us talking about them.' Sable added quietly 'and I am NOT getting ripped apart again.'
  5. Soulgain... scares and amuses me at the same time.Much like the Splendorman.
  6. Alternatively, we do a massive reboot, and become more of a traditional Toa team.Because random combinations of Matoran words sound silly#donthurtme
  7. IC: Sable'Haha, to insanity.' He clinked glasses with Grayvern and took a good, long swig.Upon hearing the word 'Suletu' he looked to Grayvern, said 'Do excuse me for a second,' sank into the floorboards, and sprang up between Paktii and Vertak. 'Did you say Suletu-user? I believe I may be of further service.' He bowed politely.
  8. I'm happy to keep the Hau Karda going. A new name would be good, though. Something that sounds less like the title of a trashy romance novel
  9. OOC: Not so easy, bucko!IC: ZealokanHe ran to where Havon had been, and saw nothing. 'What the actual heck? Havon! Havon, where are you?' A sudden realisation hit him.'Darn it, we left Payiges at the hospital.' Zealokan sighed dramatically. 'This has NOT been a good day.'
  10. IC: ReaverAs Tillian walked out of the house, she replied to his suggestion of fashion quietly.'I don't know, mate.... small, inconspicuous knives.... Mask of Concealment.... Why don't I line our pockets, eh?'She didn't notice Emotia walk in as she said this.
  11. IC: SableHe smiled stupidly. 'Alright, I'm buying.' He walked up to the bar and extracted a small bag of coins from his mass. Dropping several on the counter, he said to the barkeep 'two pints of Frucian Cider, please.' He looked to Grayvern and whispered 'He's going to wonder why there's a pile of sand in the cashier in a few hours.'
  12. IC: Reaver'I know how you feel. Never was one for chit-chat myself.' She sat up, pulling her legs to her chest. 'So... new start, right? I mean, without the Mark, I...' She bit her lip nervously, '... don't know what to do anymore.'
  13. IC: ReaverShe hobbled her way over to the Casa Juturna, and lay down slowly on a couch. She could hear a commotion elsewhere in the house, but payed it no mind.
  14. Member Name: Clockwork KineticistTheme: The Red StarWord Count: 325Link to Story: Checkmate
  15. IC: Sable'You think I didn't have to go through the same things that you did? I just happen to be able to use the horrible experience of being ripped from my very own flesh and deposited into a body of sand to my advantage.' He grinned. 'But my apologies. I believe I owe you a drink.'
  16. So Dorian gets to keep his Mark on the grounds of TD got bored and left?Boooooooooo.
  17. IC: SableAs he reformed into his Toa-Form after Terr ripped him apart, he dusted himself off(as best a sand-being could). 'Well, that was.... painful.'As he said this, Grayvern's sword cleaves through his abdomen. Well, "through" is a loose term, as the sword actually caught on something midway-through. Sable ripped out the sword out of Grayvern's grip (and his gut) and threw it aside. 'Do you want me to do that again and NOT stop for the sake of yours, and everyone's, minds?'As Paktii ran away back to his lab, Sable awkwardly called out to him. 'Uhhh, you're welcome?' He then sat down with the others and grabbed a mug of Frucian Cider.
  18. IC: ReaverHer eyes darted back and forth during the exchange between Emotia and Ketan, her knees shaking, on the verge of collapse. She moved to support herself on a nearby hut, visibly pale.
  19. IC: ReaverShe sprinted over to Emotia... who turned out not to be Emotia, but someone that looked really similar.Then she saw Emotia. And Jikal.She became visibly and staggered her way over to them. 'Hey guys.' She said bitter-sweetly.OOC: Last post for a while.
  20. IC: Sable'See, there's a problem with that. I like to stretch my legs, and I feel very uncomfortable when squished in with other people.'He looked down at his blade arms. 'You look unimpressed. Maybe I could enlighten you.' Sable slowly began to take the shape of a nightmare.A horror terror.'I had to physically separate the part of my brain that remembers the Cavern of the Unseen from the rest to maintain my sanity. But I still remember... minor details.'
  21. IC: Sable'If I may, gentlemen', he said, a threateningly large array of Sand-Blades lining his arms, 'we'd like to claim this table.'Of course, he wasn't actually going to use them. If he could help it.
  22. IC: ReaverShe limped back into the village, all those scars from months past beginning to take their toll. She was weak, her Mark the only thing that kept her going all that time. She saw the entrance to the village lined with guards. She focused, and was suddenly invisible. The Kanohi Huna was a good choice of Mask after all. Once she had entered the village, she saw a very familiar blue Toa.'Emotia!' She yelled weakly, forgetting to become visible again.
  23. IC: SableSable and Vertak landed, and were greeted by a smug-looking Artorre. He walked inside and took in a large breath.'Ahhh, this brings back memories. Terrible, terrible memories.'
  24. I'm not going to be as active for the next few days. Family holidays :/
  25. Hau Karda players might be interested in the bottom half of this post.
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