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Everything posted by Techn0geist

  1. IC: Reaver'Oh! Yes, of course...' She let go of her best friend and stepped back, scratching the back of her head and blushing. 'Sorry. It's just.... that's wonderful. I'm really happy for you, Emotia.'
  2. IC: Sable'Ooh, is it time for remembering depressing things already? I usually schedule that for the evening.' He thought back to how he became a being of sand and willpower. It was... painful, to say the least. But luckily, he was a being of strong mind. His body was destroyed, but his mind was not. Instead, it latched onto the nearest mass to it. This just happened to be a mound of sand.Shaking his head, he looked at the cabinet. 'Tell me, what did this cabinet ever do to you?' He almost felt sorry for the cabinet, despite it being an inanimate object.
  3. IC: ReaverThe sense of realisation hit Reaver like an anvil to the face. It seemed to have the same effect, because Reaver fell the the ground, then immediately picked herself up. She quickly swallowed her mouthful of crisps, and looked back and forth between Dalia and Emotia. 'You mean that... and you... I.... what....' There was an awkward silence that seemed to last forever, before Reaver squealed with delight and pulled Emotia in for a spine-snappingly strong hug, a cheshire grin spread across her face. 'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO BE A MOTHER!?!?!?!' Her grip was like a vice, squeezing the air out of Emotia's lungs.
  4. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeHe closed his journal and walked back up on deck, hearing Aphrodisia's remark about her nickname. 'You're darned right, it is, I came up with it!' He strode right to the bow of the ship, placing a foot on the edge of the hull and pulling his goggles down, looking off into the distance. 'I know there's something up north. I know it.'OOC: Lord Captain Velric Shrike, the S.S. Kavinika, and her crew to Ga-Wahi.
  5. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeHe glared at the door before yelling to Aphrodisia up in the rigging. 'Afro! Get down here, you've got the helm!' He flicked the chadburn to "FULL AHEAD", and pointed to the horizon. 'Sail us north along the coastline. I have a hunch.' With that, he ran off below-deck and into his cabin.Picking up a book on the desk and blowing dust of the cover, he ran his fingers down the spine of the journal, which looked as if it hadn't been touched in months. Opening it to the first blank page (which was also the first page in general), he picked up a quill, and began writing.Captain's Journal - Entry OneI woke up upon the upper deck of the Kavinika, unaware of my surrounding, and indeed, my past life. Surprisingly, I managed to remember my crew's names, Afro and Erebus. An island was seen on the horizon, which we made haste for. Upon making landfall, a native emerged from the jungle, introducing himself as Banua. He agreed to guide us to a nearby village, Ta-Wahi. We made for a nearby inn, for some drinks. On discovering that none of us were in possession of the local currency, widgets (funny that), I attempted a spot of piracy. It seems that my gun has the properties of a magnet, as every guardsman within ten kio had some for of weaponry pointed at me. I realized that I was outnumbered, and humbly stood down, leading my crew back to the Kavinika.Banua is certainly a glutton for punishment, but after a few weeks on my ship, he will become a valuable crew member.With Kindest Regards,Lord Captain Velric Shrike
  6. I'm not sure I like the idea of an official anatomy guide.Different people have different views on how the anatomy of *insert species here* works, so to be constricted to one specific model is likely to raise many, many complaints.I'm leaving my opinion here, and I'm leaving this discussion now, because I honestly cannot be bothered debating.Have fun, kids! Play well
  7. IC: Reaver'Whosh prenant?' Reaver said as she entered a room with a packet (and a mouthful) of crisps. 'Crishpsh, anyone?'
  8. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeHe was about to say something, but failed to find the words. Instead, he put his hat back on. 'Screw it. We won't trouble you anymore, gentlemen. We're finding a village with a proper dock. Maybe they'll at least have some like-minded folk.' He exited the Inn, his crew following behind.Soon enough, they were back upon the decks of the Kavinika. Shrike dusted off his coat, looking very irritated. 'Banua, whilst I do apologise for my behavior in the Lavapool Inn, you must remember that I am capable of separating your head from your shoulders at any given moment should you outlive your usefulness, question my actions, or simply annoy me sufficiently. We are pirates, it is in our nature to steal and kill. So DON'T expect me to go around, mingling with the common folk like a bloody mindless sheep!' He pointed downwards. 'Now, make yourself useful and help Erebus in the Boiler Room. He deserves a lightened workload.'
  9. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeWith a booming voice, he addressed those holding weapons at various points of his body.'I have holstered my weapon, darn it! I strongly suggest you do the same, or so help me Mata Nui, I will kill each and every being within this building!' He turned once again to his crew. 'I can find a new crew. And if you don't back me up, I will. Mark my words.'
  10. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeHe flinched a little at the positioning of the bident. He holstered his weapon, and stepped backwards. 'I'd prefer to keep my kneecaps, thank you.' He took off his hat, noticing the heat. He looked back at his crew again, and frowned. 'Oh, for Mata Nui's sake, Banua, you're the one who offered to help us find a village, you knew full-well that we're pirates, how could you expect any less now?' His tone of voice betrayed his anger, and he had a right mind to start chopping heads.
  11. IC: Sable'Well, it's a sword, and it's also a whip. A swip!' He poked his forked tongue out at Paktii, and whipped the new weapon through the air. 'Rawhide!'
  12. KAVINIKA CREW - Read this. Kind of important, for reasons of barfight.
  13. IC: SableSeeing no point in being there, he shouted to Gwd to meet him at Paktii's lab. With that, he exploded into a cloud of sand, and let the wind carry him right to Paktii's doorstep.Gathering himself as soon as he was inside, he saw Monik's new weapon, and grinned, literally, ear-to-ear. 'I want one.' He grabbed the hilt, and closed his eyes, before opening them, and extracting an identical weapon from his gut. 'And now I have one. I think I'll call it a "swip".'
  14. IC: Lord Captain Velric Shrike'Well clearly, you've come to the wrong village.' He re-aimed his pistol, right between the eyes of Ruaho. 'This isn't your fight, lad, I try to avoid firing this thing when I can. Don't make me have to kill a fool.' He looked over his shoulder.'It's times like this I wish my crew wasn't STANDING AROUND LIKE A BUNCH OF STUNNED DIKAPI.'OOC: Guys... that's your cue.
  15. Hello, Alchemist-New-Guy!I look forward to RPing with you, it will be a merry occasion! Ah-HA!*steals away into the night*
  16. OOC: I think it's time we got this over with. Hope you don't mind the bunnying.IC: EndriinThe Battle for the Cinnamon Roll was long and heated, and the combatants were exhausted. In a last-ditch effort, Kalios lunged at Endriin, throwing strategy out the window. However, Endriin easily evaded..., and placed his foot on a soft, spongy object. Lifting his foot, he observed the sole.It was the cinnamon roll, squished underfoot as he dodged.He looked up at Kalios, and grinned in an Oh my god I'm going to die fashion.
  17. IC: Lord Captain Velric ShrikeAfter several frustrating minutes of walking, back-tracking, and interrupting back-alley games of Kohlii, the crew eventually found their way to the Lavapool Inn.'Finally! My dear fellows, I do apologize for my incompetence in terms of navigating, ideally I should've got my navigator to do that,' he said, shooting a fearsome stare at Afro. 'Either way, we're here, we shall get some drinks.' He patted down his coat, as a look of horror formed on his once cunning face. 'By Artahka! I've got no widgets on me!' He turned towards the Inn. 'Alright, we'll do this the old-fashioned way,' he said, pulling out his pistol, the Vivacious Firefly Revolving Voltaic Energy-Projector.'The Pirate Way.' A high-pitched hum was heard as he cocked the the hammer mechanism.
  18. IC: Sable'I hear ya, mate.' He lowered his voice to an even quieter whisper. 'This guy is actually causing my brain to experience physical pain. Do you want to see it? Quite swollen.'
  19. IC: Sable'Oh, you're just a box of surprises, aren't you?' He threw his arms up in the air in an I give up fashion.
  20. IC: SableHe withdrew the finger spikes, and smiled. 'Not at all, Grayvern. Just a minor disagreement. The problem has been answered...' He looked to Oidum. '....but it's raised so many more questions.'
  21. IC: Sable'I'll be glad to introduce myself once you put. That. Thing. Away.' He pointed to the pointy thing that was once knuckledusters.
  22. IC: Sable'As a Toa who is made of Sand, I know my anatomy quite well.' Mordum could feel something shift beneath his armour, like sand. 'For example, did you know that there is a point in the base of the spine that, if affected in just the right way, can induce paralysis for ten minutes?' The shifting feeling situated itself in the aforementioned area. 'Would we like to test this theory, stranger?'
  23. IC: SableMordum would feel a tap on the shoulder, and when he turned around, would find two finger-spikes pointed neatly millimeters from his eyes.'Lay a finger on him, and I will remove said finger from existence Maybe the hand it's attached to.' He nodded at Paktii, signalling him to head on through the telepad, then looked back at Mordum. 'Now see, you severely mispronounced "Excuse me, but I was waiting here, so if you could be so kind as to move the the back of the line." Could you please repeat what I just said to our little Matoran friend here?'
  24. IC: ZealokanIf he heard Dekuna, he didn't openly acknowledge it. He entered the inn, walking up to the innkeeper.The innkeeper, a kindly old Onu-Matoran, looked up at the Toa from a rather interesting book, his eyes wide with surprise. 'Mata Nui, boy, you look like a wreck.''One night, please. That's all I need.' He was at the point of collapse, a combination of physical exhaustion, and apathy.'Sure, ten widgets.''Please, I just need one night.' He stabilized himself on the desk, nearly losing his balance.'Woah, did you get beat up or something?''You could say that.''Tell you what. I'll give you the room, but you've gotta do me a favour in the morning.''Whatever you want, just... please...''The lass in the bar is nearly out of that tea. You know, the really epicly nice stuff? She need you to get some ingredients for her.''What ingredients?'The inkeeper leaned in, holding a finger to his lips. 'Top secret. Why do you think we have the finest tea in all of Mata Nui?'Zealokan nodded. 'Okay, got it, can I have my darned key now?''Calm down, kid, you're just a bit irritable.'He gripped the edge of the table, small fractures appearing under his fingers. 'Do you want to see me be "irritable"?''Alright, I'm just sayin'.' The innkeeper handed him his key, the usual Room Seven, so that Dekuna would know to find him.Zealokan mouthed a thank you, then dragged himself up the stairs to his room. Once inside, he collapsed onto the bed, pulling the duvet over him.'Why do I even bother?' He asked himself.OOC: Lorax, I'll PM you the details of my latest idea.
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