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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kopaka's Ice Engineering

  1. You're not going to The Ohio State University? Aw, and us LSU fans (right Lady K? ) were looking forward to embarrassing your football team. -KIE
  2. Kopaka's Ice Engineering


    How about using that Associates card to get me a Wii? You seem so intent on my having one.... -KIE
  3. <horn intro> Magnolia trees at night, sparkling bright Fields of cotton look wintery white When it's Christmastime in New Orleans A barefoot choir in prayer fills the air Mississippi folks gathering there 'Cause it's Christmastime in New Orleans You'll see a dixieland Santa Claus Leading the band to a good old Creole beat Golly what a spirit, you can only hear it Down on Basin Street Your cares will disappear, when you hear Hallelujah, St. Nicholas is here When it's Christmastime in New Orleans <trumpet solo like only Satchmo can play> You'll see a dixieland Santy Claus A-leading the band to a good, good ole Creole beat And golly what a spirit, and you can only hear it A-down on Basin Street Your cares will disappear, and when you hear Hallelujah, old Santa is near When it's Christmastime in New Orleans Yes, when it's Christmastime It's Christmastime in New Orleans © 1952 Louis Armstrong
  4. *snow envy* Yeah, I've got another 8-9 years until the next flurry. -KIE
  5. Dang. Yes, yes you should have, Omi. That is a fender worthy of your awesomeness.
  6. Nice. OEM, After-market, or reconditioned? -KIE
  7. It hasn't snowed yet, and I wouldn't expect it to snow again until late January 2016. -KIE
  8. It came in today's mail. Also included were two copies of WoW 2008 and a LifeSongs sticker. Why am I burning this great title on something so petty? Simple: as often as I win stuff, it'll be a long time before it's needed once more. Now if you'd excuse me, I must bask for a bit. -KIE, who found a way to get himself killed by the first enemy in the Easy mode of Ghost Recon last night.
  9. I'm giving up. No, I'm not breaking down and buying a Wii. As badly as I want one, it would be my undoing. I'm giving up on this video card. When I downloaded Team Fortress 2, I had to download a new GeForce driver to make sure the game operated smoothly. While the game has worked wonderfully, the brightness of my screen has been overcharged, and video playback has been a bit....garbled. And recent attempts to find another EN7950GT for the purposes of SLI have been futile at best. So, I'm removing the 7950, in favor of a new EN8800GTS. Two story card, so I've got a little juggling to do in the box, but nothing big. It'll still fit. Oh, and they're still making these, so I can get another later on, after nVidia gets their GeForce 9 series in full swing (so that I can nab the outgoing top-of-the-line 8800 on the cheap). Only problem with that is: I'll need a new $350 power supply at that point, in addition to the $400 graphics card. Whee...fun. Anyone want to buy a $250 graphics card for $180? -KIE
  10. Yeah....someone forgot to stop by the hospital on the way. -KIE
  11. Rocky Top, oh Rocky Top. You'll always be second in the SEC. -KIE
  12. ...took his merry ol' time making his grand debut. Hello, little man! 6 lb. 9 oz., 19¾ inches Date of birth: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 Time of birth: 14:59 CST (40 minutes before the time this entry was published) Proud father, worn-out mother behind them. -KIE, finally an uncle
  13. He didn't pop "The Question", did he? If you have any cause for hesitation, your answer to "The Question" should not be 'Yes'. If it's a less-life-changing question, well, I back off of my advice. -KIE
  14. Oh, it's not a matter of submitting to Wii. The problem is: if I ever get one, I may never turn it off and go to work. And that's just with Wii Sports. -Parain (KIE's nickname on his brother & sister-in-law's Wii), 6-0 with 4 KOs in Wii Boxing
  15. Another short entry, as I have errands to run. Two major points to address from the past couple of days: 1) Brandy is now 4 or 5 days overdue. 2) I'd best not ever own a Nintendo Wii of my own: I lack the self-control to stop playing. -KIE
  16. No article about prescription "I don't need sleep anymore" pills.... but that article is still in the archives from last year. No, what I learned recently is that complacency in a young relationship is pretty toxic. Happy Thanksgiving, guys & gals. -KIE, still not an uncle
  17. I get it, but I wish I didn't. *ill flashback to The Sound and the Fury reading in 8th grade* -KIE
  18. Great thing about working in capital outlay projects... My girlfriend can attest to the veracity of this statement. *inserts Bawcomville joke* -KIE
  19. Quick note: One has a new appreciation for clean air after spending 3 hours at a sewer treatment plant. That is all.
  20. Look at it this way: If you are going to win, your entry will have to go through the best entries in the contest to be the last one standing: there is no way to back into a victory in this contest. -KIE
  21. *takes the stairs to his office on the 9th floor when he's at the parish* -KIE
  22. Taking a litte time out to post about the neat stuff being passed out at the office. First, there was an ink pen on Monday, and then yesterday [while I was at the parish office], a coffee mug with the company logo. I'll probably get to display it prominently at the Yenni building, every morning when I no longer have internet access during the day. I'm not looking forward to that. Then again, it'll be good for a change in scenery, and who knows: I may get stuff done at that point. Too bad I don't drink coffee, though. -KIE, who isn't an uncle yet.
  23. Prediction sure to go wrong: Steelers 55 Browns -2 Go Browns.
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