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Posts posted by Alyska

  1. I disagree, the problem isn't the characters (who seem interesting to me).The real problem is we've had like, what, three chapters? There hasn't been any time to bring these Toa into the spotlight which is highly unfortunate because I know Greg can. He's developed Characters wonderfully in the books (right off the top of my head are the Toa Mata, Metru, and Mahri), and a few of the serials when they called for it (Takanuva, Lesovikk, Brutaka). So Zaria, Charia and Orde will make one awesome team if we have time to read about them. Hopefully we'll be getting more chapters soon? :shrugs:

    That's sort of what I was getting at. I want to like the characters, because they have that potential, but they've been thrown into the action without being properly developed first. I want to get to know the characters better, but if the story's just moving along at this "BANG! CRASH! PLOT TWIST!" pace, then it's unlikely that they'll be developed to the point where I can really like them.
  2. I can sort of agree to that. Admittedly BIONICLE might have been more successful if it could have had a TV series at its disposal from the very beginning. Then again, it's hard to say-- just after BIONICLE's release came Galidor, which had much poorer sets but a much more sophisticated story and TV series than Hero Factory. And it was a huge flop, at least here in the U.S.The thing I'm sort of skeptical about isn't whether BIONICLE could have been handled better (I'm sure it could have if TLG weren't taking such a gamble with the theme in the first place and could give it a good strong opening like they have with Ninjago), but rather whether it could be brought back. Starting where it left off or later wouldn't work too well IMO since there are so many complex story details that need to be understood, like the various species currently living on Spherus Magna. Starting in a plotline relatively unconnected with the main plot would be giving up a lot of the uniqueness that BIONICLE's continuing and interwoven story gave it. And rebooting the theme entirely and starting from scratch on Mata Nui would be difficult, since there would come a time when the story would have to be disloyal to its traditions or it would end up just retelling story that's already known. A lot of the suspense could be gone.I do agree that Hero Factory isn't completely living up to its potential, and I do hope it does so very soon. At the same time, I think its episodic story with very little expansion on the stories of previous waves is still an asset, as it can arguably make the story more sophisticated at any point to bring in new fans, rather than becoming reliant on an existing fanbase. Of course, one wonders if TLG would have an interest in this, considering that Ninjago currently is the theme trying to match BIONICLE's complexity, and TLG might want to keep the two themes distinct from one another in their storytelling style.

    I'd actually like to see a full reboot. Lego should basically find a good animation studio, hand them a copy of the story bible and style guide, and say "knock yourselves out". The concept artists should work closely with set designers, of course, but other than that, I think the main story should be out of Lego's hands. I got a bit sick of the story being bent over backwards just to fit new sets in, and we wound up with far too many characters. Maybe have some sort of plot device like the Adaptive Armour from the start, so you don't need to explain how our heroes fell into some radioactive goo (or equivalent) once a year. That way, you can sell multiple versions of the same characters in a year.I don't mind how similar/different the story is to the original, as long as the style is faithful, the story engaging, and it fixes up some of the flaws of the G1 Bionicle.
  3. Hero factory's story may be more flexible, but I feel that Bionicle's was stronger in terms of the premise and style.I see the problems that led to Bionicle's end as not being so much in the story as in the way it was told and marketed. Books, wonderful things as they are, are not always an effective marketing tool. In order to see that part of the story, you had to spend extra money on the books, and not many people would do that unless they were already somewhat engaged with the story. A similar situation happens with video games and DVDs. True, there were web serials, but these weren't on the main site and it would take some searching to find them.Hero Factory has the right idea in making a TV series, but the story and characters are just far too formulaic and predictable to be truly entertaining. I know I can't speak for the target demographic, but the fact that HF doesn't seem to have spawned any fansites of its own (like so many other kids' shows these days) is an indication that it sacrifices substance for style. The sets are great, and most of the ten year old boys I know love them, but I only ever hear them discussing the sets, not the story, just as they did with Bionicle.Perhaps I'm being too harsh on Hero Factory... Basically, my opinion on both it and Bionicle is that they have a lot of potential that they fail to take advantage of.

  4. Blog master is a meme now?

    Maybe. Well, a few people have copied it into recordings etc, which I certainly didn't expect. It's probably not widespread enough to fully qualify, though. (Is there an official measure of meme-itude?)I think the official definition of "meme" is just any behaviour that's passed from one individual to several others, whether it be singing nursery rhymes, dancing the macarena, or putting silly captions on pictures of your cat.
  5. Well maybe we'll see what her cutie mark is supposed to be. :P

    I think all the CMCs have their special talents made fairly obvious already, it's just that none of them have really accepted them yet.Apple Bloom has a talent for woodwork/carpentry, but she doesn't want "a hammer on her flank".Sweetie Belle is a good singer, but is hesitant to perform for anyone.Scootaloo has her scooter, which may be her talent that she hasn't noticed yet. Alternatively, she apparently hasn't learned to fly yet, so her undiscovered talent may be to do with that.
  6. Luna reminds me of the Doctor Who episode where the TARDIS's soul gets put into a woman's body. For some reason, the idea of Luna spouting lines like "HELLO, PRETTY!" and "Biting's excellent! It's like kissing, only there's a winner!" make absolutely perfect sense in my brain. Something about both characters being ancient and wise, yet at the same time naive, loud and socially awkward.And then, of course, Luna is a very nice shade of TARDIS-blue...

  7. I think pink actually looks good on some blokes. And, as someone said before, up until World War II, blue was considered a feminine coulour, and pink was for boys (look at all the early Disney heroines- Alice, Belle, Cinderella, etc all wear blue).

    Hey, I don't mean to spam, but am I the only one who gets a "Free SteamCard" pop-up whenever I click anything on this forum's page? Nowhere else on BZP, just here.

    Same here. We should rename the topic "Steams Take Over".
  8. He's really ragey! He's so ragey, I even wrote a song about him!He's an evil blog masterand he causes disastersIf you get in his bad booksThen you'd better run faster!And what does he eat?He'll put his oven on to heatAnd he'll bake you all upIn a big batch of sweets!Soooooooooooooooooo...WATCH OUT!

  9. Sooo... Takanuva winding up on the planet of pastel ponies is going to be played seriously? Nice.Another thing I want to see: The Great and Powerful Trixie, the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria, meets... Onepu, High Commander of the Ussalry, Veteran of the Makuta Wars, Right Hand of Turaga Whenua, and Champion Kolhii Forward of Onu-Koro. They have a bragging competition. Or... Fluttershy defeating/befriending a horde of Manas crabs.

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