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CaT in Rogue

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Everything posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. Besides, it's Black and White back sprite literally has you staring DIRECTLY INTO the hole. To be safe, I'm not battling using Shedinja until Gen 6.I think it would be Banette's for my choice. So, what, a doll developed a grudge and came to life? How does that make sense?
  2. New comic up! Those poor guys. They don't stand a chance.Sorry if Rose's text is hard to read, it's just super hard trying to find the right color combo for that sprite!
  3. New comic up! This is obviously a spoof commercial. Bathe in it's glorious spoof-nessididty.Anyways, do you like the new font? It's the one used on Doritos bags. I'm still going to be using Sans for the regular comics, though.
  4. So, anyways, I was bored today and decided to make a sub-standard banner. Here it is: Chirox forming out of wispy red stuff that got too blurred along with Chirox. Woohoo. If anyone bothers to use it, here is the URL: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grank/mymocs/makutabanner.png Enjoy. Or not. Your choice. If used, please give credit.
  5. New comic up! That poor wall...I plan to keep this up for a few comics at random intervals, and I already have one planned for the comics section. If there are any sections of BZP you want me to take the comic view on, just tell me! However, these aren't a storyline, they'll just happen. Like the Big Bang. Only better.
  6. New comic up! This one might take some thinking to get the joke. Sorry about your long absence, King Joe!Oh, I'm not going to enter the comics contest anymore. I originally had an entire plot about this nanotech-twisting villain that went around killing everybody that knows him, while he makes a machine that will allow him to enter the time flow and change history to his own evil purposes, and would get caught and revealed as one of the guys thought dead, but the guy they found was actually a clone, and all that. You can see why I dropped the idea. On the bright side, I'll have more time for keeping this comic up to date! Expect more comics soon!
  7. New comic up! Giving chocolate away! Who's silly enough to do that?!On another, slightly more serious note, this is my 30th comic on here. Honestly, I expected this series to be another hit-and-run, and to only be going for five strips or something. I've probably made more comics since October than all of my other failed attempts at comics series combined! I just want to thank everyone who commented for keeping the series alive, so thanks! (Oh, and a have a happy Give Free Choco-I mean, Valentine's day!)
  8. Interstingly, things are interesting.

  9. I definitely plan to enter this, and I think it'll be pretty fun!
  10. New comic up! Yes, I use GIMP, though only for the backgrounds and the text. The rest of the comic is pure MSPaint. As for the questions, please refer to this comic excerpt. Yes, that is going to be my answer for everything. Anyways, thanks for the comments, guys!
  11. New Comic Up! Oh, Tahoni, you so silly. I plan to enter the comics contest, so that storyline I was talking about probably won't happen. Sorry! (I'm still probably going to use a few jokes from the planned comics, though.)
  12. New comic up! As I hope you guessed, Maskstone is based off of Facebook. Guess how many friends Tahoni has on it! Also, I plan to kick off another storyline soon, and hopefully it'll work out better this time.
  13. New Comic Up! As pointed out by JiMing, (Thank you for the comment, by the way) the title may not make much sense now that I am using GIMP. The official reason can be seen in the topic heading, but this is Tahoni's take on it, as a duly deputized agent of the S.O.A. (Screwballs Of America)
  14. New Comic Up! This comic is based off of some trouble with iTunes that I've been having. Poor Tahoni never knows what's going on.
  15. Political content removed. -B6
  16. New Comic Up! This is my first ever attempt at hand-drawing a comic, and I both love and hate this format. I love it due to the artistic freedom it brings, and you can display a lot more emotion than with sprites. However, it's a hassle to draw, especially since I have an unsteady hand. Tahoni's arm position in the third frame was redrawn at least 5 times before I just gave up and made his arms go down to his sides.
  17. My favorite times are when people actually comment on my comics or comedy. Kind of pathetic, but when you are as unknown as me, it means a lot.
  18. New comic up! The Velociraptor is going to be Nastrivok's pet in future strips. Of course, I'm not revealing the name right now. Let's just say it'll be a punchline for one of the strips.
  19. New comic up! I once saw a comic saying that a New Years resolution is a To-Do list for the first week of January. This comic is the reality.On another note, the strip style instead of the scrunched style may look weird, but I think it's better for this particular comic. Feedback?
  20. New comic up! This is why you should never let Nastrivok babysit your kids. And, yes, Nastrivok actually lives at MSPain(T) Comics!, he just likes to make trouble, then make it double.
  21. New comic up! Grank and the gang put up Christmas decorations, but what they say and what Tahoni hears are two completely different things!
  22. This...is amazing! I've never seen a MOC so perfectly pulled off, and it being a MOC of a real animal makes it even harder to do just that. You have created one of the best MOCs this world will ever see. Amazing job!
  23. This is actually a pretty cool MOC. Well built, and a very good color scheme. Great job! The only thing I would recommend is taking the boosters hanging off of the body and moving them a bit up.
  24. I think that it creates a bubble of sorts that shields the user, to deflect expected attacks. However, since there's no way for the shield to be rooted to the ground, the mask has to rely on the user's own friction with the ground.The user is probably the only thing protected, unless the user shields someone else with their body. (This weakness is removed in the Nuva form, however, due to the nature of the Nuva masks.)
  25. No it's not. Your opinion doesn't mean fact. You can't go along pretending that it does. -Dovydas This is a question that asks your opinion, not facts. I stated my opinion that it's the greatest line ever. The name of the topic is not 'What is the fact about LEGO bringing Bionicle back.' Tell me where I even remotely state that my answer is fact, and not opinion like the posts of everyone else in this topic.
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