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CaT in Rogue

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Everything posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. I have to admit, not one of the better sets. The colors clash horribly and the build just looks...weird.On another note, first people complain about having stickers, now they complain about not having stickers? Sheesh, people, make up your minds!
  2. There are zillions of possibilities for Bionicle, but the most likely thing is that we're just going to get all the stories wrapped up and all the plot holes filled in, and then Splat, Whizz, Bang, done.
  3. I think the Krana can only control members of the MU, except for those with mental training, shielding, or discipline. This could encompass any being that bothered to try, but most prominently the OOMN and Makuta.
  4. I personally am plain relieved that Greg will continue story updates. Bionicle is saved until further notice!
  5. I didn't used to believe in over-analyzing, but then I took this topic to the knee. Totally agree with you on that one. This is definitely one of the more intelligent posts on this topic. Writers do not care about this kind of thing, and do overlook certain facts. It's most likely best just to keep that in mind.
  6. Well, I'm pretty sure they've renewed the contract. After all, there is most likely going to keep being specials for each Hero Factory wave, so I think we're far from through with them. Which I feel is good, actually. Their style of animation is better than the first three Bionicle movies, IMO.
  7. Agreed. Although I'm not a huge fan of HF myself, that still would be cool.Ditto, Peach. I'm starting to like HF now, since I read one of those 'Bionicle will come back if you enjoy hf' speeches. IMO, this should be first/third person interchangeable, available of all major platforms (including PC, PS4, "new Xbox", Wii U etc.) and be updated online with each story chapter as they become available, since most consoles have online these days. Hero recon, co-op mode, and Chuck Norris doing someone's voice.Yes, I would go for a create-your-own hero, but I also want some selection of ablities and weapons (like if I give my Hero a fire blaster I want to be able to use it on my enemies)I totally agree with you there. Of course, what would be even better is if you actually got to build your own weapon, but still had default weapons to choose from. You could buy more weapon and hero building bricks with money you collect in the levels.
  8. This website is awesome, and has provided my hours of totally cool Bionicle entertainment. I just want to thank everyone who made this!
  9. I personally think it's sad that they're closing it down after such a short run, especially after all that multi-year hype. And I never even got to play the full version!
  10. This is pretty good, actually. I once experimented with 3D art and ended with something that looks like a mutant sheep.
  11. I personally feel that all lines are created equal. The only exception is Bionicle VS Hero Factory.
  12. I chose the all stories run out sometime option. Eventually, even something like Doctor Who will end, and that's been going for like a zillion years.
  13. Probably the Toa Inika/Mahri, especially Matoro. He was just epic.
  14. I would LOVE it if the sets were back, and would spend all my money on them. ALL OF IT.
  15. I chose options. A lot of other forums have options, and it would be cool if BZPower had stuff like that. We could have theme and banner contests, and whichever entry won would be added to the options!
  16. Lewa. I like his personality, and I expand upon it a lot in my comedys.
  17. At this point, I'd only be interested if LEGO used a building system that's actually GOOD for it.
  18. [insert maniacally funny joke about space aliens, internet memes, and how long it took to join BZP here]It took me a few months at the most. I wanted to make sure what kind of commitment I was getting myself into. I was kind of internet shy back then.
  19. I want to be, the very best!Like no one ever was!Dun-dun-duh-duh!Just kidding. I would like to be a fairly well known comic maker. I used to be a comedy maker, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
  20. Jack up my post count to OVER 9000!!Seriously speaking though, it would be nice to have the top ten hot topic list back up.
  21. I'm shark fishing with clowns as bait.

  22. Not really sure...Bonesii's is pretty cool, I must say, but I don't know which is the best...mine definitely needs a background.
  23. I really don't pay that much attention. Occasionally, something will catch my eye, but usually I'm indifferent.
  24. I chose Le-Matoran bcause I like to act random, but occasionally I'm most like a Ko-Matoran and become somewhat of a loner.
  25. This is pretty cool! Very accurate, although the silver Ehlek claws look a little out of place. Great MOC!
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