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CaT in Rogue

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Everything posted by CaT in Rogue

  1. I have no friends registered in my game. But, seriously, that's how the eyes show up? Strange.
  2. Hey, guys! I was wondering if you might know something about a strange thing in my copy of Pokemon X. No, it's not the Lumiose City Elevator Ghost, it's something different. In the Battle Maison, when I select Multi Battles, if I don't play with a friend, there's the usual NPC options of Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor, but there's also someone else there. A female trainer named Kekea. For those of you who don't know, AKA pretty much everybody, the word 'Kekea' is my casual gamertag, something which very few people know about and even fewer care about. The weirdest part of it is the eyes. Eyes are pretty much the same across all the characters in the game, by that I mean they look fairly human as far as anime style goes. However, Kekea's eyes look like this: Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I would really like to know. Thanks!
  3. Another great chapter! Seeing Twilight starting to act like the others is pretty funny, and actually kind of interesting. Can't wait to see what happens next!
  4. For the love of Mata Nui, how has nobody commented on this yet? This comedy is hilarious! I feel like this is what Equestria Girls should have been, and even though I found that movie decent enough, this is where it's at! Seriously, man, keep up the good work!
  5. Seriously, touching endings that come full circle like this always hit me right in the feels. I didn't consistently read your comedies, but when I did, they were always funny and well-written, and they definitely were some of the better comedies on the forum. Good job, and I hope your future endeavors in the epics forum and whatever else you do go well. Good luck, and best of wishes.
  6. I lost both of my Kanoka Disks and both of my Rhotuka Spinners. Never lost a Zamor Sphere though. I feel like an enigma. Wrapped in a mystery. Locked in a box. Carried by a ninja.
  7. For some reason, I always thought of the Great Beings as being like humans, with some minor differences in physiology and a lot more advancements in technology. We've never really seen a Great Being, so I always think of them as wearing cloaks.
  8. Boy, this is a toughie. I usually bounce between having Ice attributes and Air attributes fairly quickly, although in terms of effects on the world around us, I would probably have to say Stone. Creative, a bit stubborn, and one heck of a wisecracker.
  9. My Bionicle collection...well, I actually have at least one set from each time period. Pohatu Mata from Mata Nui, Vahki Keerakh and Vahki Zadakh from Metru Nui, Thok from Voya Nui, Matoro from Mahri Nui, Chirox, Pohatu, Tanma, Tahu, Gali, and the Axalara T9 from Karda-Nui, lots of 2009 sets. and all six of the poorly-designed 2010 sets.
  10. So, what was the best easter egg in Bionicle media you've ever found/heard of/seen? Personally, I'd have to say it's the credits in Matoran at the end of Legends of Metru Nui. Specifically, they read: Best Matoran: Martin Riber Anderson Location Scout: Greg Farshtey Alastair Swinnerton Leah Weston Asst. to Mr. Makuta: Jeppe Fonnresbark Set Doctor: Erik Kramer Nivawk handler: Lars Kaae Gaffer: Henrik Poulsen Vahki transport captain: Anitta Rasmussen Security for Metru Nui: Megan O�Neill Master Builders: Michael Torborn Jeppesen Mads Riis Lars Lusenberg Nielsoen Lars Thygesen Lars Krogh Jensen Per Fredenksen Stunt Riders: Susan Schaefer Susan Soria Erika Haendel John Hanna Stunt Double for Matau: Kevin Kasha Kikanalo Wranglers: Eric Roth Lori Sale Ashlee Powell Tyler Fowler Shannon McIntosh Jodi Murphy
  11. My first LEGO set was a parts bucket. I don't know what happened to the bucket itself, but I certainly still have the parts. My first Bionicle set was a Vahki Keerahk my best friend got me for my 6th birthday. I didn't actually get into the theme until 2008, when I finally figured out how to use the internet, but I still thought that the Vahki was one of my coolest toys. It was extremely hard for my tiny hands to put the ball joints in the sockets, but it was totally worth it.
  12. It was starting to get repetitive, but then Giant Mecha VS. Giant Monsters happen. As someone who loved Pacific Rim, I am super hyped for the new sets. So, no, I don't think it's becoming like Bionicle, not quite yet anyways.
  13. I think this is a pretty good idea, actually. It's breaking away from the designs of the past couple of years, and it's giving more mecha to those who missed Exo-Force. It also feels a bit like Pacific Rim, especially with the design of those monster heads. Plus I want those pieces. Those glorious pieces. I must have them. My preeeeeciousssssss...
  14. I'm very excited for this line of sets. All of what we've seen so far are prototypes, and even though they don't seem too impressive, I think the final products will be pretty cool.
  15. Probably the Electric Shield. Controlling electricity? Count me in!
  16. Wait...you mean you people don't have one of those in real life? Get with the program! Seriously speaking, if they had seat belts or something, maybe. The idea kind of reminds of the Soarin' Over California ride at California Adventure.
  17. Lewa exploded,Lewa stood still.Lewa tripped on a rock on hill.Lewa sat down,with a big frown,the market was out of the pickles of dill. Lewa shot up,quick as a flash!He knew now where to spend all of his cash! "A trip to Wal-Mart is just what I need!""They have great prices on bags of rich Mukau feed!""Food, electronics, tires galore!""I don't know who could ask for much more!" So Lewa went forth to his pink mini-van,to go to the place with all at hand.He drove just like a monkey that was hopped up on sugar,(Just like the writer of this here tale, sir!) After parking at Wal-Mart,taking up two handicapped zones,He went inside to look at the scones.You may be wondering what happened to the pickles.I don't really know, so here, have some sickles: After standing still for a few minutes,beholding the glory of it all,he decided to move,but began to fall. He looked up in time to see who had shoved him,which turned out to be two Makuta, Leslie and Jim.Lewa began to plot plot his revenge,when he got hit with a snowglobe of Stonehenge. A cranky old Turaga, Dume, you should know,had little tolerance for those he deemed lazy or slow.He kept whacking Lewa til he got out of the way,then proceeded to mumble about kids these days. Lewa wondered how to carry out his grand scheme,until realizing he was surrounded by all the things that he'd need.He grabbed a cart and went around, collecting everything,until finally he got it all, and started to sing. "This stuff is perfect!""Wal-Mart is great!""To enact this great plan, I simply can't wait!" After billing the stuff to Onua's credit card,Lewa began to work on his plan,(But probably not very hard.) There was drilling and thumping,heard throughout all the store.When people asked him to stop,he just built more and more. It took him an hour,(Okay, maybe two.)but by the end,justice was due! Lewa waited to ambush his targets.When they walked toward the doors,his plan would get started! Leslie and Jim finally started to leave,and Lewa started to push on a tree.The tree fell over onto a moat,the ripples of which pushed a toy boat. The toy boat hit a button,which set off an alarm,which startled a fish,into swimming into an arm. The arm set off a spring,which shot toothpaste into a sponge,which made a scale lean to the left with a lunge. The scale tipped a bat,over the edge of a door,which hit an 'ON' button that sat on the floor. A vacuum turned on,and started sucking up carpet,the moving of which shifted a mitt. A marble in the mitt rolled onto a track,which guided the marble into a toy rat. The toy rat moved forward,by about an inch or two,and was raised onto a platformby a robot kangaroo. The toy rat wheeled forward,and set off an air horn,right into the ears of the Makuta Lewa scorned. Leslie and Jim jumped a tad bit,then continued out of the store,simply out of habit. Lewa pumped his fist in the air.Justice was served!He gave those two shoversjust what they deserved! He got in his car,and drove merrily home,(After getting lost and spending two nights in Rome.) Lewa went inside to count all his change.After all, his wallet had to be properly arranged. His eyes opened wide as he was counting his nickels."Mata Nui!" Lewa said. "I forgot the dill pickles!" Word count: 633 Comments? Questions? Criticism? Leave it all down in the comments section below, because that's what it's for!
  18. The story behind this is basically that I had a MOC I was doing nothing with and a picture of a valley that I had taken on Smith's Mesa that I was doing nothing with. So, through the magic of GIMP, I made a picture out of it. Yay! ^ ^ Click for full! I also made a version with the cloth effect, which I personally like better, but you may not. Comments? Constructive criticism? Leave them down in the comments section below, because that's what it's for!
  19. Burning through the sky!

    1. Dapper-Sama



  20. Entry Name: FIRE MINOTAUR BRAIN MECHAEntry Pic URL: Right HereTopic URL (if applicable): That would be here.
  21. BBC #66 Entry:FIRE MINOTAUR BRAIN MECHA(Deal with it.)(Click image for gallery)(I'm probably dooming myself by entering this soon, but...eh.) NAME: Fire Mecha Unit L-0-LMODEL: M.I.N.O.USAGE: Body for disembodied brains of all species.POWER SOURCE: Organic Battery OrbWEAPONS: Twin Flamethrower-Claws, Hydraulics capable of 9550 HorsepowerARMOR: Shield Generator, 15 MM. thick Fire-proof PlatingSTATUS: In production; Banned in 14 systems.Onboard AI: Genetic Lifeform and System Operation Support(GLaSOS for short) The FMU L0L MINO is the most advanced mecha on the market for you disembodied pyromaniacs out there! With a state-of-the-art genocidal AI and a living power source that just barely passes as legal, this mecha is the perfect tool for all your fire starting needs! Order yours now for only 15 easy payments of $99.99! (Just pay 10,000 dollars shipping and handling.) (Some assembly required. Flamethrower fuel not included. Side effects of use may include coughing, sneezing, itching, sweating, and the need to talk about your rather impressive coin collection every 25 minutes, even if you do not, in fact, have a coin collection. The AI and Organic Battery included in this giant mecha may begin to conspire against you. If this occurs, please call tech support at 435-555-3278. Please talk to your doctor before using giant mecha.)
  22. Yeah, I'll be making a character sheet for this series at some point, so that should help. Plus his name is right there in the comic, so there's that.As for the war, it happened a while ago, on the old BZPower. It happened while I was still a fairly new member, and I didn't take any sides, mainly because the whole thing was ridiculous. I just mentioned it because it's the only flame war event I've been around for.
  23. CaT in Rogue


    Welcome to SLIPPERS, an entirely new comic series based in the universe of MSPain(T) Comics! If you haven't read those comics yet, there's an app for that! So, what's the story? Well, basically, our heroes get caught in the dimensional void after Tahoni presses a random button, and thanks to the unique dimensional composition of their section of the BZPower Comics Forum, they must travel to all sorts of different dimensions to gather the ingredients needed to make a way back home. Expect nail-biting drama, explosive action, heartwarming moments, tearjerkers, and more when the biggest blockbuster of the summer comes to the small screen of your internet-access device. This is...SLIPPERS. COMICS: Comic 1: The Beginnings of Legend Comic 2: Lazy Sprite Design...IN SPACE TECHNICAL STUFF The sprite design tool is the Ultimate Kit, made by Dark709. Series is made using MSPaint and GIMP. I do indeed lift, bro. All other technical information may be found here. Public Interactivity Department Always looking for Guest Stars and Permanent Guest Stars! Just PM me with personality traits, gear, and appearance, and we'll set you up with an introductory comic and put your name on a fancy list! Yay! Have any ideas for where our heroes should go? The possibilities are endless! Television shows, movies, web videos, toylines, even other comic series on the site aren't totally out of the question! (You know, if I can get permission or collaborate or something.) Just think of something and post it in the topic section below, and it'll more likely than not get a comic! Have fun, and Allons-y!
  24. MSPain(T) Comics! is probably my Magnum Opus thus far. It took a lot of work, practice, and getting over my rather stupid prejudice against GIMP to make it.
  25. Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube Youtube. I remember back when I was still a new member and I tried to bypass the word filter on that because I thought it was a glitch. I wasn't the sharpest Kahoni in the Suva back then. Still feels good to say, though.
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