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Status Updates posted by Neelh

  1. I hate Hero Factory because it stole my initials :@

  2. I think I beat you to 1000 posts :P

  3. Right now it's Hello.

  4. Now you come to it...

    I do have a Newest Story that gets updated regularly (O RLY?)

  5. TECOEE C3 is up!

  6. It is because I have no life and alot of spare time.

  7. You leave, you come back...

    Are you going to re-join the Senca? Or will the Makoki become 'The' Toa Team of BZP?

  8. Hi! Seeing as you're a Noob, and have 1 post which is a new topic, you have plenty of time to make Squishy stop labelling you 'sister' and start calling you RF. Put an A in the middle :P

  9. Hi again. I see that I have been here shorter than you and have more posts :P Ha!

  10. That person should not have harrassed you for expressing your opinion on Taylor Swift. Whoever did that should've been reported to the moderaters.

  11. Hi, random person from Makoki!

  12. Your turn on the Skakdi thing.

  13. I've just read the last comic. We must to it justice!

  14. It goes against the grain if I don't stick up for people unless they have been needlessly mean or rude to me in the past.

  15. I like people :P

    (And I have a specific liking for my tougne. Don't ask me why. I really don't know.)

  16. You have 1994 posts, and you were born in 1994.

  17. I decided on Snowfall Away.

  18. A long long time ago

    In a galaxy far away

    Naboo was under an attack.

    And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn (?)

    Could talk the Federation in

    To maybe cutting them a little slack.

    But their response, it didn't thrill us...

  19. Good luck with the script writing :P

  20. Awesome! One of my favourite video makers on used it in one of their videoes!

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