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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reznas

  1. I actually really loved this. You're camera angles and character poses are absolutely ingenious, something one can say of very few photo-based comics. Some of the images were slightly blurry, but the amazing angles and posing made up for any blurriness. One thing you may want to work on is the text. Maybe consider speech bubbles? The current form of speech clashes with the rest of the art. But other than that, great work! -Rez
  2. Phew, I can edit my previous post now. The font and color got all screwed up. Jokes aside, I really do think that there's not enough evidence to support the return of Bionicle (fishers mentioned this earlier). Until we hear an official statement from LEGO, we really can't be certain. In order to really believe this, I'm going to need some hard evidence. Also, I would find it incredibly odd if LEGO picked now, of all times, to bring back Bionicle. Four years really doesn't seem like a long enough hiatus to me. From a marketing perspective, they should bring Bionicle back once the initial fan base starts having kids. Not only will parents pass the hobby on, but, by that time, there will be a new generation to get involved. It doesn't seem realistic, from that same perspective, to market to the same generation again. Otherwise, why would they have ever ended the theme in the first place? -Rez EDIT: Not really. It would make it feel like a recycled theme. I already have my doubts about the quality of Bionicle if it returns.
  3. Just a couple things to point out: 1. The lightning could use some work. It looks too much like lines with a blurry outline. A couple of effects could fix that up easily. 2. The platform is a bit blurry. In the original, you see how sharp the platform is? That's what you want, but with the edits you included. 3. It's super dark to the point where I barely noticed the Ga-Matoran. Also, the white stands out from the black, which is not entirely the effect you want. I would try to make it a pale grey. Something slightly darker than white (maybe even a little blue-ish) to show the light from the lightning, but keep the darkness apparent. Other than that, it looks really nice. You changed the mood very expertly, which is the kind of effect you really want to have. -Rez
  4. "JUSP AS ACCORDIOM TO PLAN." You should have said accordion. For no good reason. -Rez
  5. Nah, you're not dumb. You should have seen some of the mistakes I made in my first couple of months after joining. They were much worse than this. Since you already posted your theory in the designated topic, there's really not a reason to have this open. But it's up to the staff. -Rez
  6. Hey, man, like I said over in your last topic, this theory should be posted in this topic. You can post your thoughts there, where others can share their theories as well. No need to make a new topic for it. -Rez
  7. Hey, don't worry about it! You weren't wasting anyone's time. Everyone makes mistakes. It's especially confusing in this case considering the thread for this sort of thing was actually moved to another forum very recently. You probably didn't even notice that, so don't worry about it. Just remember, for future reference, check around the forum your posting in for anything related to the subject you may want to post about. There might be a thread regarding that subject, which means there's no need for the same thread to be posted twice. -Rez
  8. No, there is already a topic designated for future Bionicle story line theories. Lychir already pointed it out above. You can find it here. You can copy and paste your theory into a post there. To get this closed, report the main thread asking for a staff to close it. The report button is right here: -Rez
  9. Copy and paste it into the other topic, and then report the topic to be closed. -Rez
  10. Considerable improvement. I hope you submitted this version to B6. You guys make a pro team. Thanks! I did, in fact, submit this version. -Rez
  11. #Bionicle2015 I just had to. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reznas


      #SinceNever Oops, did I just go mainstream again? Sorry 'bout that.

    3. fishers64


      *ominous voice* Being countercultural is a burden few beings are strong enough to bear. :P

    4. Reznas


      I am willing to take on the fiery breath of the dragon that is countercultural. #dragons (Imagine a strikethrough here)

  12. Personally, it was the Toa Hordika that really hit it off for me. My first set was a Visorak, which I loved. I didn't get involved in the earlier years, so I just prefer stuff from '05 and on generally. '01-'04 were great years, but I wasn't involved in them, so I can't really say they were my favorite. Toa Lewa has always been my favorite character, however, so I have ties in both periods of Bionicle. -Rez
  13. Honestly? They left it open because they genuinely care about our community. They were fine with any discussion unrelated to the leak. The leaked images were the problem, not the analysis of whether or not a return is possible. -Rez
  14. It's not really intended to be this way actually. It just occasionally happens. There's a lot of hype around Bionicle right now, and people are going crazy about it. -Rez
  15. Wait, nobody here's saying Bionicle will be back for sure, or that Hero Factory will be replaced. It's a hypothetical question. Assuming Bionicle does return, what would be your first reaction? -Rez
  16. Save my money for other things, but still follow the story. -Rez
  17. There is no revival in the comics forum. The topic won't ever be closed unless you request it to be, or if a staff has a reason to, which means you can take as long as you'd like to update the thread. -Rez
  18. A friend of mine generally helps me edit and master my pieces, so there's actually a new version of the piece uploaded now. -Rez
  19. Reznas


    Today we celebrate America's triumph over an oppressive government. Today we celebrate the freedom we fought for. Today we celebrate the unified nation our forefathers were committed to create. If it hadn't been for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, none of us would be enjoying the liberties we have today. It's a great day to honor our forefathers and their accomplishments. God bless America! -Rez
  20. Reznas

    Reznas' Comics

    Hey, guess what? I made a comic! #3 Ginny... -Rez
  21. I think they often save it for a time in dire need. -Rez
  22. I doubt it. It honestly wouldn't be a smart business decision on LEGO's part. Not only would it ruin HF sales, if not other theme sales, but one has to ask the question of whether or not the return of the theme would actually bring in that much revenue at all. A recycled series is not going to bring in the same profit that it used to. If I were LEGO, I would allocate my resources towards other themes. If Bionicle ever returned, it would be much better off to return years and years from now, when most have forgotten about the series, and the new generation can better get involved. -Rez
  23. Reznas

    Reznas' Comics

    I know the feeling, yet at the same time, I'm often super lazy and procrastinate about life stuff. Ya' know, stuff that determines my future career and stuff. No biggie. Nope. Reznas is male, whereas the other is female (more will be revealed about her later). I don't really follow Bionicle canon much in that sense. -Rez
  24. Reznas

    Reznas' Comics

    You are not alone. Definitely not. -Rez
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