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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reznas

  1. The better question is whether or not people can answer a serious question (with traces of humor) without making a joke out of it (in a negative way) or making fun of the person asking the question. As for an answer, I'd have to agree with what others have said: if they do actually ingest any sort of food, mechanical processes within their bodies would probably break down the food into some kind of energy. -Rez
  2. This is coming from someone biased ('05 was when I bought my first set), but honestly, I never had a problem with the Hordika. As Shockwave mentioned above, for a bunch of sets intended to look mutilated and deranged, I think LEGO did pretty well. I mean, the sets might not be as appealing to the eye as, say, some of the '01-'04 sets, but they served a purpose. I do think the chest plate, as Sumiki mentioned, is kind of annoying. I remember trying to MoC with it all the time--it was the worst armor piece ever. -Rez
  3. I'd like to try this game... -Rez
  4. I fail to understand this trend of "Bionicle is a disappointment" topics. There have been three or four in the past couple of months...and it's kind of annoying. Here's the deal, if we look for every problem in every story, or in anything in life, for that matter, all we will ever find is disappointment. Stories aren't perfect, because they're made by people, who aren't perfect either. It's getting slightly irritating that so many people expect Bionicle to be perfect when that's a false expectation. The majority of this site still enjoys Bionicle, that's why we've stayed four years after it ended to continue discussing it. It really ruins the mood when people come in and try to tell us why we shouldn't like Bionicle. Can I make a simple request and ask those who are trying to pick apart Bionicle to please just let it be? You've made your point. -Rez
  5. Source: Depression --- For someone who went through depression for a time, this really relates to me. Heed this advice. It's so spot on. -Rez
  6. Majhost and Brickshelf are currently down. Occasionally they have a couple days of maintenance. During that time you can use sites like flickr, DeviantArt and a myriad of other image hosting sites. Alternatively, you can just use those sites instead of Majhost/Brickshelf in general. They're only recommendations, like others have said. Also, for future questions related to images, please post them in the Pictures Topic. -Rez EDIT: If flickr isn't working, just Google "image hosting" and use whatever site you wish. Personally, I've been using "Postimage.org" while Majhost has been down.
  7. It's also worth noting that occasionally members will be kind enough to gift Premier Memberships (i.e. Lady Kopaka's Premier Membership Giveaway). Similarly, some contest prizes may be Premier Membership packages, although that's a pretty rare occurrence. -Rez
  8. That really sucks. :\ I remember when my HDD crashed, it was a pain. Is the 120GB drive an SSD? You mentioned it running like lightning. -Rez
  9. Sadly, the only three Metroid games I haven't played are the three Primes...Still on my to do list. Anyway, these MoCs are amazing! They're incredibly accurate. And Samus is spot-on. Looks really nice! Keep up the good work! -Rez
  10. Reznas

    I'm a Dad!

    Congrats! -Rez
  11. A fellow fan of Tristam? What? Tristam is by far my favorite EDM artist. -Rez
  12. Hopefully your second order would be to kill all the spiders. -Rez
  13. So incredibly sad. -Rez
  14. In terms of the proper definition of truth in logic, a soundly supported argument is a true one. Of course, then people go on to question whether any given argument really is sound; my point is, truth isn't actually relative (except in matters of taste, which this isn't). But what basis of truth is a soundly supported argument upheld by? A definition is created by a person, an argument is created by a person and speculation based on the argument is created by a person. Therefore, knowing that each person has a different perception of truth, how can we truly know that a soundly supported argument is true? Technically speaking, truth isn't relative, no, because there can only be one truth. What I mean is that perceptions of truth are relative. -Rez
  15. Now I presume Pomegranate believes that view IS definitely right, but that conclusion wasn't worded as being based on the fact that many agree. It's based on all the other things Pom has said (and more; we could probably write more than the Encyclopedia Britannica on the subject). You do have a point. I must have missed the "maybe" part. Had I noticed it, I probably wouldn't have called the section out. I, therefore, digress. I could argue that even a supported argument doesn't equal a truthful argument. In reality, truth is relative from person to person. That doesn't mean that the truth each of us derive is real true. But since each person determines what he considers true, we can never conclude a finite truth. You see, if the perception of truth changes from person to person, any statement can theoretically be right or wrong. -Rez
  16. That's subjective. Theoretically you could be wrong. I think you're right, because I totally think Bionicle had elements of sexism. But the point I was trying to make in my previous post is that definitively calling one side wrong and your side right is logically flawed. Of course you think your side is right and the other side is wrong. That's a given. But that doesn't make the other side inherently wrong. It just makes it wrong from your perspective. Again, I do agree with you, so don't take this like an attack on the views you laid out. I'm simply pointing out that a definitive, "I'm right," is logically flawed. -Rez
  17. This logic is kind of flawed, because anyone else could say the same to you. If I complained and tried to explain my point of view to you, would that make you wrong and automatically require you to consider what you're saying? -Rez EDIT: Do note, I'm not questioning your post, but rather this specific section that has some logical fallacies.
  18. Hey, no need to be antagonistic about it. I had no idea the downloads no longer worked. Not to mention the front page of BOGA actually links to BMP anyway... -Rez
  19. Look here. It's an archive of most of the online Bionicle games. -Rez
  20. I think the main problem others are having is that they don't use the "show all" page for smileys and don't see the coding for each of them. Personally, I always searched based on visuals on that page, but now that you've pointed out that they're alphabetically ordered for the most part, I don't foresee having any issues anymore. I digress on the reorganization idea. -Rez
  21. Those are two entirely irrelevant things. Something isn't wasteful because it takes a long time to view it. It's annoying, yes, when it takes 15 seconds+ to find your smiley, but not wasteful. Maybe it feels like a waste of your time, but I didn't get the impression that Aanchir was implying that. I think a reorganization would actually be really nice. That's something I would totally advocate for. I do agree that it often takes a while to find a specific smiley. Especially when you miss it like five times before finding it. -Rez EDIT: Also, related to your second paragraph, I would say that variety isn't a bad thing. Maybe they are "visually inconsistent," but there are over a hundred different smileys. I personally like the inconsistency, because, as I said, it adds variety. Redundancy is probably unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, but in reality, the percentage of redundant smileys is pretty low. One could say that , , and are redundant because they all use the same face with a different emotion, but since you don't like visual inconsistency, it would probably be irritating to see with a different face than . Seems like visual inconsistency and redundancy can be very contradictory.
  22. I'm sorry, but how can a smiley be wasteful exactly? It's not like they're taking up much bandwidth or any useful space, so how are they wasteful? Some of them might be annoying or silly, but wasteful is not the right word to use at all. I personally love having a huge selection of emoticons to choose from. There's a smiley for nearly every common emotion, if not for most uncommon emotions. While some of the smileys might seem a bit spammy when used in certain conversations, it's not like they're really doing any harm. Hardly anyone ever uses the emoticon in place of actually cursing at someone. Usually, it's used in a comedic sense, not intended to put others down. Even if it were, it's better than a paragraph of insults, don't you think? -Rez
  23. So, I, um, probably need to finish my half-way-done comic at some point, eh?

    1. fishers64


      In this case, need is subjective (will it haunt you day and night until finished?) and probably is iffy. If it is more likely to haunt you day and night, than you should finish it.

    2. Reznas
  24. The main thing I'd recommend working on is your mixing and mastering. Some parts get a bit muddy, and there's a lot of frequency overlapping. Try to isolate key frequencies in each sound. It may sound bad solo, but with all the other sounds, you end up getting a much sharper, cleaner sound. Also, try to boost your bass drums and snare a bit. D&B really needs a strong bassline/drumline. Other than that, great work! -Rez
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