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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reznas

  1. Reznas

    Ask Me Something...

    Something, nothing, everything. -Rez
  2. Title says it all. -Rez
  3. Reznas

    Oh, Dear...

    Apparently Russia just shot artillery from Russian territory to Ukrainian territory. As I said in my last entry regarding this whole issue, it's all just a complete mess. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Ukrainian people and all of my friends there, and also to Russia, in hopes that this issue will be resolved. :\ -Rez
  4. Hey! Welcome back! -Rez
  5. Ugg...many a time. -Rez
  6. A fellow EDM artist! Hey, that track is really nice! I would honestly categorize it as Nu Trance rather than a broad EDM, but that's just me. Sounds really ambient and chill. Great work! Can't wait to hear that Progressive House track. -Rez
  7. Lewa, hands down. He's always been my favorite character. -Rez
  8. Related to the chord progression, I actually just randomly started playing it on the piano one day, and thus came this piece. I tried to make it sound pretty eerie. Guess it worked. =3 Yeah, the Trance bass is kind of quiet. I didn't want it overly emphasized, but it does seem kind of subtle. Thanks! -Rez
  9. Also, for future reference, you could have found your answer here and here. -Rez
  10. So happy to see BZPower going after all these years. While I'm skeptical about Bionicle's return, I do really hope it comes back, for the sake of BZPower. I'd love to see activity like we had before the downtime. -Rez
  11. *Oculus Rift Meh, LEGO doesn't generally make those sorts of games. And since Bionicle isn't even officially returning as of yet, why would they develop a complex game based on a theme that's been over for four years? -Rez
  12. ...He's your avatar. Bionicle Zone Power (BZPower). It's not hard to find a Bionicle avatar or picture off the net. He probably Googled Bionicle and found a nice picture of Lewa. No need to be so presumptuous. As for the drawing, it looks really nice. I'm not so fond of the mass in between armor plates, but everything else looks great. I wish the whole thing were in color. =3 -Rez
  13. I wouldn't call the evidences you mentioned gigantic or concrete. Until LEGO actually confirms the return of Bionicle, all of your "evidence" is simply speculation. LEGO removed Bionicle from a "themes never to return" list. Okay, sounds fishy, but there isn't any hard evidence backing that up. You're only speculating. They could of removed it for a handful of other reasons. I'd say that bonesiii has the best idea so far: wait. None of this so-called evidence is backed up by anything but speculation, which isn't proof of anything. -Rez
  14. Thanks! I'm not sure about whether it would fit Voya Nui. Maybe? I tried to get kind of a dark feeling as if one were walking deep into the earth, and then the middle section kind of represents the beauty underneath. Thanks again! Thanks! I try to master stuff as professionally as possible, so it's a real compliment to hear that. Well, it's always my hope to make my music stand out, so I guess it worked. -Rez
  15. When I look up, I see a beautifully dark and mysterious night sky full of stars and moonlight and romance and WHERE AM I GOING WITH THIS! -Rez
  16. Reznas


    It truly is. :\ Glad to have a neighbor here. You have any family affected by all this? It's sad that it has to, but that's what it's come down to. Thanks, I hope so, too. :\ I don't quite understand it either. There is truly evil in this world, and it's sad we have to watch it where we stand. Thanks! -Rez
  17. We're free to share any other information about Bionicle's return besides anything leaked. As an example, we can discuss things we'd like to see in the future of Bionicle (assuming it returns). -Rez
  18. I have no problem with some brown tones on Lewa, but I honestly think that there are better color combinations than green and brown (Bionicle wise). I would certainly hate to see Lewa's mask brown, that's for sure. -Rez
  19. But I feel brown is kind of cool because the green is leafs and the brown is wood. Brown and green would be cool, although I'd still want the brown to be used very sparingly on Lewa if he's released in the revival; ideally, less than 1/4 of his armor or bone piece would be brown or another color that wasn't a shade of green. After all, the green color of leaves is much more visible that the brown color of tree trunks in most forests with large numbers of leafy trees, right? EDIT: Funny as it is, Kopekemaster and I happened to post the exact same opinion at the same time. WHAT IF HIS MASK WAS BROWN! That would ruin Lewa's character. His mask has always been green, why change it? Ugg, you're getting me to speak as if Bionicle is definitively coming back. -.- -Rez
  20. Can we have some proof? A reliable source? And have we actually established that Bionicle is coming back? You make it sound like Bionicle is definitively coming back. -Rez
  21. Meh, it would look pretty ugly on pretty much any Bionicle, save a couple. Just my opinion. But seriously, Lewa in that color? Please, no... -Rez
  22. I honestly preferred Pohatu's original medium-brown mixed with that cream-ish color (Aanchir could probably tell me the actual name of the color =P). The light orange made him look...strange. They did a similar thing with Lewa, making him an almost neon-green. The Phantoka were not my favorite sets in terms of color schemes. And then there was Tahu in a much darker shade of red that took the "fire" out of him, for lack of better words. -Rez
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