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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Reznas

  1. I had the exact same thoughts. I was just fearful that I would get absolutely demolished on the forums for saying it. -Rez
  2. /bionicle is an cool website. -Rez
  3. What a coincidence... -Rez
  4. Hey, do you speak Russian? I live in Moscow, but I never noticed this about Velika. Haven't heard that name in a while. Actually, last time I heard it was probably before I moved here to Moscow, so I wouldn't have known any Russian then. But this is actually really cool. It sure doesn't sound like a coincidence to me, but maybe it is? -Rez
  5. You make some really good points; points I would have wanted to touch on had I had more time to write my entry. I think there's certainly issues one both sides. Some people do purposely misuse grammar and spelling, which is slightly annoying. The main thing I was trying to address on my blog is that the fad that's been going around the forums recently is not cool. I've seen countless posts where people humiliate other members for not having perfect grammar, many of whom do not speak English natively. Also, in my opinion, if the grammatical errors are in any topic other than a library thread and are not intended to spite others, then pointing them out is really just kind of unnecessary and deviates from most topics in the end. -Rez
  6. Seriously, all these posts telling people to work on their grammar and spelling are incredibly disrespectful and unnecessary, and to be honest, kind of annoying. No one on BZPower, or on the internet, for that matter, is obligated to use perfect speech. If that were a requirement, no one would use the internet. No one is perfect. I don't understand why people find the need to be grammar nazis and humiliate users for not writing "properly". -Rez
  7. Reznas

    Dota 2

    Can I have an excuse for getting irritated at players occasionally now? But hey, when you have those bad games, just remember that you beat me in 1v1 mid the other day. -Rez
  8. FINALLY! Life is awesome. -Rez
  9. Reznas


    Same has happened to me many a time. One time, if I remember correctly, I may have woken up in more than five layers of dreams, which was pretty crazy and kind of annoying. I did eventually wake up though. No limbo for me. -Rez
  10. By definition, sexism is a prejudice against one or both of the sexes, not exclusively against women. If that's the case, sexism is not the proper term, because it applies to both sexes. Also, I don't know about your experience but from my experience, I have seen many men both oppressed and marginalized. Also, saying that only men can be sexist doesn't really serve to help the issue of sexism. It actually makes things worse. I think that most of us want a world where men and women are treated equally, given the same opportunities, freedoms, etc. But stating that all men are the root of the problem really only isolates men in the end, which is not what we want for either sex. The solution is not to treat men in the way many women are treated until it balances out. In my opinion, there have to be changes on both sides, not just one. -Rez EDIT: Since this is sort of off-topic, I have something to add: I think that, yes, LEGO probably didn't intentionally try to make Bionicle sexist. But that's really no excuse. Whether you're targeting a specific demographic, or not, a 6:1+ males to females gender ratio is kind of outrageous. This isn't even a slight imbalance in gender, it basically makes females nonexistent, which is far from realistic.
  11. For future reference, make sure to check out the Q&A Compendium before posting questions. You would have found your answer here. -Rez
  12. To be fair, most of the gender discussions have not ended up fights at all as of recent. -Rez
  13. That's approximately 341 yottabytes. I kid you not. Yottabytes are a thing. -Rez
  14. Rank images are meant to be a surprise and a reward for achieving post count milestones. There is no list of rank images or of the amount of posts necessary for them. It's meant to be this way, because such a list could spoil other members' surprise. -Rez
  15. The mono-gender tribes are ridiculous. They need to go. I'd also like to see a more balanced Toa team, something like 4 males to two females, or even better, 3 males to 3 females. I think that Tahu could totally pass as female, and that Kopaka could probably pass as well. Personally, I think that Lewa, Onua and Pohatu are better off staying as males, although, I'm biased seeing as Lewa is my favorite character. -Rez
  16. I certainly had some worthier opponents! It's great to see such a beautiful piece of art, "A Shadow Reaches," win. Congrats! -Rez
  17. Restarting your browser deletes the temporary cache it creates every time you open it up. There might of been a few errors that kept the images from popping up. The restart deleted the cache and probably fixed the problem. Glad the issue is resolved now! -Rez
  18. I was only quoting an article from Java's website. But regardless, my point is that they are different and don't correlate (at least, don't correlate enough to cause any mutual problems on webpages). -Rez EDIT: Also, glad the problem is fixed!
  19. JavaScript is actually very different from Java. Key differences between Java and JavaScript: Java is an OOP programming language while Java Script is an OOP scripting language.Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only.Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text.They require different plug-ins.You can find more information about their differentiation here. In a nutshell, the version of Java installed has no correlation with how JavaScript will function on your browser. -Rez EDIT: Could you answer my previous inquiries? The more information I have about your computer/browser/settings, the better.
  20. It appears that Mozilla automatically allows JavaScript to run. There is no enable or disable option available unless you you install add-ons to do it for you. Do you happen to have such an add-on/extension, ---Kopaka Nuva---? -Rez
  21. Weird. It works for me. Here are a few questions: do you have Javascript enabled? Have you tried clicking the images on any other browsers, such as Chrome or IE? What version of Windows 8 are you running? Which version of Mozilla are you running? -Rez
  22. Do you have any specific examples, like xccj asked? Any screenshots? -Rez
  23. Seems like it's working for me as well. At first, I thought he was talking about something else, but now that I understand the question, I can confirm that the function is working properly on my end. Like I said before, creating a Tracker ticket is probably the way to go. -Rez
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