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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Reznas

  1. Are you a Christian? It seems that way. I am.

  2. Welcome! Seeing you are new here, you should look at the rules. Also if you need help, check out the New Members Q & A or the BZP Compendorium. Thanks!

  3. Thanks. Put it up soon! :D

  4. Cool! What was your team name last year? Did you go to Iowa or Nationals? Happy Birthday!

  5. Nice Personal Statement. ^ Gotta love it. ;-)

  6. Hey, I bible quiz too! My team got 11th in Iawa Invitationals

  7. Sup man. Hey check out my comics. New one up. And post. Also in my kit. And drawing please. I'll post where'ever you want.

  8. Oh, and I'm home schooled also.

  9. I need him to give me six-shade. And Raptorevv, otherwise known as Lord of the Firax, is a PGS, and I'm making a comic right now.

  10. LOL! You have a long Interest list.

  11. I quiz in Youth Challenge. Basically it's in CO and NE. What place did your team get in nationals?

  12. Awsome. Everyday on BZP, I turn around and find a Christian. Are you Baptist?

  13. Hey, I play the piano too!

  14. Hey, welcome. If you want to know how to put an image on BZP, than I'll tell you. Just insert image tags like this:


    Then put in the URL like this:


    Does that help. Insert a diferent URL, that was an example.

  15. Yep. I'm on the veteran team now. I'm taking John 4, 5, 9, 14, and 19. I can't wait for the quiz meet!

  16. Sorry, add the [/img]

  17. Are any of your kids still in Bible Quizing?

  18. Hey, could I have my street background. Is it finished?

  19. Go to options on my page, and then go to Members topics, then click on my comics, my drawing for Shadix, and my Sprite kit.

  20. I'm a Christian too!

  21. It's the same here. Gotta love it! So what kit you gonna use. Adding to friends list. Yiu do the same.

  22. Hey Timothy.

  23. I play Piano too!

  24. I posted in your comics and MoC. Also check out my game.

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