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Axilus Prime

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Status Replies posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Halloween this year... It's basically become one huge game of "Where's Elsa?" In the last hour I've seen over 40 little girls dressed up as the Frozen Queen!

  2. Halloween this year... It's basically become one huge game of "Where's Elsa?" In the last hour I've seen over 40 little girls dressed up as the Frozen Queen!

  3. Halloween this year... It's basically become one huge game of "Where's Elsa?" In the last hour I've seen over 40 little girls dressed up as the Frozen Queen!

  4. Freezing Bionicles is fun.

  5. Freezing Bionicles is fun.

  6. Freezing Bionicles is fun.

  7. Freezing Bionicles is fun.

  8. What do you think it'd be like if BZP added a new feature that allowed us to identify as a specific elemental tribe. For example, I'd join the Av-Matoran tribe. What do you think this would do to the BZP community?

  9. What do you think it'd be like if BZP added a new feature that allowed us to identify as a specific elemental tribe. For example, I'd join the Av-Matoran tribe. What do you think this would do to the BZP community?

  10. What do you think it'd be like if BZP added a new feature that allowed us to identify as a specific elemental tribe. For example, I'd join the Av-Matoran tribe. What do you think this would do to the BZP community?

  11. What do you think it'd be like if BZP added a new feature that allowed us to identify as a specific elemental tribe. For example, I'd join the Av-Matoran tribe. What do you think this would do to the BZP community?



  14. Oh, that's right! I run a comic series! Maybe I should get back to that... :P

  15. I gotz Vakamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  17. If I worked for the shipping company that was shipping Vakama, I'd be pretty embarrassed. They shipped him too late.

  18. If I worked for the shipping company that was shipping Vakama, I'd be pretty embarrassed. They shipped him too late.

  19. If I worked for the shipping company that was shipping Vakama, I'd be pretty embarrassed. They shipped him too late.

  20. I blocked an idiot from my contacts in my phone this morning! I feel more relieved than I normally should.

  21. I blocked an idiot from my contacts in my phone this morning! I feel more relieved than I normally should.

  22. I'm tempted to change my display name. Out of the list of acceptable names I have on my profile page, I think I like "Kakama-Wearing Comic Maker" the best. Thoughts? Other suggestions?

  23. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

  24. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

  25. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

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