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Axilus Prime

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Status Replies posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  2. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

  3. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  4. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

  5. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  6. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  7. I got Nokama today! Vakama, who was bought from a different seller than Nokama, has yet to arrive.

  8. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  9. Emotional journeys are so difficult. I happen to be on one myself, and it's the most vital one I could ever have. I'm trying to find out who I am, and I've been lost for a while now.

  10. So, my cousin, known on here as the amateur comic-maker Meyres the Anchorman, had some sort of stroke or something yesterday. He's doing fine right now, but he's going in later this week for an MRI.

  11. so I had my wallet stolen today

  12. So, my cousin, known on here as the amateur comic-maker Meyres the Anchorman, had some sort of stroke or something yesterday. He's doing fine right now, but he's going in later this week for an MRI.

  13. Hmm. The unmasked heads have a strange jaw structure. But the design's fine with me.

  14. Just came back to 369 notifications after 6 hours. Time to unfollow the Bionicle 2015 topic...

  15. What team do you think is more powerful? Toa Metru or Toa Inika? It's probably gonna lean more toward Inika, but I'll ask anyway.

  16. I want to draw Bonkles so I can post it on BZPower! But I'll surely be in the shadow of digitally colored art and better art styles. :(

  17. I want to draw Bonkles so I can post it on BZPower! But I'll surely be in the shadow of digitally colored art and better art styles. :(

  18. Today, I managed to impress my friends by having them list years in between 2001-2010 and then telling them what the Toa did that year! I can't memorize many things, but BIONICLE's always stuck with me!

  19. I rebuilt every Vahki except for the green one! The one problem is that the black one wields a spare pair of the blue one's weapons, but that doesn't matter to me! Surrender or run!

  20. I rebuilt every Vahki except for the green one! The one problem is that the black one wields a spare pair of the blue one's weapons, but that doesn't matter to me! Surrender or run!

  21. I rebuilt every Vahki except for the green one! The one problem is that the black one wields a spare pair of the blue one's weapons, but that doesn't matter to me! Surrender or run!

  22. I rebuilt every Vahki except for the green one! The one problem is that the black one wields a spare pair of the blue one's weapons, but that doesn't matter to me! Surrender or run!

  23. There's a chance that I'll be playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time tomorrow. I heard it's a really good game and now that I have my own Steam account, I can see what all the rage is about!

  24. There's a chance that I'll be playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time tomorrow. I heard it's a really good game and now that I have my own Steam account, I can see what all the rage is about!

  25. On the way to our houses from school, some of us found a riot shield. Naturally, with it being bulletproof, we took turns punching it!

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