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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by ~Shockwave~

  1. English, most of the time....I took.a semester of French.... yeah....
  2. granted. You just went deaf. i wish my teachers would except 42 as the answer to my honework
  3. i have masks, minifig pieces, pokemon cards and:two dinosaur minifigs and two guard minifigs, from series five.I wantA kai minifigGold ninjad weapons and piecesA dwarf, cheerleader, and Spartan minifigs.microfigsI am looking for any collectible minifigs, those are just the main ones
  4. 3D is useless to me. My brain dosnt believe in it.And I'm not keen on supporting them right now. And I'm about ready to do that to hasbro.
  5. I enjoyed the tv episodes, they are lighthearted, and.remind me of the cutscenes from the Lego games.And I picked up the small snake.temple set, its pretty cool. the staff piece is win. and that snake tail piece makes me hope for a madusa in the collectable series.
  6. if you had seven less ponies in your sig, it would still be too many. :Pso i stole your characters name?
  7. i agree the downtime was harsh on our.... population.as much as i love bionicle. there isn't as much discussion value as when it was alive.shifting to a new topic would make some people leave. as we have seen some of that sort of negativity early in hfs life.
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