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Status Updates posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I am the duckiest duck that ever ducked

  2. i got flow like a river / stabs like a killer / and beats like a farmer / i mean drummer

  3. The most hilarious part of Prototype 2's story is how they try to make Blackwatch less likeable than Heller. So they make them all swear like sailors and all sound like their from Mississippi and how they like to murder puppies with chainsaws or something. o.O



  6. I sometimes dream that I exist as a mollusk.

  7. Listening to new FF5 album, III. It's pretty sweet.

  8. The Chariot = WINNING

  9. I think we've watched almost every one at least twice. And we only started in, like, January. :P

    Have you see "Lassie Did A Bad, Bad Thing" yet?

  10. Hi

    I saw your banner and thought "Ocool, another Psych fan!". I'm waiting patiently (not :P) for Season 5 to come to Netflix so we can watch it. I hope it's soon. :3

    So, yeah. Just wanted to say. :D

  11. Dat's alright. Is there a way I can put it on hold? I might write a second chapter soon and, thus, would like both to be reviewed. :D

  12. Wow. O.o That's a lot of discs for back then XP

    Switching topics: Any word on when the comedy critic assignments will be? just curious :/

  13. I dun have no consoles :(

    What console was FFIX on?

  14. Yeah, I think he's cool.

    And I've never played any FF games XP

  15. VIVI FTW :D

    Sorry I just noticed that and thought it was epic.

  16. Um... yes?

    I used him because he (and my other characters) only appeared one year (of sets. I'm not very familiar with the stories nowadays)

  17. Contact about what? :S

  18. Hi, I have a question about CCC.

    If I ask for a review, and someone is assigned to it, and I write another chapter that I would like to have reviewed also, can I add it too my request, and, if so, should I re-post my request with the update?

    Thank you!


  19. Wow, I didn't notice that! Awesome! Happy... is it 14th?

    Epic age, dude. :D

  20. I know, April is going to be a beast for me >.

    Also, Happy Birthday! I was the same age as you... for one whole day ^.^

  21. Thank you guys! ^.^

  22. "You sure type like it".


    Am I supposed to be insulted?


    I really don't know.

  23. Where can I get that book in your profile pic? I think it would be quite an educational read BD

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