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Status Updates posted by BioCry

  1. Dang, I missed another friend's birthday. For what it's worth, Happy Belated Birthday! ^_^

  2. Discombobulated V. -1 is live. Go check it out. :D

  3. Dude. That is hilarious. Did you draw every single frame by hand?

  4. Ehhh... I guess. Mosserella is my favorite. ;)

  5. ERm, why do you have two girls kissing each other in your sig? It's kinda. Eh... "abnormal".

  6. Figures... Just as I leave, everybody comes back to life. XD

    1. Calvirick


      Maybe cause we needed you...TO LIIIIIIVVE!!

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD
  7. Happy Belated Birthday, dude! ^_^

  8. Happy Birthday Birthday, B6! Hope it's a good one!


  10. Happy Birthday, dude! ^_^

    1. LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      Thanks Bio ol' buddy ol' chum.

  11. Happy Birthday, Man! Hope it's a good one. ;)

  12. Happy Birthday! Wow. I guess I'm the first to say this. Well, on your page. :D

  13. Happy Birthday!!

  14. Hello Miss Ex-Empress.

  15. Hey man. It's good you're back. :)

  16. Hey man. What's up? :)

  17. Hey, Kraah. Did you draw the picture in your sig, because it looks AWESOME!

  18. I HAVE AN IDEA! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Do it brah!

      IT'S WORTH IT!!!

    3. BioCry


      I'll see what I can do.


      In the meantime I have another idea in mind that I might need some help with.

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
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