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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Kex

  1. Kex


    How amazing is this alliteration? Note: sucking up will probably not get you PE. Not unless you do a really, really good job.
  2. Kex

    Shocking Fact #56

    Scrubs is my favorite show.
  3. Try that with something like Science by System of a Down. I went down the Burger King drive-thru with it blaring and all I got were stares. Haha. So fun.
  4. Kex


    Okay. So I'm reading this book called East of Eden by John Steinbeck. I'm not prepared by any means to talk about the book, but I do want to talk about this one quote that I adore. Read it a few times, and think about it. Alright, so now I got you thinking. Or at least I hope I did. I can think back to so many situations in my own life where somebody didn't believe me when I was telling the truth. Some of those times, it hurt. A lot. It stung deep down. When someone totally rejects your truth and believes that it's truly a lie... Wow, it hurts. It's got to be one of the most devastating emotions I've ever experienced. You just don't know what to say, or what to do, or how to get them to believe you... The fact that this person doesn't believe what you're saying is true... Man. It drives me crazy.
  5. Dude. I say that all the time when talking with my homies. That's the good type of dude, homedizzle.
  6. Kex

    Hurrah, Promotion

    I've got a few things in the works... Let's doooooooo it. rawr \m/
  7. Kex

    Hurrah, Promotion

    Be a good member and report stuff and you'll be handsomely rewarded. Be a bad member and cause trouble and you'll be severely punished. I can do that now, yanno. Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Six, and congrats to Smeag as well.
  8. Kex

    Alright Guys

    I'm asking for your assistance. Yes, you. I haven't really been keeping up with the 2008 Sets this year. I've been busy. As such, the Official 2008 Sets Topic has a rather lacking opening post. I'm looking for a few people who want to help me write up a new opening post. Please either comment here or PM if you're interested in helping. Thanks guys.
  9. I Love You! Yes I do! So go check it out!!
  10. Kex


    Haha you're complaining already. And you don't even have to deal with customers.
  11. Kex

    Personal Messages

    If you were me, you wouldn't be so fond of PMs.
  12. Kex

    I Have Problems

    Computer problems, mainly. Long story short, my computer is toast. I'll be getting it back Saturday, but it may or may not be working. We'll see. BUT HAVE NO FEAR. BZP February plans are still in place! Anyway, just popping in to prove I'm still alive. I have so much to blog about... When I get all this stuff sorted out, expect lots of updates from me. Leave love and tell me how much you've missed me~
  13. Kex

    Working In Stocks

    Omi got a job? NO WAY Good luck with that. Hopefully you'll meet some cool people and make new friends. Otherwise, it'll be quite boring.
  14. Kex

    On Point Resolve

    Nothing on being nicer to your minions?
  15. Tonight was pretty much amazing. Shame I can't really elaborate, but OH WELL it was mad fun. agah gah gah gah Anyway, things are goijng swell. THanks for asking. I hope you're doing swell, too, because swell is just such a swell word. So is indeed. Indeed, it is. I;m not really sure why it's not used very often. After it, it such an awesome word... indeed... ... Also, if I ever have a daughter, she will be named Starla. One more week of school until winter vacation. Mixed feelings about this... no school, there;s the holidays and such, but I'll also be int he middle of nowhere for a few dyas... I'll live... hopefully... I obly have one more gift to purchase, maybe a few more.. still waiitng on word that I'm exchanging gifts with someone. it's the nature of the experiment~ And I still smell grape.
  16. Kex

    Hall Of Fame

    Why am I second on this list? WHY.
  17. Kex

    Leaving School

    Get a job, you bum.
  18. Kex

    Hey Bzpower

    Those were approved before I posted this entry. And you stole them. So there. Thief.
  19. Kex

    Hey Bzpower

    Right now, at this very moment, there's not a single post or topic pending approval.
  20. Kex

    The Urge To Dance

    It just overcame me. I danced around the house for a song, and then a whole album (well, EP). <3 Tokyo Police Club Tell me I'm not the only one who does this?
  21. It's Billy Corgan.

  22. Alright, here's how it goes. I'm currently sitting in my fourth hour Digital Design class, which is probably the worst elective I've ever had, ever. It's so boring. Especially when a friend that's in the class is at home sick and you're stuck in class with a substitute teacher and a bunch of freshmen with the maturity level of an eight year old. I feel like I'm coming down with something as I write this. My nose is sniffling and my throat has that funny feeling that can only be described as 'yeah, you're getting sick'. The aforementioned sick friend had a 103 fever last night when I spoke to her, and she sounded awful. I really hope I don't come down with one of those and I really hope she gets better soon. Anyway I'm having a text message conversation with a friend at work, and apparently I'm taking her shift tonight. A closing shift, at that. Whatever. At least it's a cashier shift. Those are somewhat fun. The plan is to purchase a guitar this weekend. A friend of mine has been giving me lessons the last few weeks, and I've decided that I really should get my own to practice. Still haven't decided on electric or acoustic, but we'll see. Learning guitar is something I've wanted to do for years, but just never really followed through. Should be fun. And a bit of an update on my last blog entry: what I have planned for the COT Forum is ready (and has been for a while now) and I'm just waiting (and waiting...) for the go-ahead.
  23. Something extremely awesome very well may be coming to the COT Forum in the near future. So keep yer eyes peeled!
  24. I hope so. I'm thankful for the DeeVee. Like I have the slightest clue. Eventually, McSmeagol. Eventually.
  25. Just did, as I'm about to go to bed. I thank you for caring about my hygiene. I couldn't ask for a better boss/Empress/etc. D:
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