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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Aderia

  1. hey, hey, i like my new avvie. xP

  2. ...yeah, supersorry bout not being around. My english and math teachers have been delighting in weighing us down with inhumane amounts of work and stuydying to do recentely.

  3. XP, hay, I happen to luv my avvie, thanks very much.

  4. Okay, RM, here ya go. Whipped up in about 45 min. on a word doc. (Edit: Author's Note- yeah, I dunno where I was really going with that. But is that what you were looking for?)
  5. Hay, can we give you something previously written, or something we whipped up right here on the spot?
  6. Hey you I love your sig. :D

  7. Heh, glad you think so. But right now, as busy as life is building up to be, I'm kinda glad I'm not in NaNo. *ducks flying tomato*

  8. GAH! No... I'm like the only one on the face of the planet not doing NaNo, it seems. :sadface:

  9. hahaha! ..yet...

    :D And yeah. I'm guilty of wasting better halves of perfectly fine days in front of a monitor. XD Usually here on BZP or writing some fanfic of sorts.

  10. Dear Shadix, As I've told other people, it's not even Thanksgiving. You should not be talking to me about snow. I live a boring life in PA, and there are nothing but icky gray clouds in the sky that nobody likes right now. Sincerely, Addie
  11. Dear Zar, It is not even Thanksgiving. You should not be telling me about snow. Sincerely, Addie
  12. YES! same. I have a laptop named sheldon, and I can't live without him.

  13. Aderia

    New Blog Title

    Now, Riggie, you know that it's only awesome because it has my approval. XD
  14. Haha, ooh, shoulda guessed. :D I remember my first gameboy color. Good times. My poor technologically challenged mother decided to by GBA games for it, though.

  15. Will you laugh in my face when if I say that I needed to ask what 'N64' was? XD

  16. Aderia

    Ra Ra Rahi Hi Ra

    Use a Fader Bull. I've always thought that they're cool, but never really gotten to see one in action, so to speak.
  17. Dwah, YES!!! Anything with 'Great Being' in it automatically pretty much a win. Go for it, and best of luck!
  18. Yeah, i kno wat you mean. Everyone used to have their little gameboy colors in like, third grade, except me. But my lil bro, whos like two years younger than me got a cellphone a whole like, year and a half before I did. *shrug* I still ask myself how that happened XD

  19. Meh, no worries, bro. My friends sister, who's a senior, still has no cell. But they're pretty overrated anyways. XD

  20. Bwhahahaha, that's actually pretty hilarious!! XD And I didn't know it was your birthday today! Happy b-day!!

  21. Haha, yeah, I'll probably get around to reading in when the library gets a copy.

  22. Yeah... word on the street is that Megan Fox quit her role as Sam's GF, and some magazine cover model is gonna take the role of the new girl. :rolleyes:

  23. French Horn, cuz I used to play it, and it's just awesome.
  24. Aderia


    GAH! I was gonna go see this today, but I ended up not going cuz my friend couldn't go, and I was apparently rude on the phone to my mom. *grumbles indsitinctly*
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