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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Aderia

  1. meh, they don't have to listen to music, they just need to be able to read. The lyrics are no different than a poem.
  2. Aderia

    Silly Bands

  3. I'm just gonna stand here and bask in the glory of your banner and avatar, if you don't mind. XD

  4. Updated: Second to None , finally. It doesn't fit the theme, btw. Reviewed: The Excellency (I was as nice as I could be) [Edit: Reviewed- Return of Hope (here) A Soldier's Destiny (here)]
  5. Haha, so it's funny to watch people who get really into a game on TV sitting there and screaming at the umpire.
  6. No! I hate word limits! 500?? Are you trying to choke me, Zar? I was thinking more along the lines of OC meets CC or maybe the past or future of one of the more minor characters.
  7. Aderia


    ... grr jealous. XD
  8. Heyyy, guess what? I made a new approval to replace my old one. Catch. *throws link*
  9. Aderia


    Riggie, add this under Mango's.
  10. Hey, Zar, new approval seal to replace my old lame one.
  11. yeah. XD sure. apparently we have different definitions of 'awesome'

  12. Ahahaha, you sound like my lil bros. They stomp around the house and resort to 'yes' and 'no' to questions like 'so how'd it go', and then you know that they've been to the hairdressers. Usually for a quarter inch trim to get rid of thier split ends.
  13. Aderia

    N U T E L L A

    OMGZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!1 *tiny voice* i worship that stuff. *faints*
  14. Aderia


    hmmm... interesting idea, Spirit. Maybe that's what happened with the seagulls in Finding Nemo. But Riggie, you see, that's exactly why my parent's say 'No, no bird for you.' because if they ever got out, they'd never make it to the living room, unless they were transported there, dead and rotting, courtesy of my cats.
  15. Ya kno wat? Thanks to you and your 'reccomended blogs' section on your blog, I'm going around calling every other person's blog a 'bloog' and a 'blaaahhhg'. XP

  16. Well, just don't tell the security people about them, then.
  17. A crowd steps back with an aura of mutual awe and amazement as a new POBZPC is unveiled. Too stunned at first, to yield any form of reaction, the crowd basks in the coppery golden glow. Then, random matoran in the back yells, "It's a Zarayna!"

  18. I think, as a rule, before entering the courthouse, all lightsabers, clone legions, and other assets that would be frowned upon in say... a monestary should be left at the gate. This case shall follow the road of diplomacy, a road greuling and unforgiving, where swords and armies cannot follow.
  19. Aderia


    Tch, who needs a lawyer when you've got lightsabers? XD
  20. Onewa80:Toa of Power, huh?

    ... only one comment...

    Freakin' awesomest name I've seen in years!!! :D

  21. Aderia


    Awww, don't worry, you're not alone. My dog gets out, cuz he's figured out how to push open the deck door if we don't lock it, so our neighbors are always bringing him back to us. they don't even bother to check his nametag. they know whose dog it is XD
  22. Aderia

    Name Change

    I saw that movie at the local drive-in at like 11:00 at night. Loved it!
  23. Not to try and shoot you down or anything, KNI, but I disagree. I mean, you do have a good point, but I think writing is more of a way of putting your emotions to words in a different form and letting the world know what you think. When I'm angry, I write about a character who's angry, and finds a way to resolve the problem. If I'm sad, I write depressing stuff. As a more personal example, I wrote 'Forget the Mountain', not when I was angry, but after I'd calmed down. I personally didn't like how the story turned out, which might be what you were trying to get at, but I certainly wouldn't say that my anger ruined the plot. Thinking back, I'm tempted to say that writing helped me simply to forget about what I was angry about, and move on with life.
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