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Kopakas Kool Kompanion

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Everything posted by Kopakas Kool Kompanion

  1. i'm fairly certain meeting you irl wouldn't be much of a bad thing... for me. WYR step in lava (with shoes) or step on Legos (in bare feet)?
  2. Granted, but you can only read the minds of those who have thoughts not appropriate for BZP. I wish that durned order would arrive already. (Heh, I'm so impatient. I just placed it yesterday. )
  3. Not entirely certain, but it's pretty darn cool. Makes me think of Invader Zim a bit...
  4. Granted, but now I have even less. that's okay, you don't need to feel sorry i'll just fade awa I wish I had more confidence, too.
  5. S.H.I.E.L.D. Sorry, DC, but I only like Batman from you. Everyone else is trash, and thus may politely either die or become Batman. Or transfer to Marvel, where everything's amazing. Speaking of amazing, WYR be Spiderman or Venom?
  6. Granted, but none of them grant the user powers. I wish I had a wish for corruption.
  7. I think it's still Scarecrow... I honestly don't care much for DC, especially not their movies, so I wouldn't know,
  8. (HOLY MUKAU THAT TRAILER THO) Granted, but you're dead. Because I killed you and took your tickets. I wish that previous wish didn't have to be corrupted.
  9. Live in the world of Bionicle I think. WYR have a song stuck in your head for the rest of eternity or be deaf?
  10. "Matoro" by idburgerburger "Heirate Mich" by Rammstein
  11. Granted, but I be him not. Keep trying, friend. I wish I knew what weapon to make for my male Vortixx.
  12. I'm no ruki when it comes to making Bionicle puns.

  13. "Spooky Scary Skeletons Rebuild" by the Mask of Undeath" "Black Star" by Yngwie Malmsteen
  14. Granted. He now changes the official language to Spanish. (Am I the only one who makes bad references to SPIRIT's videos?) I wish I spoke more languages than just English, German, French, Spanish, Greek, and Russian, and also was more fluent in the ones I do.
  15. Sig. I've done it often enough... WYR I change my avatar to something different or just a larger Kopaka?
  16. Granted: everyone's dead. 1 W1SH 1 WASN'T SP34K1NG L1K3 T3R3Z1.
  17. Er... I don't even know how to put how awesome that looks into words...
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