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Kopakas Kool Kompanion

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Everything posted by Kopakas Kool Kompanion

  1. I... CAN... FEEL... THE POWAH!!!!!!

  2. "Unbeatable Slime" by Tren Krom "Foreplay/Longtime" by Boston
  3. Granted, but it's actually a rutabagel- a bagel made from a large rutabaga. I wish there was more time in the day.
  4. (I use cassettes... or i would if i had a functioning player) Kaukari. Okay then... what's it the mask of? Strong lungs?
  5. "Centuries Ago" by Amaja Circle Turaga "Gravity Hurts" by Cryoshell
  6. That would be cool if I was Sven. WYR get booted off BZP or have Bionicle be cancelled?
  7. 1/5 Kaukau, 1/5 Pakari, 1/5 Mask of Water, 1/5 Mask of Earth, and 1/5... Yellow.
  8. "Ready for the Ride?" by Ussalry "Prelude" by Chiodos
  9. Hero Factory 2.0- NEXt EVOlution! TLG, you're killing me. (Yes, it did take that long for me to get the joke)

  10. Granted, but I corrupt it. I wish i wasn't born.
  11. Granted, but it gets corrupted. I wish I had moar time.
  12. "Thunderstorm" by GALI ft. Lewa. "Dawn Patrol" by Megadeth
  13. I'd rather die as a duck. I'd probably maintain my honor. WYR be killed by poison or denied being taken prisoner? (Can you tell I've been listening to Rust in Peace?)
  14. Granted, but you die because the woman you love kills you for another. I wish I had munnies.
  15. Granted, and boy am I getting real tired of people making paradoxes in his topic, so I go back in time even further and kill you before you can make a paradox. I wish people would stop making paradoxes.
  16. I think the bubonic plague would be cool because then I could make others suffer the same torture and I could aid in killing all Europeans and also it would be in the medieval era and maybe I'd even get a cameo in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. WYR read all of that and want to stab your own eyes out or stab your own eyes out without bothering reading all of that?
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