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Everything posted by ~Xemnas~

  1. IC, Aurax: Aurax noticed something wrong with Dece. "Dece? What's wrong?"
  2. IC, Aurax: "I have a knife" said Aurax. He took out his book of inventions and opened up the spine. Out slid his small knife. "There we are!"
  3. Granted, but you get so wraped up in multitasking that all your friends leave you.I wish for a pet Zesk.
  4. Because geen looks good on him.Why is the Golden Armor gold?
  5. IC, Aurax: Aurax heard Lepidran say something to himself. "Did you find something, Lepidran?"
  6. IC, Ezio: "Umm... Ditruk? Are you listening?"OOC: Rakata, need your reply
  7. Ic, Kinvex: Kinvex decided to see the Turaga of Ta-Koro, Vakama, to see if Kinvex could do anything to help the village. He was at Vakama's hut, and he saw two other beings approaching...OOC: Toa Onarax, that's you.
  8. IC, Aurax: NIchou asked a question about the infected masks. "As far as I know, there is no way to dis-infect them. Sorry, buddy. NOw, has anything interesting been sighted besides the dead Rahi? We need some clues."
  9. IC, Aurax: "Those are infected Ruru masks" Aurax said to Dece. "Okay,let's stay close to the temple so we don't get lost." Aurax led them around the outside of the temple, to see if anything... interesting... was around. "Do you guys see anything?"
  10. IC, Aurax: Aurax walked with the rest of the Matoran down to the Kini-Nui temple. They were standing some distance away from it. "Alright, guys," said Aurax "I think we should stay together and look for clues as a team, since wandering off by ourselves can be dangerous."
  11. I always imagined the Turaga as elders who did what they could to protect their villages. I was never suspicious of them... but I was suspicious of what other secrets they had.
  12. Ic, Aurax: The Matoran Dece asked everyone if any have had experience in combat. Aurax sheepishly replied, "I know how to fight; unfortunately, I haven't actually fought anything, yet."
  13. Ic, Aurax: Aurax watched the Matoran called Nichou carve a wooden key. "Impressive", Aurax said to him. "How did you learn to do that?"
  14. The first, if I remember correctly, was one of the old Racers or City sets. Possibly from 2000 or 2001.
  15. i didn't know the exact date, so I did absolutely nothing... except get lots of nostalgia from my old sets.
  16. My cousin gave me all of his Bionicles... for free! That's technically a "deal", right?
  17. IC, Aurax: "Yeah, I saw Hafu return to Po-Koro, though I'm not sure where he lives, now.
  18. IC, Aurax: More Matoran started to arrive. There were now seven, including himself. "...I ask that if you have anything to share about our goals or ideas of where to investigate, or maybe even some information about the former Chronicler's Company which guarded the Mangaia entrance when the Toa descended, now is the time to speak" said Stannis. Then the one who was called Atiel said "I have come across empty temples in my travels across the island, but never have I found an explanation." Atiel declared. "Perhaps they might hold a key to this mystery." I'm not so sure of that Aurax thought to himself. "That may be true, my friend, but the temples may be empty due to Rahi or other pests. I say that we should talk to those who last saw the Toa: The Chronicler's Company. I know that there were Kapura, Tamaru, Kopeke, Macku, Taipu, and Hafu and Takua the Chronicler in this group, so maybe they might know something."
  19. The show is all right.. I've seen all the episodes so far, and its okay. The dinosaurs are cool, but they don't get enough screen time. And the plot could be a little better, too.
  20. I guess the statement in the post above mine means that even if anyone succeeds in fixing the game, no one is going to be able to play it?
  21. Yeah, where did EW go? There are two people who want to talk to him and he's not here.
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