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Everything posted by ~Xemnas~

  1. Greanted, but it's so quiet you go insane!I wish that Kopaka was more sociable.
  2. An odd looking person with candy corn-colored cat ears?
  3. Because that's where all the oxygen is!Where are the aliens?
  4. All the Decipicons, on my orders, come and vanquish you and give me the mask.My mask!
  5. No... I've never eaten soap, and I don't want to 'cause it'll be disgusting!TBPM loves Chinese food.
  6. Oh... I think FT will be gone a while... since he hasn't been seen for almost a week . Yeah, I don't think any of us want to mask mistakes in his absence...
  7. Alright, alright, I see your guys' points. :PNow all we have to do is get inside... where'd all my teammates go?
  8. How would you bust down the door if it's a thick door? And you need the 4 charms, also. We don't have any of them. I'm not sure how we'd get in.
  9. Granted, but it comes back with HF's build and nobody likes it.I wish that the RPG was played more often.
  10. It's not: its the same Kinlukko in two places at once!Do scientists know that the Kinlukko exists?
  11. I agree with you... we don't really know anything yet. We haven't even looked at the temple's front door! :PAfter we look at it and discover it need the charms, we'll go to the Turaga or something (I hope)...
  12. The only Technic sets I have are Jet and Spark Throwbots ( I used to have the Frost Roborider). That's Technic, technically, right?
  13. Um, just wondering did you get clue for the Po-Koro, cause that's where the Temple of Creation is, at least in canon. I have no idea how we knew to search Po-Koro, but the others in the group do seem to know where we are going. Dece's just along for the ride. Same here... it wans't my idea to look there... blame Atiel but don't literally blame him... It would be too hard smashing your way in... but even a Toa might have some difficulty... the door might be very, very thick, after all...
  14. I thik that storywise, the prefixes came first. It wouldn't make much sense the other way around, storywise.
  15. I drive a large crane with an anvil at the end of it, and release it ontop of you. You are squished by the anvil.My mask! Ha!
  16. Possibly... when we find it, it's not like we're getting in or anything... it requires 4 specific charms to get in, and I'm pretty sure we have none of those.
  17. I wish I owned all gold and silver masks. All the misprints would be nice, too. Other masks I would like would be an Olmak, gold Vahi, infected Hau, movie-edition Kraakahn, and a trans-green Miru.Masks that I wish existed would be a Voya gold Avohkii and McToran Kopeke's blue-silver Komau.
  18. OOC: haha hilarious :PIC, Aurax: "Ow!" said Aurax as Atiel clocked him in the back of the head. "Alright. alright, I'll go look..." Aurax climbed to the top of the nearest sand dune. He took a look around. "Hmmm... nothing here..." Then he looked down. "Uhh... it appears I'm standing atop of it!" Then he yelled to Atiel "Hey, Atiel! I think I found something!"
  19. IC, Aurax: "Oh... okay, then." Aurax scanned around, all there was was sand, sand, and more sand. "Maybe we should climb to the top of the dune so we could get a better look?"
  20. No, I don't know where he is.TPBM has every set Makuta in his/her possession.
  21. No, I don't know where he is.TPBM has every set Makuta in his/her possession.
  22. IC, Aurax: "A face... I don't see a face... who's face is it supposed to be?"
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