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Status Updates posted by fishers64

  1. I am trying not to die here.

  2. Trust me, everything should have been done yesterday.

    1. Ghidora131


      BACK... TO THE FUT-



  3. I just got the "maximum of positive votes for the day" thing. Wat. Everything is normal now - especially given how grouchy I've been lately, must have been a glitch.

    1. fishers64


      I keep getting it again. BZP has a limit on positivity. This is just not cool at all.

  4. Good mood temporarily torpedoed.

    1. Reznas


      I know the feels...

  5. It takes a lot before I become so weary that I don't even want to talk.

    1. fishers64


      Speech flees from before my eyes, for what my eyes see, quenches the heart, from rivers of which the mouth speaks.

  6. A debate, at its worst, is a series of misunderstandings.

  7. I have my computer back! YES!

    1. fishers64


      Which means I can do insane things like stay up late at night BZPing. Yeah that.

  8. Data loss fix: Have all posts saved from Amethyst, restoring all chapters as quickly as possible. Also going to try to restore the Memoirs stuff that was lost, but that's going to take longer. Probably next week's task.

    1. fishers64


      In other news, working on offsite writing right now. :P Except for the Promised Comedy (which will happen) not a bunch of stuff for here, except the Greg post data organization thing which I keep putting off because I'm lazy.


      TO THE S&T FORUM!!!

    1. fishers64


      This topic needs to be brought back, probably as a poll, seeing as we have already belabored this point so much. Hmm.

  9. Some people have anxiety problems, but me? I love a good dose of legitimate terror.

    1. Ghidora131


      Oh, well then. >:D

  10. Congrats on the orange!

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      whoa did not see this until now. ._.


      Thanks! ^^

  11. Congrats, fellow S&T poster, on your unexpected promotion.

  12. I scare people away from things.

  13. Your OBZPC is well deserved. Congratulations!

  14. All I want to do at any given time is sleep.

  15. I've decided to go join the Mafia. :P

    1. Underscore


      just know that you can never leave

  16. Headcannon: Highly dangerous. Used with caution.

    1. Protodite Karzahni

      Protodite Karzahni

      Apply in small doses.

  17. People suffering is normal. Describe it in detail with similes and metaphors, and it is Great Literature.

    1. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      I think it's because suffering is common to all men that poetry about it is so... 'successful'. Anyone can relate to it.

  18. So much excitement. So much.

  19. Yes, I know my life is unraveling. Please stand by.

    1. Ghidora131


      *grabs popcorn*


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