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Dr. Giggles PhD

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Everything posted by Dr. Giggles PhD

  1. I got the last part of season Finale up, If you would like to see it.

  2. Why are you flirting with my sister?

  3. Why are you inlove with Taylor Swift?

  4. You are smart I am smart That's why we are Dopplegängers...


  5. Ay okay HA I REAPETED YOU!

  6. And your personal photo is epic.

  7. Strangly I am proud of my self.


  8. I read vataki's inbox.

    He was on fire fox.

  9. I allready did.

    I will pm and tell you where you lie.

  10. Can I get the jaws of life.


  12. So You are my douple ganger right.

  13. "Doople doople boop boop aroople"?

  14. Does she like him him if she does I am.

  15. Oh well then hewo.

  16. Does she like me oolah lah.

  17. You are one great man.

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