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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:While waiting to see the results of his Shadow blasts on Calik's rock, Hexxon had tried using his telepathy on Kaytana's head to remove and sooth the thoughts and feelings inside her mind. And his eyes still moved from Vertak, but then to his partner this time instead of the Toa of Fire. So far, the procedure seemed to be working; by using his Suletu, he grasp onto the strong, emotional thoughts of fear, doubt, regret, etc. and pulled them out of her mind. Then he pushed memories of hope and excitment into place. Kaytana stirred, that look she normally had was returning. He didn't know how long that would last, because he had no knowledge of that sword's powers. It might succeed, or fail after a few seconds.But, of course, all those negative and unpleasent thoughts had to go somewhere, and Hexxon certainly didn't want them. So, what did he do? Naturally, he sent them to the mind of another.Vertak.Yes, it was a good move. Give him a taste of his own medicine. It might have been something Kaytana would suggest. The Matoran was in sight, so it should work.OOC: I'm not sure if Vertak has mental shielding of any kind, so it won't affect him if he does have it.
  2. IC: Eastern Sea''Who knows?'' Reya asked. ''Should we stay here, or move to a different spot? Someone might get greedy and come to the east for us.''She walked over to the railing again. Never had the Toa of Water thought of ever having a bounty on her. How long would it last? Could she ever step on the island again without being attacked on sight?Her hands went to her head as she pondered her future. Perhaps she could spend the time metitating.
  3. IC: AshringThe words put into Vertan's head were like some incomprehensible dialect of Skakdi or Matoran; he didn't understand - he didn't want to. The claw was completely gone, absorbed back into his form, but its heat seemed to vented outward, reflecting his building rage.Hexxon had picked up the message sent to the Skakdi. Yes, this is a Psonics Toa. I couldn't sense her mind, and the armor coloring and telepathy gave her Element away. A great fireball of white-hot flames was about to be released by Vertan, but it stopped. Mental pain was forced into his head by the Toa of Psionics.Oh, no you don't, Hexxon said telepathically. She holds another cache. Another vial of antidote is with her. If we are to survive, you WILL work together. I WILL NOT DIE. With Hexxon's mental ''encouraging'', Vertan looked weakly and angrily up at Amalia. Oh, how much he wanted to murder her.''Looks like we have to work together, Toa,'' he said, the words reluctantly coming out of his mouth. ''My friend right here also has a cache and a portion of the antidote.''He nodded. ''The Skakdi speaks the truth. I do indeed have one. And if we all work together, we can obtain the other bottles. So far, we have three-eighths of the cure. I suggest we head for the nearest cache. There is no time to lose.''Hexxon finished, already walking away, beckoning to the others to follow.
  4. IC: AshringAll four eyes watched as one from the ship came flying towards the beacon. No one else seemed to follow, so Vertan felt the need to retract the massive claw back into his outstreched hand. The fading illumination revealed some details to the being that approached - which Reptak (hidden by the night and floating just below the black clouds) decided to record, in case they needed to battle with whoever it was. They could tell it was a Toa-sized being, with a feminine-shaped body - a female Toa, by the looks of her. The Toa wore blue and gold and silver armor - possibly a Psionics Toa. And on her face, she bore a Kadin, in the familiar shape of a Huna.Amalia.Vertan's eyes grew as she came closer. That was the one who hurt him, attacked him, the one he promised that he would kill her. Only he was defeated before he could do so, and now she came, the distance decreasing...Hexxon could mentally sense the fury building up... and it was not pleasent.
  5. IC: Northwestern SeaIt didn't take long for the two to get to the cache, though the appearance of another was not welcoming. Norus stopped, glaring at him. It was a Toa-like being, ontop a float of sand keeping him above the water. And in his hand, with sand attemping to open it, was the cache.Now, that just won't do. Norus thought, summoning Elemental Energy. Greel, too, had come to an abrupt stop, unable to move ahead with the giant Rahi blocking his way. He poked his head over the side to get a look at what was the problem. And what a problem it was.Even if it was dark out, the sand around this one gave the answer right away. It's that Sand-wielder! He's here!Greel decided he wanted to use the element of surprise by using the dark. Hiding himself, he allowed Norus to deal with Jontan while he tried to steal the box from his greedy hands. The assualt was ready; the huge scorpion waved his claws in the air, bringing forth dirt from beneath the sands of the sea to seize the mutant Toa. Thick columns of compacted soil shot from the end of the bridge, spikes on their tips, all aimed and stretching out for Jontan.
  6. I'm sure Caretakers will appear to make Arillan, Vertan, and Jontan share the cure, so they don't die and Patronage doesn't lose its newest members. If they do show up, Vertan will make them give some to Hexxon, so he can give Vertan the cure to his poison and not die.And out of curiosity, if Reya is captured for the bounty, is there a chance she'll appear on the island again, or will she be gone for the rest of the game?
  7. OOC: Will do, Darkon. But I can't guarantee that Norus won't get hurt, since it wouldn't be fair to be able to avoid all attacks thrown at you.IC: AshringNorus walked onto the bridge, his scorpion legs rippling with each step. He widened it, making it bigger so he could move on the structure. Greel followed behind, keeping an eye out for anyone that might be around. As the mutant Rahi came to the end of the bridge, he called to the earth, summoning more from below to extend and expand the bridge. At this rate they would get to the cache faster than swimming.
  8. IC: Ashring''Lead the way,'' Greel said to Norus, gesturing to the earthen bridge. He would let the Rahi creature go first, so that he could pull up more ground for them to walk on.
  9. IC: Ashring''Hmm,'' Greel thought. ''I think it would be better is Norus came with me. The bridge doesn't look like it extends all the way out; he'll need to lengthen it. Plus, if there's anyone else out there, we can both take him or her out and get the cache. He looks big enough to crush anyone anyway.''
  10. IC: AshringEvidently, Darkon had caught up. Greel watched as the bridge was constructed, but sighed as it began to sink to in the water, touching the sloping ground, laying diagonally.''Perhaps metal isn't the best to use here. Maybe have your steed make a bridge by pulling up the earth?'' he suggested. IC: Ashring''Do you see the ship moving? Anyone coming?'' asked Hexxon.''No,'' Vertan grunted, ready to extinguish the pillar of fire.''Wait, try this,'' he ordered, waving.The Skakdi seemed to get the message, morphing the column into a claw, which waved at the ship.IC: Eastern SeaUpon seeing the fire take on the semblence of a hand, Reya said, ''Looks like it is a sign to us. Maybe they have a cache, too. But I don't think I should head inland, better send two of us - Amalia and Terizov - if they want to go.''
  11. OOC: Parugi: Yeah, don't mention it - ever. IC: AshringGreel and Rocky dashed through Ashring, coming close to the volcanic shore. According to the map, the northwestern cache was just some ways off the coast.So, this is Ashring, he said to himself as they leapt over a stream of lava, his eyes taking in all the heat and magma. Probably one of the most dangerous places on the island. I doubt many people come here.There, up ahead, was the end of Ashring, water splashing onto the lava and turning it to rock. ''Stay here, Rocky,'' Greel told his pet. Hopefully Darkon wasn't far behind, because they had a little swimming to do. IC: AshringHexxon, Vertan, and Reptak - still in his cloud form - had traveled along the coast of the Ashring, heading for the underwater cache east of the fiery region. The three stood on the shore, the cache wasn't very far out at all, and so they could see the Griffon II in the distance.''They must be searching for the underwater cache,'' the Psionics Toa said, pointing at the ship. ''We have to get to them.''''Why not try this?'' Vertan growled, rasining his had into the air. A huge column of fire was ejected from his claw, the flames piercing through the layer of thick, black smoke overhead, stretching high into the sky. It illuminated the night, signaling to the boat at sea. The Skakdi would focus on it for only a few minutes, so not as to waste Elemental energy.Hexxon reached out and snatched his cache from Vertan. If the others saw the sign, then he should hold onto his prize. He didn't think the Skakdi of Patronage could hold two box while pumping heat into the air. Plus, he didn't want somone else taking it during a fight, if one should come up.IC: Eastern SeaReya stood onboard the ship with the team, once again using water to push them to their next location. Though a pillar of fire on the coast of Ashring made her look that way.''Hey, look,'' she said, pointing to the shore. ''What do you think it is?''
  12. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Hexxon had heard the annoucement, and smiled. All the other competitors had to find land to stay in the game. All of them... except those who could fly... except those with Density Control... except for him and Kaytana.He was still raised in the air, intangible, grasping his comrade, and pulling on shadows to hide himself and his Skakdi partner. They were going to end this.Appearing by the fighting Calik, Hexxon fired focused blasts of Shadowy energy at the rock the Toa climbed on. Then he teleported, sucking in the darkness, leaving the blasts to crumble to rock into little more than a few stones.He made sure to stay away from Vertak and his sword, keeping an eye on them. He didn't want to end up like Kaytana - who was barely in the game. She probably just needed to fall into the lava to be out.Now he observed Calik's new problem from a different spot, yellow eyes darting back and forth from him to Vertak.
  13. So, to cure all those infected, the bula berry juice in each cache has to be combined with the other antidotes to create the cure? Somehow, it they all have to share it, I don't think they'll want to.
  14. IC: Ashring Hexxon screeched in pain as he was infected with the Doom Viper's toxin. How could this happen? He was a master of Poison, taken from the deadly Lerahk itself! It's another sick joke from the Shepherds, just like my previous cache. He had begun to panic; how was he supposed to survive - his main goal on this island. No, don't panic. You only need to find the others; one is already close to you, by Dragon's Roost. Hexxon activaded his mask, still careful to not teleport into a lavapool. He would arrive at the next cache soon. IC: AshringVertan's mouth was closed as he felt the burn, he dared not scream - a warrior doesn't scream. He cursed at himself for being greedy, for heading for this cache. He continued doing so at the Shepherds - his masters - they had betrayed him to their games.Reptak had floated over to see the cache, but was frightened to see the poison enter Vertan. That was definately not a good thing; if Vertan died, he couldn't use his powers, he wouldn't be allied with Patronage. They wouldn't have anything stopping them from bringing his demise onto him.There was a flash of light that surprised both the Skakdi and cloud. A very tall being stood where no one was before. At first glance, he appeared to be a Toa, but neither could recall seeing a Toa of this height, or that... spiky. He looked powerful as well, with his staff, and his satchel of Kanohi, and cache...Cache!Vertan propelled himself at the Toa, trying to grab the bula juice. But the Toa seemed faster; he dodged, grabbing the Skakdi by the arm, and let go...A bright green liquid dripped from his hand, and there it was on Vertan's arm too; a green-colored handprint. That didn't seem good either.''Congratulations, Skakdi,'' Hexxon told the two. Yes, he sensed the mind in that cloud of crystal, and it was scared and furious. ''You've just been infected twice. But you see, my poison is different; it can be treated faster, but I know the cure that you don't. I would steal your cache and make life easier, but I have this terrible social problem; I don't want to be seen by others. You carry my cache with you while I conceal myself. That way, you can't run off with my part of the antidote, and I can't leave you with your part - that's the reason for your poisoning. Now let's go. We have others to find, before they leave their current spots.''With that, he tossed his cache to the bewildered Vertan, and diappeared, reappearing a short distance away.''Come on!'' he called.Vertan, not wanting to die, followed, still cursing at everything, with Reptak flying behind.IC: Eastern SeaReya watched as Amalia was infected with the venom. Well, that was sad, but at least it wasn't her.I have quite enough to deal with now, she thought angrily.Then she remembered her cache contained antivenoms, the one back from Shadowtangle.They probably won't work here, but I'll see what I can find when they gather. Though the other poisoned slaves gathering wasn't a good thing for her and Levacius. So they should probably wait on the boat, bring Amalia to other locations while doing so.IC: Parched WastesGreel sped with Rocky to the northwestern cache in the sea. Darkon and Norus were probably behind, and so Greel would surely win the race. He wasn't certain if Rocky could swim, but bigger cats might not care about being in water. The fact that everyone else who captured a cache was infected was unknown to him. So, he had no idea he might be running into a trap.
  15. IC: Parched Wastes''Sounds good to me,'' Greel said, once again using telekinesis, though this time on Kairan, picking him up from Rocky's back and putting him on the ground. He made sure to put him in a comfortable position so he could wake up peacefully. Then he mounted himself on Rocky, and beckoned to Darkon and his pet, Norus. They could race their Rahi on the way there!
  16. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:''Come, this way,'' Hexxon told Kaytana.''Where are we going? Were not going to face them, are we? No! I don't think we can do it! Don't bring us there!'' she wailed, kicking and thrashing. Hexxon was having a difficult time holding onto his Skakdi friend. ''Stop moving around like that!'' his scolded, his voice also somewhat muffled by the shadow on them. He held her before him, shaking her a little to get her to stop. ''Do you want to fall to your death!'' The beam of power came like the previous, though it did not phase through the two. It instead hit Kaytana - who was still in front of her partner - square in the back. The female Skakdi screamed again, just like the time when the sword first hit her. Fear and other unpleasent emotions flooded her spirit once again. Hexxon's eyes widdened and turned to a bluish color. First, he was shocked that she had been hit, even when they were hidden. Second, that was the same scream as before, prior to the volcan's explosion. Whoever commanded this power must not be the mere, small being that he saw. No, they - of he- was underestimating his foe. Not a good thing. Even if the sword's powers weren't working on him, he felt similar feelings fill him; he was an officer - he was supposed to protect Citizans like Kaytana, especially people like her: damaged and hurt. The darkness concealing the two contracted, quickly vanishing into a wisp of smoke. They were gone as well, having teleported to a safer location, away from Vertak and his blade. Though they were certainly not out, Hexxon was probably already planning revenge in another spot of the Arena, while he tended to Kaytana.
  17. IC: Parched Wastes''I guess so,'' Greel answered while telekinetically removing Irriane's bogy from Rocky's back and laying her on a nearby stone slab. His eyes returned to the map. ''Which group should go to which cache?'' then he considered the plan's ending, where they would meet back up. ''We should survey our prizes after that, see which piece of equipment is better suited for who, and then go after that Patronage member.''IC: Ashring This is the cache spot, according to the map, Reptak said in his head, since no one would hear him without a mouth. His cloud darted in different direction, watching out for any sign of their prize. Meanwhile, Vertan searched in another direction of the cache area. That box must be theirs.
  18. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:The blast of Shadow energy came towards Hexxon, since he was looking around in Vertak's direction. Though, because of their intangibility, it passed right through the pair. It didn't affect him at all, as he was a being of Shadow, but Kaytana cried as she saw the stream burst from her chest. ''What was that!'' she cried, too afraid to see the source. ''A Shadow blast just passed through me!''''That's an opponent, alright. And if he controls shadow, then this should be easy.'' Hexxon said, ignoring his partner's plea. Now, how to attack first? he thought, calling shadows to conceal them and pushing away from the center of the Arena.
  19. IC: Parched WastesWhile being outside looking for a spot to bury Irriane, Greel had noticed the changes to the map, and was surprised at the surplus of caches in the area. He smiled and took a deep breath of night air - the best air, in his opinion. Ah, he thought, his hands in his coat pockets, another successful day on the Island of Pain. Nostala's sudden appearance broke his attention, but then he looked where she pointed, relaxed-looking. ''Indeed, I have seen the caches. You seem excited, Nostala. Never been on a cache hunt before?'' the large number of prizes - and their relative closeness - didn't even seem to phase him.He shifted his gaze over to the closest caches. ''We should take the opportunity to arm ourselves - the entire group. That would make us such a frightening force. If it will make you all happy, then let's go.''IC: Eastern SeaReya took large gulp of air before diving into the waters. It felt good to return to her element, and to go after another cache.This one better not have a Kraata in it. She kicked forth, swimming past both Levacius and Amalia, and searched for the prize.IC: AshringHexxon reappeared in the foul region of Ashring. How he hated this place, with its dark air, and hot ground, and running lava. This place should be paved over, and replaced with a less hazardous place, he thought as he teleported again, this time arriving in the cache area, right under the purple dot. Now, where is that purple flag?IC: Ashring The two Skakdi traveled around the destroyed volcano of Dragon's Roost as they neared the cache in northwestern Ashring.''The cache area is just ahead!'' Vertan called to Reptak.
  20. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:While circling around and searching the Arena, Kaytana thought she saw someone in the outer ring of the area. Being at this height had its advantages to see those things. ''I think I see a competitor,'' she whispered to Hexxon. ''Out there, in the outer ring.''In order to get a look at whoever it was, the two needed to push themselves so he could be where she was just floating. ''Where?'' he asked. ''Is it that small thing over there?''OOC: If they wouldn't be able to see Vertak, I'll edit.
  21. OOC: According to your post, Levacius, Suicavel only saw Hexxon and was about to use his Avsa. He didn't actually attack, from what I read.IC: Parched Wastes/AshringHexxon repeatedly appeared in spots of the desert for mere seconds before vanishing again, far too quickly to be spotted, especially at night. It was harder getting around with his Kualsi during this time of hours, but it was still a useful and quick way to travel, hence the name of the mask. Numerous teleports had brought him to the edge of the desert, and the entrance to Ashring. Smiling, he used his Kanohi once more, though carefully and not as far, so he wouldn't end up falling in lava. The cache of northeast Ashring was about to be his. IC: Parched Wastes/AshringMoving as fast as they could, both Skakdi ran for the northern cache in Ashring. Reptak was saving energy by traveling as a cloud, though Vertan had to rely on his legs, which were still powerful.''There!'' Vertan shouted, pointing to the border of the Parched Wastes and Ashring. ''Hurry that way!''IC: Eastern SeaReya nodded. It was good to know the two wouldn't get greedy. Amalia's comment on destroying their minds was false, for she could not touch Reya's at all, with her mental shielding.Thank goodness I spent all that money and time learning that training.It was indeed a good move, allowing her to pass Psionic users without being noticed, not be affected by their attacks, and ignore illusions.''Maybe you could fly in the air around the ship,'' she told Terizov. ''That way you could spot any company.''Now she stood back at the rail, her power still affecting the waves and pushing them closer to the cache. Her eyes were fixed beyond the ship, worrid about who might come.''I can dive for it. Being a Ga-Toa, I can survive under there longer than any of you. Or at least I should.''
  22. IC: Eastern SeaReya eyes widdened at the sight of the picture of her and Levacius, both of them pointing at the spot where they currently were.No.Yes, a bounty probably.Her head whipped in Terizov's and Amalia directions. Would they turn on them for loot?''Levacius,'' she said, almost forgetting about the cache at sea.IC: ShadowtangleWith day turning to night again, Hexxon glanced up at the map, and smiled. All those caches! There'll plenty for me to find. I can get there the fastest! Victory shall be mine. After getting the one on eastern Ashring, he would try another, and another.Using the light of the map, he teleported down to the desert, and then teleported again to the farthest spot in his sight. IC: Parched WastesAfter finding themselves in a dissappearing day, both Skakdi saw the map spotted with purple dots. They easily got excited as their greed surfaced, but the appearance of a black and a white spot made them pause. ''What's that for?'' asked Reptak. Vertan shrugged. ''Not sure. You think we should go for the cache by the volcano?''''Yes, but maybe we should check out those areas later...'' Reptak said. ''Whatever.'' the red Skakdi replied, heading off for Ashring.
  23. Yeah, I see your point, because people would be attacking it constantly to get a spot on the team.I'll have him try anyway.
  24. TPtI, would it be okay to rebuild the Stony Leap fortresses to make a base for Team Patronage?
  25. IC: Stony LeapReptak and Vertan stood among the wreckage of the fortress and sky castle of Stony Leap. They were both amazed by it; the design, the size... and the emptiness. None one else seemed to be around - well, there were bodies of several slaves, but they really didn't count. Plus, they were bare of any trophies for Vertan to collect, even if he wasn't the case of their demise. ''Just imagine who built this,'' said Reptak, surveying the ruined metal. ''Slaves, or the Shepherds?''Vertan snorted. ''Who cares? We can't even use this to our advantage - it's broken.''''Yes. It reminds me of the warlord forts on Zakaz, after they're attacked.'' the green and gold Skakdi replied. ''But think about it: if slaves did make this, what if we found the ones who did, and have them reconstruct it for our own uses - for Patronage.'' His partner stared at the iron ground, thinking hard. ''Hmm, maybe, maybe we could try. But would there be torturing involved?'' he asked.Reptak nodded. ''Oh, sure. Lots of it. How else to get them to work?''''Very good.'' the large Skakdi said. ''We'll find an Iron-wielder, and rebuild it here.''He chuckled before continuing. ''Vertan, you fool, why would you want it here, when it is out in the open and blocks the safest was across the island. Surely slaves would organize themselves to take it down in order to pass. Maybe that's what happened here.'' he scolded, gesturing to the remains of the once grand forts. ''Okay then,'' Vertan growled. ''How do you suppose to move it, and to where?''''Good question,'' Reptak answered, rubbing his jutting chin. ''But not an entirely hard one. Your Shepherd friends must have some way to get things around. They could provide help.'' ''And where do you think these metal benders went? There's two sides to this island!'' Vertan questioned again. Reptak glanced in the northern and southern directions. ''An even better question. It's hard to tell which way.''''Take a guess,'' Vertan said.''Fine,'' Reptak agreed. ''That way.'' he pointed north, in the direction of the Parched Wastes. ''That's my guess. They might have wanted to escape the forest, and find some fresh water on the other side. Though I could be wrong.''Grunting, Vertan headed back to the hot desert, followed by Reptak. The two traced their footprints and then branched off the path, going somewhere else. Only tan, sand and dunes awaited the two.
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