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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Yawning SunderSeeing that the flag pole was embedded in the rock, Hexxon figured the cache was most likely buried beneath it. So, he decided to crush the stone all around it - just to be sure. This was the perfect time to utilize his Poison power. Smiling, reached out a hand on the moist rock, and releashed the toxin. It was revolting; from his hand and the white, deadly looking spikes on his wrist, a bright green liquid dripped, as if he was sweating the stuff. The amount coming out increased, making a sizzling sound on the stone and turning to a sickly-colored foam. Once the stone was severely weakened, the Toa pulled away his hand, and placed his stolen Kanohi Jutlin over his Kualsi. Activating its power on the rock, he watched as the stone broke down and crumbled, revealing flashes and glints of metal. His grin widdening, Hexxon made a waving gesture, and the remaining stone fell away. There was the cache, the rock around it ruined and gone. Another wave and it was forcibly torn out from the wall, and flew straight into his outstreched hand. Now, holding on tightly to it, he used another bit of telekinesis to open it, with the box facing opposite to him. He wasn't sure if there was another trick to these things, so he peeked from the side. IC: Southeastern SeaReya landed on deck of The Griffon II. Apparently Levacius wanted to show or do something inside, and so she followed, still a little suspicious and ready to attack if she needed to.
  2. IC: Parched Wastes''Keep an eye on him,'' Greel whispered back. He then grabbed Rocky's reins and gave a slight pull. The Rock Lion followed his master and Greel moved off north.
  3. OOC: Rakata: Thank you. IC: Parched WastesGreel, too, didn't like the presence of this new arrival - who ever limped over to a potentional dagerous, large group asking for membership?''Agreed,'' he told Rynekk. ''Let's get going.''Still watching Sarkan, Greel patted Rocky to get him moving. ''You said it was north, Nostala?'' he asked.
  4. IC: Hexxon: the Arena:The fire, like the sword, phased through Hexxon, causing no damage at all.The ebon-armored officer nodded, hearing Calik's words perfectly. Of course I know what I've gotten into: a fight against a Toa who thinks he can win, when he is so very wrong. But don't worry; I'll try and play fairly. True to his word, Hexxon returned to his normal, solid form. But he was not about to give an opportunity so gracefully; with the help of his Kanohi, he worked on projecting a mental noise into the mind of Calik. It would be distracting and annoying at first, but then rapidly grow into a head-splitting roar strong enough to throw the Toa to his knees.Let's see you dodge this, Hexxon thought to himself.
  5. IC: Haven CoveReya held onto Terizov as they began to fly. Flying wasn't something new to her, but it wasn't a thing she did commonly. Already she was formulating a plan incase they were attacked and sent falling.
  6. IC: Haven CoveReya nodded to Terizov and Amalia. ''I have no way of flying,'' she said, ''so I'll need a lift.''IC: Yawning SunderHexxon glided through the air behind the waterfall warily. He didn't want to risk slamming into a wall, or meet up with something/someone unpleasent.But I'd be able to detect it before it finds me.Carefully, the Toa flew over to where the flag pole stuck out, the actual flag blowing around outside. That was were the cache was, no doubt.
  7. IC: Parched WastesNostala needn't haul the inert body to Rocky; with a simple flick of his wrist, Greel levitated Irriane's body, and gently dropped her onto Rocky's back. ''We can bury her there, and we might want to hurry with it. I think Rocky's eyeing his next meal,'' he said, chuckling. IC: Haven CoveReya turned, reluctant to shake the Toa's hand, but then did. If she was going to get anywhere with these people, she had to be kind.And how I love to act like that...
  8. IC: Haven CoveWell, seems like someone's been looking for me. That's not the first time. A Makuta! Such a great assumption! That had to be a Sheperd - no one else commands the Caretakers, unless the members of that Team Patronage do to. ''I had seen it all too,'' Reya said, her back to Levacius, her eyes staring at the sea. Though she was still cautious around this new group.And it sounds like another saw my failure. she thought grumbily.''The only other thing that you hadn't mentioned was seeing them take something away - what, I do not know. And I think it wasn't a special ship, but a certain ability of a Caretaker - or this mysterious figure - that did that.''IC: Western SeaRepak and his companion had followed the shore until they were directly west of the Shimmering Maze, still off coast of Ashring. Both continually scanned the rock of the seafloor and shore for some opening, cave, or tunnel to lead them to the maze underground.IC: Parched WastesMore comapany? This day is so full of surprises.''Should we take her?'' Greel asked, pointing at Irriane's corpse. He wanted to know if they should, so as to prepare before heading off.
  9. IC: Haven CoveReya stopped, thinking about Levacius' words. ''Fine, I'll come with you and help... but on one condition.''She still felt like it wasn't a good thing to stay around the beach. They needed to leave.IC: Northwestern SeaBefore coming too close to the Ashring shore, Reptak had an idea: what if there was an underground/undersea tunnel by around this spot, that maybe lead to and under the Shimmering Maze!The excited Skakdi moved along the coast, looking for some opening that would lead them to the crystal maze.IC: Northwestern SeaVertan growled when he saw his ''friend'' turn away from Ashring, staying near the underwater rock. Taking another swallow of oxygen, the red-armored Fire-wielder followed Reptak, who was apparently searching for something... So, Vertan decided to look for anything, be it caves, glints of metal... anything.
  10. IC: Yawning SunderHexxon's smile turned to a frown when he found he held only water - no cache. He then realized the prize must by on the other side of the falls. Steering his Rhotuka around, the Toa headed back to the raging waterfall. It looked even more dangerous from here, and possibly deadly to get through.No matter. He merely focused his telekinetic power on a section of the water, parting the liquid and forming a hole. Hexxon willed the Rhotuka forwards, flying into the newly created opening cautiously and closing the water behind him.Now, where is it? IC: Haven CoveReya cursed at the trap she opened. She didn't even hear the pair correctly, for her ears kept ringing. One of those figures looked familiar, like the one who had recently visited the island.Feeling like it wouldn't be best to stay around any longer, Reya backed away to the water.IC: Northwestern SeaFinding no sign arund here, Reptak decided to head back to the Ashring shore. Perhaps they weren't in the right spot. Whatever the case, he could think more clearly in his standared form on land. IC: Northwestern SeaWhile looking around, Vertan saw his partner moving toward the coast. Wondering what Reptak was doing, he followed, making way for the volcanic shore.
  11. IC: Hexxon: the Arena: Calik's sword hit nothing, just passing through the air. He might be surprised by this, if he was such a good fighter in the dark.Good try, Toa. But not good enough, Hexxon said in the Toa of Fire's head.He had, after finding his attacked blocked, picked up the thoughts of his opponent, and thus knew his next move. To avoid the blow, he merely decreased his density to an untangible state.The darkness flickered, then finally disappeared, absorbed into Hexxon's body. He then hurled a bolt of shadow at Calik.
  12. IC: Parched WastesGreel, not wanting to get too close to the stranger and his giant pet, instead telekinetically reached out to the Rahi, stroking it with an unseen force. Rocky snarled at the new, rival animal, but a tug on his reins made him stop. His master stepped over to him, petting his armored back.''The ruins,'' he said, trying to remember which direction it was in. But maybe if they could trace Rocky's pawprints in the sand, they could follow them back to the area where he spotted them. The closer ones would probably be gone from the fight with sand, but some might be noticible farther out. ''We should all go there. Maybe even bury our dead colleague here, if you all want to.''And I'm Greel, by the way,'' he told Darkon.
  13. IC: Haven Cove The cache, being a purple box on white sand, was now visibly noticible. A claw of compacted water stretched out from Reya's hands, and snatched the prize from the ground. It retracted back, being absorbed into her hands. She grabbed the cache just as the claw was completely gone.''Now, let's see what's inside...'' she told the group.Reya ignored Levacius for now. She decided it would be best to see the cache's contents first.IC: Ashring/Yawning SunderHexxon smiled at the purple flag below. Normally, he would have teleported down there, but the cache was in a far too dangerous place to go to without support. Instead, he began charging his Rhotuka of Erasing, and kept in in place once it was fully charged. He first aimed it downward where the cache was, then reached into the field of energy, grabbing it, and proceeding to shoot. Rhotuka, besides being able to inflict their powers on another, were capable of being ridden. That's exactly what Hexxon did; as he zoomed down with it, he lifted himself into a sitting position on the wheel, and mentally steered the energy toward the purple flag. Once in range, the Toa of Psionics reached out, trying to grab the cache, smiling. IC: Northwestern SeaReptak continued to search the seafloor, looking among the sand and sediments for any sign of the cache. Hopefully, he had picked the right spot. IC: Northwestern SeaVertan's head broke the water's surface as he gulped for new air, and then swam back down to scan this section of the sea. They were in the northwestern part, off the coast of Ashring, searching the far out deep and the coastal, shallow waters. If the Skakdi chose to, they could walk in a diagonal, straight line towards the Shimmering Maze from where they were, believing the spot here was the right one.
  14. IC: Kaytana: the Arena:Doubt - that was what filled the mind of the Skakdi Kaytana. Should she leave this hidden opponent alone, and attack the others maybe?No. What if they were too good? What if her attacks couldn't hit? Might she be the first to fall?That won't happen! I am strong - aren't I?Everytime she thought of a new tactic, she decided it wouldn't work, or what might happen if it didn't work out, afraid of the outcome. Whatever - or whenever - she could think of some new plan, Kaytana believed it was better to fetch Hexxon.He can help me. Hexxon wouldn't let anything happen to his poor, injured friend - would he? she thought, getting away from the area to a new spot.
  15. IC: Parched WastesGreel raised his head. ''You didn't cause it, no. It was the stress and damage of battle, I would say.'' He didn't say anything about the sand-wielder, prefering to leave it for Kairan. Although he too faced Jontan, the Toa of Lightning fought him longer, and probably knew him better.''Thank you for the offer, stranger,'' he said, looking at Darkon. ''We will definately need some... but I also had seen some ruins before the battle, before I could report my findings. I think it would be best to go there, where me might find some shelter, more water... and food maybe...''
  16. IC: Sea Reptak and Vertan had entered the area northwest of the Shimmering Maze, off the coast of Ashring. The Skakdi of Air stayed near the seabed of sand and sediments, scanning it and sometimes following the trails of schools of fish.IC: SeaWhile Reptak moved around the sea floor, Vertan swam several feet below the surface, looking around the blue enviroment for any clues or the cache.Unlike his partner, the red warrior needed to head back up to swallow more fresh air to continue searching. Though he did have large lungs, due to his size, which gave him advantage over smaller species - like Toa.And how I do hate Toa. Vertan thought as he looked around.IC: Parched Wastes''Dead, unfortunately.'' Greel replied, looking down at the Mask of Power in his hands. Though the presence of the stranger caught his attention again.IC: Haven CoveReya stood, glancing around at the center of Haven Cove. She tried to remember what Oura had done last time there was a cache here. The memory came to her, and she looked up at the map, moving and positioning herself directly below the big, purple dot.Now, if I'm standing in the right place...The Toa of Water lowered her eyes back to the ground, ready to see if there was a purple flag waiting right there...IC: AshringHexxon stepped onto the eastern tip of Ashring, placing himself exactly below the cache dot on the map overhead.Let's see...He turned, shifting his gaze, surveying the land around him. Surely the cache was right here...
  17. IC: Hexxon: the Arena: Hexxon approached the cloak of shadow which contained Calik. He wasn't sure which direction his opponent faced, but he would not see this coming. It wouldn't be a hard blow to kill... just to catch off guard and weaken. Detecting where Calik was via telepathy, he raised the spiked blade... and then brought it down.
  18. OOC: Levacius, wasn't Arillan just north of Ashring, starting to swim west? Vertan and Reptak were already there, too, making way for the west as well. They shouldn't be too far apart, then.IC: SeaThe two Skakdi were closing in on the northwestern sea off Ashring and by the Shimmering maze. It wouldn't be too long now; Reptak was sue that was the right area, and Vertan couldn't wait to get his claws on some treasure.Almost there... Reptak crooned. IC: Haven CoveReya walk on the white sands of Haven Cove once again, heading for the very center. There should be a purple flag there, like the last one.Another was coming, she was sure; there was always competition.
  19. IC: Parched WastesGreel's attention was turned away when he heard Irriane talk... and then collapse. He moved to her side, just in time to see her heartlight fade to black. ''Such a pity,'' he said, stroking her head before removing her Kanohi of Healing. He hadn't known her too well, but she had helped out, and that was good enough.Although he couldn't use the mask he held, Greel still wanted to keep it.
  20. IC: Yawning Sunder/Ashring:Seeing nothing so far, Hexxon had teleported to the very tip of eastern Ashring, where it touched the purple dot. He looked around again. Was the cache on land, or in the chasm of the Sunder? Probably Ashring, the Toa thought, snorting. The slavers would put it a such a vile place. I really do hate this place.Indeed he did. No one other than a fire wielder would like the region; it was too hot, and the air always had a brimstone stench. Unfortunately, Hexxon didn't have any Kanohi or tools on him to easily locate the cache, so he settled on a manual search on the tip of eastern Ashring, still hidden with his powers. IC: Sea:Reptak, in his cloud form, drifted through the waters off the coast of Ashring, willing his particles to move in the desired direction. He had been initially uncertain of ''swimming'' while in this state of being; did he need to hold his breath like this? He possessed no lungs or even a nose currently to hold any oxygen, but to make sure he wouldn't drown, he made sure to take a large gulp of air just to be sure. What if he need to reform while underwater? Then he would surely drowned with the lack of air, so he took some with him in case that ever happened.So far, the Skakdi hadn't seen anything that looked like a cache north of Ashring. He even tried following schools of fish.Might there be a particular group of fish around the cache, with a school leading to it? Or was that just telling us to swim? It might be located in the soil beneath the surface of the water, so I should look around at the bottom of the sea.And what about the ''crystal gaze''? The Shimmering Maze sounds like a good canidate... but we need to stay in water - unless the cache is off the coast of Ashring by the Shimmering Maze!Reptak forced his form in the western direction.IC: Sea:Vertak faired no better than his Skakdi partner, though he saw Reptak's cloud quicken its pace and followed his path.IC: Parched Wastes:Greel turned; he thought he heard something calling nearby. IC: Toothy Bane/Haven Cove:Reya walked down the side of a mountain cautiously. Daytime had disturbed her work and she had taken a peak outside, seeing new cache placements on the map. She decided to take a break from the experiments, and headed for the closest cache location: Haven Cove.Instead of taking the way down toward the pathway, the Toa of Water descended this side, for she saw others among the mountains. They hadn't spotted her at her placement, and they certainly didn't on this way.Coming close to the base of the rock, Reya leapt silently off and made way for the center of the beach.It's too bad Petra and Oura aren't here. It would have been Petra's cache this time.Having a cache at Haven Cove surprsied her, as it had been off limits and full of Caretakers.Thery're gone, I know. But maybe some of their parts are locked away in the box. she thought as she stepped onto the beach.
  21. IC: Parched Wastes: ''No, I don't believe so,'' Greel said, shaking his head. It almost sounded to him like the condition of a Hordika, though Kairan wasn't a one at all. ''What was it like - the fight I mean - for you?'' he asked, wanting to know if his partner had damaged the ememy badly.IC: Ashring:Reptak and Vertan stood on the remains of Dragon's Roost. The former tactician was, at first, very impressed that he had succeeded in nearly destroying an entire volcano. But after learning that a Toa of Sonics, or something like one, had done most of the work, he didn't look too impressed, even if Vertan had made an avalance and an accidental explosion.''We need to move on,'' he said, ''if we - I - want a cache prize.'' Reptak lead the way, moving toward the volcanic shore of Ashring - the northernmost spot on the island. They would probably search the rest of the coast, but he wanted to start there. OOC: Last post for now.
  22. IC: Parched Wastes/Ashring:While walking through the desert, Reptak had listened to what his Skakdi companion said. He smirked when Vertan told him about the team he was now on, foolishly giving the emeny knowledge that he could use and have somesort of advantage later on. After he had finished, Reptak had told his partner, ''We must always be willing to work with eachother to use our powers, that way we do not have to waste time getting eachother's consent.'' Now the two were heading for Ashring, where Vertan had previously dwelled. The red-skinned Skakdi didn't care about revisiting; he enjoyed the heat, and wanted to show off the ruin he caused while pursuing Levacius. Reptak was fine with that, but more importantly, he had entertained himself by figuring out the riddle above.Let's see, dragon's meal... eggs - Dragon's Roost, maybe? Avoid the place of unending thirst... the Parched Wastes, obviously. Follow hose with fins... fish, no doubt... and crystal gaze. Water looks like crystal sometimes... like a mirror... like crystal - the sea by the volcano! That's it! he had thought along the way. He supposed that Vertan didn't need the hidden cache, but if some riddle had to be solved to find it, then it would be worthwhile. ''Look,'' Reptak ordered. ''Up ahead. That is your safe haven, is it not?'' The volcanic region of Ashring was dead ahead, the tan sand fading away and becoming solid ground, with black smoke hanging in the air. Both Skakdi hurried, one eager to show destruction, the other greedy and wanting to see if he solved the enigmic question. IC: Parched WastesGreel, upon hearing Plagia's question, answered, ''Yes, but they ran away,'' bitterly, not even turning. He wanted a kill today. The sound of a body hitting sand met his ears, and he looked to see the Lightning Toa on the ground. Sighing, he used telekinesis to lean her against the dune, so she could wake up in a sitting position, as opposed to lying on the desert floor. ''No idea,'' he told Kairan before moving over to their Toa of Fire ally to be healed.
  23. IC: Parched WastesVertan's eyes flickered open. New daylight fell upon them, and he lifted himelf up, groaning. His body felt a little sore, but it wasn't painful enough that he couldn't get up and move around.How long had he been out? Last he knew, it was night, he was battling those three Toa, and hit by a powerful burst of electricity. Might it have been days? It was long enough for him to recover from the fight and his wounds.Vertan just sat there. His battlebroom was gone, though his mask remained. Thankfully, no one had come across him during his unconsciousness.What do I do now?IC: Parched WastesA green-colored cloud floated high through the air. It was at a perfect height to see the action below - and there was plenty to see. Down below, resting near the base of a sand dune, was a red, silver, and black-armored being, big and powerful looking. It was obviously a Skakdi, from the looks of the face and spine. To the cloud above, it was so much more. It stopped and gently moved downward to this Skakdi. ''Well, well, well,'' said a disembodied voice, which startled Vertan. Before him, a green cloud came, collecting as it did, forming first into feet and then legs. It was now gone, a green and gold-armored figure in its place, which touched down on the sand. ''What do we have here? Some bored looking Skakdi, sitting all alone?''Vertan, whose eyes widened at the sight of a Skakdi, immediately reached for his club. The green-fleshed Skakdi shook his head. ''Now, now. You wouldn't want to hurt a fellow like me, would you?'' He gestured to the golden emblem on his shoulder, and then held his sword up high. The Skakdi of Fire had, at first, moved his hand away from his weapon upon seeing the sign. But after the sight of the sword, he instantly made sort of a bow. ''An officer of my lord, forgive me for such behavior,'' he said. Then he grabbed his tool and posed for a strike. ''And now tell me why I should care in a place like this?''Reptak simply looked at Vertan. The warrior was somewhat familiar, especially at a time like this. Vertan, too, seemed to recognize his fellow Skakdi; being a fighter such as himself meant that he would have seen someone like Reptak back during the wars, for planning and attacking stuff. Though he did not really care about that now.Reptak merely gave in to the question, instead of attacking. ''Vertan - your name I believe it was - how many other Skakdi have you seen around here?''He lowered his club down a little. ''None,'' he answered. ''Why?''''Now tell me how many times were you beaten without you Elemental powers?'' Reptak queried.''Twice... maybe...'' he answered.''Don't you see, Vertan, that we would be better off working together instead of fighting?'' the Skakdi of Air said. ''We can both access our Elements, combine them with our other powers... and with my skill of tactics, we can survive and deafeat our enemies easily.''The club was lowered completely. Reptak's words made so much sense - why shouldn't they work together? ''Fine. We'll work together.'' Vertan said. ''Oh, and just so you know, I'm part of this deadly team called Patronage now. From what I hear, I'm important now.'' he added, and went on to explain what he knew from his time spent on the island and from Levacius. Reptak nodded, pondering about the information. ''Good. Now, tell me more while we leave this desert. I want to explore our new 'home'.''
  24. IC: Shadowtangle/Yawning SunderHexxon, like all the others, had noticed the new changes to the map while standing near the cave's entrance. The returning light from overhead would make it easier to use his Kualsi, now that it was no longer dark. The Sunder cache was very close to the mountain on which the Toa stood, and he saw the spot easily. It was close to the Ashring coast, probably floating in the water below or wedged between rocks. An instant later Hexxon appeared there, thanks to his teleportation power.No one saw him, of course. The Toa of Psionics used his ability to hide his presence again, just as he had before in the desert. He looked down at the giant chasm, seeing rushing water flowing through it. Now, where could it be? he thought, his eyes scanning the river and rock, and the surrounding area of the Sunder.
  25. IC: Parched WastesAs the ground beneath them all exploded, Greel's telekinetic hold on Rastaque was lost. Immediately when he felt the sand trying to crush him, he let out a telekinetic blast that blew the sand away, and only diverted the needle's path so it hit gold muscle instead of a crimson heartlight. The last attack from Jontan surpised him, though was dispelled by another mental force before it could do anything lethal. Recovering from the attack, Greel saw Nostala collapse, and Kairan approach. Was she dead? Maybe, from the look of her injuries... but she was a tough fighter, and so might live. He gingerly pulled out the needle (which had been pushed in farther by the previous assault), shutting his eyes while doing so. It hurt, and he felt numerous wounds from the sand, especially the last. He sat on the cold, grainy ground, both his knives back in his coat. His eyes, narrowed now, watched to see if Nostala would move at all. Then he pounded on the sand with his right fist, creating a mini sand cloud.They had gotten away.But at least they fled, and didn't win. And over the dune in the previous fighting zone, a certain Rock Lion's eyes fluttered open. Oxygen had flooded his lungs; he was rejuvenated. Rocky wearily stood and followed the familiar scent of Greel until he returned to the master. OOC: Last post for today. Tomarrow I'll get up one for Reptak.
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