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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Shadowtangle Upon hearing Nostala's shouts, Greel turned in the direction of the destroyed bridge. He streched out his arms, sending a strong telekinetic force concentrated on Ryenkk and Plagia. The two floated in the air, and then flew towards the Shadowtangle side of the island to the rest of the group.
  2. IC: Sea Reya freed herself from the water cocoon once she felt enough distance had been made between her and Jontan. She kicked back up to the surface, warily watching for any dangerous sea Rahi. Her head broke through the surface, and she turned it to see if anyone was around. No one that she could see. With a faint grin, she formed waves to carry her back to a different region of the island. Reya figured she would have to find Petra and Oura, but she would take her time. Along she way, she absorbed surrounding water to regenerate her element faster. IC: Parched Wastes Seeing as Sledge was a little too determined to be stopped at the moment, Hexxon decided to wait again. He would just stay and watch until Patronage defeated them all. And once Sledge fell to the team, he would step in and take the Nynrah Gauntlet. It only seemed fair, to Hexxon at least. He knew that when Sledge was recaptured, the Shepherds of Flesh wouldn't let him keep that weapon; he could just escape again using it. So, to keep it from being lost for good, the Psionics Toa would claim it as his. OOC: Last post today.
  3. OOC: @ Levacius: Did you see my previous post where Hexxon used telekinesis on Sledge? IC: Sea Reya listened carefully to Jontan's words, and then answered. ''No. I couldn't turn my back on both of you without finding a dozen needles in it, or see myself drowning in sand. Neither could you walk ahead without being suffocated by water.You expect partnership after nearly killing me at least five times?'' Before the sand Toa could react, a shell of compacted water formed around her, the liquid so well joined that no sand could penetrate. It shot away from Jontan in a rapid motion, cutting through the sand bar and vanishing under the water beyond it. OOC: This is where I'd like to have Reya leave. IC: Stony Leap/Shadowtangle Immediately at the sign of trouble, Rocky (still carrying Greel on his back) sped off the collapsing bridge. With a jump, he leapt back onto the Shadowtangle side of the island. OOC: @ Skarloth: It's sad to see Oura go.
  4. I found that the slime being alive was shocking. Other than that, I thought the chapter was pretty good. I thought the way you described Subtarond and his powers was impressive.
  5. IC: Sea Reya splashed back into the water and kicked forward. At the sight of Jontan's sand bar, she began manipulating the water for an attack. She slowed her pace, however, as she noticed that the sand had an odd design to it. Stop. I want to talk. she made the words out in her head. Her instincts of a thief told not to stop, not to listen. A good thief trusts no one, and an even better one never stops at the request of her enemy. But she did stop, not for the reason he wanted her to though. The Water Toa saw an opportunity: she could strike him down while he talked, end his threat to her once in for all. She did not turn around until she had her attack prepared. IC: Shadowtangle Greel and Rocky followed their team across the newly crafted bridge. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon grew impatient; he was wasting time and energy standing there waiting and hidden. This time he would take the gauntlet (and maybe the bounty, if there was time) with less sutble force. As for Team Patronage, he would let them fight the Rahi, and let the Vortixx and her pet deal with them. He focused on the charging Sledge, summoning a strong telekinetic force that would send him flying backwards away from the battle with great force.
  6. IC: Shadowtangle Greel and Rocky watched as another bridge was formed, and as Nostala whistled on her way back. The teal-armored being sighed; he was sort of hoping for a battle. But he could now get across the Yawning Sunder with his pet. Rocky moved forward out of the jungle with Greel on his back to meet up with the others. OOC: Probably the last post for me too.
  7. OOC: So, he not going to stop chasing Reya until she's dead or given him the cache? And what about that water projectile she hurled at Jontan? IC: Sea In order to escape the death trap Jontan was building, Reya summoned all availiable water in the area, all well as Elemental Water energy, to create a column of the liquid that sent her high in the air. And when the height and timing were right, she leapt from the support and over the sand walls, also having another wave carry her away. OOC: @ Emissary: Oh, that's okay. I understand. IC: Shadowtangle They had finished. Enough trees had been weakened to cause some damage to the fortress if needed. Now Greel rode upon Rocky's back as they moved into a shadowy spot to remain hidden. All he had to do was wait and watch. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon waited above until Team Patronage would act. Then Sledge would be in real trouble. He knew they wouldn't be able to defeat the Toa group, and that's when he would make his move. Until then, he continued to hide on the roof as they fought below. OOC: Possibly the last post for now.
  8. IC: Parched Wastes The sight of a dozen Rahi, surprisingly, didn't frighten Hexxon. No, thirty seconds was more than enough time to disguise his presence from all around, and then teleport to another rooftop. He almost smiled at his elusive nature, but something stopped him. It was the presence of more minds in the near area, all of which were intelligent ones. Who were they - friends of that stranger? He certainly was with them. A mental reading wasn't needed to tell who they were: four members of that Team Patronage he discovered in the mind of the stranger. He quickly peered into one of their minds to find the group's goal. It didn't take long at all. The capture of Sledge. No, they couldn't. That meant losing the gauntlet for good. And he wanted that weapon so much... even if he needed to help Sledge to get it. IC: Sea Reya used the water around her to deflect the blasts. Jontan had a flaw in his plan: the sand was wet. She used that advantage to free herself. The Water Toa drew all the moisture from them, bringing it and the water she was in together into a compacted projectile. After sending the newly created weapon at Jontan, Reya reached out wth her power to the water behind the walls. It cleaved through the dry sand walls and back to Reya, scooping her up and bringing her away to deeper water. OOC: Last post for a long while.
  9. OOC: So which part of the island should we say we're on? And was the height of the drop specified? IC: Sea Jontan had made a horrible mistake of following her into the sea. Reya manipulated the waters, making them turn and spin. The forming sand stood no chance; the churning water dissipated the sand walls. Then she disturbed the water near Jontan and his little island, building up a large wave to sweep him away. OOC: Is Jontan really going this far just for a single cache? IC: Shadowtangle Greel halted his work as the disguised Kairan approached. He watched his partner try to draw out a message, and could roughly make it out. He nodded. ''I'm almost done here; Rocky is about to do the next set.'' he said, motioning to his pet. At first, Rocky thought that Kairan was a meal that had unluckily came upon a larger animal - him. But now he could tell it was a friend of his master by the Toa's scent. The lion-like Rahi then moved on to continue weakening trees, with Greel accompanying him. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon smirked at the beings below. ''Poor little slaves; so confident in your threats. Yes, you did have the body, but you failed to loot it before another came to do so. And the staff was open and untouched. They are mine now... why come all this way to get them?'' He looked at his new mask and weapon, somewhat eager to see their powers. ''You think I'm part of that killing group called Team Patronage? Well... '' The red and vermillion-armored Toa shifted his gaze away from Trian, Felix, and the approaching Sledge. He sensed that the stranger was so close now. He didn't need to stop the Iron Toa. He would likely hurt himself trying to get up here before he could get to Hexxon on the roof. He continued to look away from the group. ''... you might just find out how wrong you are.''
  10. OOC: I always imagined that they were on the eastern side of Shadowtangle. So she jumped into the eastern section of the sea. IC: Shadowtangle/Sea ''Not a chance.'' Reya said. One tentacle twisted around the arm that held her and worked the Toa free. The other three moved around Jontan, attempting to smack/sqeeze him. Reya, now free, took another gulp of air, and a wave under her command swallowed her up, bringing her underwater. IC: Shadowtangle After weakening seven trees, Rocky lowered himself to the ground to rest his tired paws a little. Meanwhile, Greel withdrew the two daggers he carried to begin cutting the next one. OOC: @ Emissary: His name is actually just ''Greel''. IC: Parched Wastes Busy mentally probing the stranger's mind, Hexxon hadn't detected Trian's or Felix's minds, but her shouting did get his attention. So when Felix smashed through a wall, he was prepared. The building wasn't strong enough to support all of the Muaka's weight, and started cracking. The Toa acted swiftly, slamming his feet hard on the ground, causing it to collapse beneath them. However, Hexxon was able to escape the falling floor by shifting his gaze out the window and teleporting, leaving Felix to descend to the room below.He reappeared on the roof of the building across from the previous. The Toa of Psionics glared down at Trian. The fools! Their presence and violent entry into the ruins was sure to catch the approaching stranger's attention. IC: Ashring Vertan let out a loud grunt of pain as Shanrahk slammed into him. However, he managed to grab onto the flying Rahkshi, but his heaviness was causing them to rapidly descend. The crimson Skakdi took advantage of the situation to begin hitting Shanrahk with his spiked mace. OOC: Probably the last post today.
  11. OOC: The bombs were deactivated the moment they met, and unlocked right after that. IC: Shadowtangle Reya's water tentacles brushed up against something grainy up ahead. At her command the appendages lashed out, destroying Jontan's sand wall and claws. She detected a huge amount of water just a little ways before her. She smiled at this; it was good. She could manipulate the water and wash both her enemies away... Only she stopped. If it hadn't been for her tentacles feeling around, Reya would have fallen of the edge of jungle that stood over the sea.... The tentacles gripped the trees behind her, and she looked back. Jontan and Rastaque would chase her all over the island just for a single cache. She looked back down the the splashing waves. Would they follow her even into the sea? Reya decided it would be foolish of them to chase her in an entire enviroment she could control. Holding her cache tightly, she took a deep breath, and dove into the waters. IC: Shadowtangle Greel and Rocky moved into position after watching Kairan's usage of Nostala's mask. He got up onto his steed's back and directed him to a tree close to the fort. In didn't take long, considering the extremely sharp claws Rocky possessed. The tree would only need a good, telekinetic push to fall down. The pair then turned to the tree next to it and began slicing. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon was too far away to hear Trian shouting her anger at him. He stood before some ruins, his mask having brought him here. The placed looked pretty empty, which was probably made to be. Thanks to his mental probe on the group, he knew there was an oaisis or two located in similar places. Although it did look deserted, the Psionics Toa immediately sensed a presence nearby. Instead of reading this mind, Hexxon teleported into an upstairs room he saw through a window. He stood against a wall and closed his eyes to quickly scan the stranger's mind, collecting information as he did so. OOC: That would be Aderyn, I suppose. IC: Ashring Vertan fired his eyebeams where he heard his enemy crash and grumble. In addition, he began stomping his great foot on the warm ground to keep Shanrahk off balance by shaking the rock.
  12. IC: Shadowtangle Reya, feeling more sand attacking her, summoned Elemental energy. Tentacles of compacted water burst from her back, four in all, two on either side. They wrapped around the sand appendages, and pulled them away from Reya and her cache. She ran forward, the sand claws behind her, and used the tentacles to feel around her surroundings. In this way, Reya could avoid bashing into anymore plants. Though she kept one limb of water facing the faraway sand, just in case it came back at her, which she knew well it probably would. Then she felt it: a source of water up ahead, growing in size as she came closer. It soon became apparent it wasn't a pool, but maybe a lake, or the sea... IC: Shadowtangle Greel turned to Rynekk. ''You could splinter sections of the metal into iron shards, tear parts of it up, crumble it up into large slabs of metallic protodermis and send to the bottom of the chasm.... Things like that.'' he suggested. IC: Parched Wastes Deciding to leave with his new mask and maybe return later, Hexxon turned to teleport away. But just before he did, however, something near the dune's base where Sledge and his partners had previously been caught his attention. An instant later, he appeared at the spot, and picked up the item. It was a staff - Qayzaf's staff - with a Rhotuka launcher built on it. He grinned; the deceased warrior must have dropped it sometime before or after his faded illusion faded. Whichever was the case, the Toa gripped the shaft of his new weapon. It could replace the gauntlet for now... Not wanting to give the others time for another attack, he looked ahead at the spanning desert, and teleported to the farthest spot in his sight, leaving the group beyond the dune far behind. IC: Ashring Vertan heard the scraping of metal upon rock behind him, but it was too late. He felt the Rahkshi's staff smack his spine, and grunted in pain. Turning, he hurled the two charged force bolts at the spot where he knew Shanrahk stood, hoping they would hit. OOC: Last post for now.
  13. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon focused one of the streams at Sledge's metal attack, causing it to change course and head for both Trian and Felix. Then he moved the other beam of telekinetic force to the dead body of Qayzaf on Trian's pitchfork. The corpse's mask quivered before being pulled off by the mental force. It flew through the air and right into Hexxon's hand. He clutched the Kanohi Jutlin tightly with both hands. If he wasn't going to get the gauntlet now, then he could at least keep this thing. IC: Shadowtangle ''Perhaps we could do both, but the plan needs to altered a little. To efficiently destroy that fort, Rynekk will need to hide, probably in the tree tops where they couldn't see him, and use his Iron powers on it. Plagia and Kairan can electrify the fort. And I would be here with Rocky to slice the trees down for some damage and a distraction.'' Greel said. OOC: @ Blade: The original plan was to electrify the fort while Nostala and Greel cut down the trees on the structure, with Kairan, Greel, and Nostala trading their equipment with eachother. Kairan would use Nostala's Kanohi while he used hers to disguise himself, and she would borrow one of Greel's blades. Last post for today. More posts tomarrow hopefully.
  14. IC: Parched Wastes Hexxon, stunned that Sledge broke free, was battered aside by the Toa of Iron. The only fortunate thing about this attack was that he was pushed out of Felix's path. His tall body crashed into the sand, and he groaned. But he picked himself up quickly, ignoring the pain. Hexxon knew staying down too long would only lead to his demise. He whirled, calling upon the power of his mask to transport him to the dune's top. Once there he turned to the group below, and reached out with both hands, summoning mental energy. Streams of telekinetic force poured from his palms, rushing towards the golden gaunlet on Sledge's hand. This was his last attempt to get that weapon, and should he fail, the Psionics Toa would improvise. Hexxon watched as the Nynrah crafted tool began to slightly slide off the Toa's hand...
  15. IC: Shadowtangle A flood of water burst from Reya and swept away all the attacking sand. She then directed the wave in Jontan's direction as a distraction. She was tired of this fight. She didn't know were her allies were. But she wouldn't give up her prize. The Water Toa broke into a run in a different direction, heading to a random location. OOC: @ Levacius: I know that, I said a user didn't need to focus hard on it. And even when Sledge had used his Element, the blast was still releashed before Hexxon was imprisoned. IC: Parched Wastes But Felix never got the chance, as Hexxon teleported at the first sign of the outside world, leaving the tiger snapping at empty air. He appeared between Sledge and Trian and Felix, his back facing the Rahi. Then he disappeared again, this time teleporting next to Sledge and Trian. ''Get away from my Toa, you fool!'' he ordered as he threw out a telekinetic punch at Trian. He wasn't going to lose his enslaved target, not now.
  16. OOC: Taken from the archive. (pg. 22, post # 860) The post where the contents of the caches are revealed after they meet. IC: Shadowtangle In a burst of water, the sand consuming Reya was washed away. Reaching out with her hands, she parted the fog where she heard Jontan coming, and then formed portions of mist into small daggers of highly compacted water. They then moved in to surround Sand Toa, circling him closely and were ready to stab at Reya's command. ''This is your last chance! Go away! You have your own supplies, why take ours?'' she asked. IC: Ashring At first Vertan began to panic as darkness surround them. He shook the feeling away quickly, if he became distracted, then he would die. The Skakdi blasted the ground where he had last seen Shanrahk with his vision power. Then he began charging force bolts in his palms. They lit up the dark somewhat for him to see. And then he searched the area for his enemy.
  17. OOC: @ ToD: Oh, I see now. And the cache aren't going to blow. That problem was solved a long time ago. IC: Shadowtangle Reya, feeling moist sand beginning to weigh her down, absorbed all the moisture covering the grains, causing it all to fall away. She stopped then, and turned to face her opponents. And in the case that they should attack again, Reya started preparing a quick attack. ''The caches are safe now! You have your prize and we have ours. Just leave us alone.'' said the Toa of Water. OOC: @ Levacius: Thanks for clearing that up. But mind control is limited in the sense that the user cannot force the victim to do anything against their morals. And I don't think you'd have to focus extremely hard; a Komau user doesn't require a huge amount of concentration when using its mind control power. Plus, for one skilled with his powers, the amount of concentration requiered wouldn't be as much. Whenever Iruini used his Kualsi, he was never described as having to readjust after teleporting. In fact, in Birth of the Rahaga, Iruini begins talking to his imprisoned teamates immediately after teleporting to them. And the way I saw the teleport was that Hexxon had the energies ready, teleported, and then used the mental power on Sledge just as he noticed Hexxon was gone. IC: Ashring Vertan grunted as Shanrahk's foot collided with his crest. It hurt, but is was not enough to knock back his great form. Furious, the red warrior aimed his eyes at Shanrahk and unleashed his Impact Vision to throw him back with the concussive force.
  18. IC: Ashring Vertan thrust his weapon out at the Rahkshi's staff to block the blow.
  19. IC: Shadowtangle With Suicavel and Arillian gone, the Rock Lion lowered himself to the ground, a little tired from the fight. His mane returned to normal, and Greel extinquished his torch. The teal-armored being felt proud. They had done it: defeated a monster that had hurt them, but now as a single group. He jumped off his pet's back and looked at him. He had done so well. It was time to name him. ''We shall call him Rocky.'' Greel said to the group. He then turned to Kairan and said, ''Well, now that they're gone, let's dicuss the plan... after we know who he is.'' he said pointing to Orssa. OOC: @ Levacius: I'm a little confused here. Did Sledge create that dome before or after Hexxon teleported? If is was before, how would Sledge have known Hexxon was wearing a Kualsi? It would be the first time he saw him use it too, plus the teleport is instant. There would not have been enough time to imprison him. If it was after, how would Sledge have known where Hexxon was before he unleashed his power? Also, that Psionic blast was of mind control, so when it hit Sledge, it would have put him under Hexxon's power, not knocked him down. IC: Ashring ''Death to the Makuta!'' Vertan yelled back as he ducked under the blast and shot forward.
  20. OOC: @ Emissary: Not a problem. IC: Ashring Vertan was nearly at the top of Dragon's Roost when he spotted a lone figure a little ways down the slope. It was hard to make out details on the being, because of the dark smoke all around, but the shape was definately familiar. Rahkshi. The Skakdi of Fire let out a growl. Rahkshi were the sevants of the Makuta, and the Makuta were the ones that caused madness on Zakaz with their experiments. While Rahkshi hadn't been common on his homeland like the Visorak guards, Vertan still knew that one Rahkshi could be a challenge. He also knew they were they ''sons'' of Makuta, and what better way to get revenge than to kill one of their own creations? Unlimbering his spiked club, Vertan charged down toward his enemy bellowing, ''For Zakaz!'' OOC: That would be Shanrahk.
  21. OOC: @ ToD: Reya had her cache the whole time. And Jontan and Rastaque couldn't see in the fog. A normal fog cloud is tough to see in; this one is huge and meant to block all visibility. Rastaque would be smashing into things too if he followed them, and all the plant matter around would deflect his needles. IC: Shadowtangle Reya continued to rush through the forest, all the while holding onto her cache. With no way to see, she had stumbled on some roots a little ways back, and bumped into another tree. But she wouldn't stop until she was a good distance from the thick mist. IC: Shadowtangle Both the Rock Lion and Greel were knocked back by the Shadow bolts, and then again by Suicavel's Darkness blast. However, this had only angered Greel's pet even more. His fiery mane increased in temperature and glowed white-hot. Now he detected his foe again with his senses, and shot forward. Suicavel was in an unfortunate position now: being so close to the Rock Lion, the incrediably bright light emanating from his mane probably blinded the shadowy creature, something which he was vulnerable to. Also, he had the lion's extremely sharp claws coming at him while Nostala, Kairan, and Orssa moved in with their attacks. IC: Parched Wastes Before Sledge's eyes, Hexxon vanished from sight via his Kualsi, reappearing soundlessly a good distance behind him. He worked with the advantages he had: the element of surprise and the power of Psionics. He had sensed the others coming, but he wasn't too worrid about that right now. Head over the dune and they risk getting hit by both Sledge and his attacks. Hexxon releashed the built up Elemental energy, and it came out in a reasonably-sized blast of mental force... all of it directed at Sledge's vulnerable mind. It would take a lot more than his ''thought jumbling'' to stop this mental attack of mind control, proper mental shielding was needed. In fact, once it touched his mind, he'd have no will to fight it back...
  22. OOC: @ ToD: It is indeed. IC: Reya; Shadowtangle Reya couldn't stand it anymore. She tried her best not to hit Oura, and decided to go out with her plan. Using a large amount of her power, the Water Toa unleashed a huge wave of water the swept the sand away, icluding the wall. She felt something hit her armor, and if she had the time, she would have noticed Rastaque's needles deflected by her spikes. Now she focused on all the water and moisture she had created, and willed it to change state. A massive and very thick fog exploded around Reya, filling the air and a small portion of Shadowtangle with mist. She hoped Oura and Petra would act, because this was their escape. Reya ran at high speeds through the jungle and away from the site of their battle. All vision was obscured by the fog, so Reya had no way of telling where things were, causing her to impact with several trees and bushes. But she kept on running. IC: Greel; Shadowtangle Indeed, shadows do not make sound, but that didn't stop Greel's Rhotuka. He never knew if his theory was right, because he couldn't see. The red wheel of energy/gases, which slightly lit up the darkness, rocketed forwards, consuming the Shadow bolts and ending their threats to Greel. The Rock Lion had enough. His mane glowed bright with heat and fire, revealing the team's surroundings. Greel took advantage of the situation to telekinetically grab a stick on the forest floor. He caught in his hand and touched his pet's mane with it. Crimson flames appeared on it, and Greel waved it around to see more of the darkened forest. This blackness was not natural, so something nearby must of caused it. He had the Rock Lion use his sense of smell to find Suicavel. Greel again motioned to his partners to the direction of the enemy. OOC: Hexxon was never under the sand; he slid down the side opposite to Sledge's group until he couldn't be seen and stayed there. IC: Hexxon; Parched Wastes Unfortunately for Sledge, Hexxon wasn't under the sand at all. No, he stood there and watched as his enemy tossed the newly created tool, and as it flew towards him. It stopped suddenly in midair as Hexxon caught it with telekinesis. Smirking, The Toa of Psionics used his telekinetic power further, bringing Sledge down to the ground with surprising speed. But before he even touched the dune's sloping side, he was brought up again a few feet in the air, and then roughly tossed behind Hexxon in a twirling fashion. He cut off his telekinesis on Sledge, causing the Toa to fall towards the ground. Not really harmed but probably dazed. Now Hexxon would need to rely on the sheer heaviness that came with Sledge's thick armor, and began preparing his mental energies for his next move before Sledge would get up... And in the case his partners freed themselves from his illusion, there were no tracks to follow to find Sledge, thanks to Hexxon's telekinesis. OOC: And I think I'm done for now. I'll be back tomorrow for more role playing.
  23. IC: Greel; Shadowtangle The Rock Lion stopped. Greel paused. Both felt something wrong was happening again. His pet was already sensing another; the first one to attack was nearby, and the new arrival was somewhere... There! The Rock Lion moved in the direction of Suicavel slowly, his mane warming with heat. Greel was preparing too. Judging from his Rahi's behavior, either someone else was here, or the attacker was very close. Whichever was the case, Greel moved away from the Lion's mane and leaned closer him. He had a theory: his currently active Rhotuka moved around him and darted forward to halt an attack; maybe if he stayed very close to his pet, the wheel of energy would circle him too. But Greel wasn't so certain, and so began scanning his surroundings with his eyes to get a look at whoever was around. IC: Hexxon; Parched Wastes Hexxon had slid far enough down so that his entire body was hidden. Now it was to get his prizes. Reaching out with his mind, the Psionics Toa mentally spotted Sledge with telepathy. With the knowledge of where he was, Hexxon focused his telekinetic power on the Toa, planning to pull him into the air and reel Sledge towards him behind the dune. Once there, Hexxon would claim his rewards.
  24. OOC: @ The True Zedd of Ponypower: Profiles need to be posted in the profile topic for approval. IC: Reya; Shadowtangle Reya, struggling to avoid death, twisted her body. With Jontan being so close to her, she could make use of the many spikes of varying size on her armor to penetrate Jontan's own armor. Plus, she had the attacking Oura on her side. Now she was preparing another attack; gathering all the concentration that she could, Reya increased the size of her arms and threw them out to hurl Jontan and make good distance between them. IC: Greel; Shadowtangle Instantly the Rock Lion's mane burst into flames and incinerated the arrow meant to kill Greel. He wanted to lunge after this new foe, kill, and then eat him. Though the Rahi never got the chance, as Greel had noticed his power at use and froze his mighty steed in a telekinetic lock. Easy there, Greel thought. Then, thinking someting might be wrong, unleashed his Rhotuka to prevent another attack on him. Freeing his pet from his power, Greel jumped on his back and restrained the Lion with the reins he made earlier. The Rock Lion's mane returned to normal, and he began using his heightened senses to find this hidden prey while moving around slowly the dense foliage. Meanwhile, Greel motioned to his partners to be on alert. IC: Hexxon; Parched Wastes By using his Mask of Power, Toa Hexxon had travled great distances in mere seconds. This also meant that he had only used several seconds worth of Elemental energy, which made him happy. It did not take long to notice a group of individuals standing a short distance away. Still shielded by his powers and atop a large dune, Hexxon watched them closely. Two appeared to be fighting eachother, another, clad in the colors of purple and brown, was accompainied by what appeared to be a Muaka, and the last one conversed with the purple and brown-colored figure. He reached out with his hands, quickly scanning their minds with telepathy. Hexxon was rewarded by a brief update of events they experienced on the island. The one that stood out the most to him was a Toa of Iron named Sledge, formerly a smith for the Shepherds and now possessed both a bounty on his head and a tool called the ''Nynrah Gauntlet''. It intrigued Hexxon very much. What could I do with a weapon like that? I have none now, and perhaps I could try and get this tool and bounty to enpower myself... Using his mental powers again, the Psionics Toa thought up a realistic illusion to place upon all the slaves and Rahi below. In it, they would see the very ground collapse into quicksand. The entire desert would appear to morph into a sea of the stuff. They would all scream and stuggle to find stable land and maybe even think this must be the work of the Shepherds, he was sure... all except Sledge. He would be unaffected by it. But he would appear in it with the others. Ready, Hexxon sent the mental energy towards their minds, and then slid down the back of the dune so that they would not see him, and proceeded to deactivate his shielding ability.
  25. Previous ''Greel post'' converted to this: IC: Shadowtangle Immediately after Plagia finished her question, Greel spoke up, eager to start. ''We believe that the ones who built it are slaves - slaves that wish to block the only safe way across the chasm. That is something we cannot allow, for we will all be stuck on this side of the island, with hungry, ravenous Rahi and dangerous mountains. A plan has been formed between us, one that can succeed with all our powers combined. Especially yours, Rynekk, because that fortress is composed of metal. Would you two like to hear the plan?'' he asked in his eerie voice. From behind, the Rock Lion growled, his eyes shifting toward another direction. He then turned in that direction, growling still. And that was when the arrow came... IC: Shadowtangle Reya swung her arms of compacted water up to block Jontan's hands of sand. If she defected his attack, then she would bring her plan into action. It was time to end this, and she hoped Oura and Petra were ready to run. IC: Ashring/Parched Wastes The crimson and vermillion-armored being known as Hexxon walked through the hazardous region of Ashring. He coughed the volcanic smoke out of his lungs and tried keeping his tall form low to the ground, for the sky here was filled with the awful pollutant. It wasn't better down there, however, as its rocky surface was hot and rivers of scarlet lava flowed past him. Hexxon squinted his eyes to see an enormous amount of sand a short distance away. Grateful to leave the volcanic area, he utilized the power of his Kualsi to teleport to the slightly less dangerous region of the Parched Wastes. This is better, Hexxon thought. Much better. He was ready to teleport again, but stopped. No, others might see me, and that will bring unwanted company. It would be safer to hide, and teleporting will safe me energy, time, and lessen tracks. With that plan, Hexxon used his power of Psionics to disguise his presence from all others, making it seem like he wans't there at all, and then teleported to the farthest place in his vision. IC: Ashring The tall and mighty Skakdi named Vertan stood on the sloping ground on Dragon's Roost, his eyes scanning the land below. However, he didn't see much as the air was filled with black clouds. Grunting, he moved further up the great volcano. One might call him insane for moving around in such a horrible place, but he was perfectly fine being around here. Fire and heat - his element, which allowed him to survive in such hostile enviroments like this one. Flames burst from small openings, sulfuric gas spewed from the volcano's crater, heat emanated from the ground, and smake floated by him. But Vertan still moved toward Ashring's most prominent feature.
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