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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:The Skakdi of Plant life's rage and anger began leveling off with the fear and doubt. Much more of this might shred the small amount of remaining sanity in Kaytana's mind. Though in this, she found power in the negative emotions, and pulled out her spiked whip. She swung it around in the air above, twirling and making an impact with it a nasty blow. Then Kaytana felt her weight increasing, and more doubt flood her head. Her responce was first to whip her tool around faster and harder, and then to calm, so that she might slip away from the madness.You think so? The voice was inside Calik's head, put there via Hexxon's Suletu.Another wave of shadow passed over the Toa, stamping out the light and flames. Hexxon concentrated on the field of darkness he created, so as to keep any fire conjured extinquished.In shadow, there is no place for light and warmth. Only darkness and cold. Calik's competitor unlimbered his spiked blade and moved in his direction, ready to strike.
  2. Character Name: ReptakSpecies: SkakdiGender: MaleAppearance: Reptak resembles a normal Skakdi, looking like the Piraka. His skin, face, spine, and armor are the same shade of this green, with several plates of bright gold on his armor as well. His eyes are scarlet-colored, and he has this symbol tattooed on his left shoulder armor, with the symbol colored bright gold. Reptak’s spine and face design is a cross between Zaktan’s and Nektann’s.Powers:-Air elemental powers (in conjunction with another Skakdi)-Laser Vision-His third, unique ability is body matter manipulation: he can shatter his body into a cloud of green, crystalline dust, reform it at will, and fly while in this form, just like the Order of Mata Nui member Johmak.Weapons/Equipment: A gold-colored sword with a curved edge (shaped like one of the blades on Zaktan’s Three-bladed Scissor), more for decoration and to symbolize his status than an actual weapon; clawsBio: Long before coming to the Island of Pain, Reptak served as an advisor to the warlord he served – the same as Vertan’s. He also participated in planning out attacks and strategies, using his intelligence to help win the wars. When his warlord lost in a war, Reptak was sentenced to slavery, but the opposing warlord saw his skills as very useful. Instead, he was declared the new head strategist and prime advisor, though the then current planner and advisor feared losing their spots and sold Reptak to the Shepherds before he could take the positions.The Skakdi was later imprisoned on the Island of Pain to join all the rest in the slavers’ games.
  3. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Kaytana's head lowered at the sudden attack in her mind. What if her attacks weren't working? Could this opponent be the one to defeat her? Was there a way to harm him in some way? The audience seemed to be laughing, pointing at her for the weakness she was displaying. The embarrasment... it scared her... it angered her.No! Kaytana yelled in her head, breaking through her short-lived vision of the crowd. Rage was surfacing in her, anger that would surely fuel her strength. Her hands shot up to here head; the fury was forming alongside the emotions flooding into her. The increasing madness inside her mind pained her head, forcing a scream from the Skakdi's mouth. Her eyes were almost closed; she didn't look up to see if her attacks struck. Hexxon thought he noticed something, maybe in the corner of his eye. He shrugged. Whatever it was could wait. Though a cry caused him to glance in that direction.It was Kaytana! That was her alright, and she was in trouble. He would rush to her immediately... after he finished his attack on Calik. Hexxon turned back to see if his shadow energies had hit the Toa of Fire.
  4. IC: Parched WastesGreel looked down at the captive Toa. This one had put up quite a fight, but in the end he won. The teal being smiled; he always won. With nothing really keeping him from killing Rastaque and nobody wanting him alive, Greel put his blade into a slicing position near the Toa's throat. The assassin was moments away from being assassinated...
  5. IC: Kaytana: the Arena:Kaytana cursed when her eyebeams missed, and grew nervous when her opponent's shadow disappeared. How good was this competitor? No! Everyone falls before the Skakdi! None shall prevail!Judging from the way the shadow vanished, the female Skakdi was certain that whoever it was went up. She raised her head, obviously not seeing him, but fired her eyebeams all around the spot directly over where he previously floated, and then around it. While doing that, Kaytana constantly moved around the area.
  6. IC: Parched WastesGreat last words, Greel thought sarcastically. Then he positioned himself behind the trapped Rastaque, and knelt. He pulled out his sharpest dagger, holding it beside the Toa of Air's neck. ''Any last questions?'' he asked Nostala, his red eyes moving back and forth from her to Rastaque.
  7. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Kaytana whirled all around, delighted at the competition. Who should she attack first? How should she attack them? There were so many possibilities in a place so large, with such dangerous powers...Something caught her attention, something black and moving on the ground. A shadow, cast by the light from the fire and lava hitting... what? She saw no one, heard no sound of footsteps, yet it moved towards her.The Skakdi of the Green grinned. An opponent was trying to sneak up on her. Now we can't have that, can we?Twin beams of power lanced from her eyes, rushing to the spot by the moving shadow of Vertak.Light slowly faded away around Calik as darkness replaced it. Hexxon stood nearby the Toa of Fire, nearly invisible with the amount of shadow hiding him. He pointed a hand at his opponent, sending a blast of shadow power from his palm. With luck, the darkness would consume Calik before he could see the attack.OOC: Last post for today.
  8. IC: Parched Wastes Greel had made his way over to the two, just in time to see Rastaque spit at Nostala. Smirking, he aimed a kick at the Air Toa's head. He might be able to dodge it, since he could still move his head. ''Any last words?'' he asked, not really caring about Nostala's question and spinning the blade in his hands. Then he glanced all around again, looking for any possible distractions. Greel was sure to keep an eye on Rastaque too; he expected the assassin to throw surprise attacks. How? He wasn't sure about it, but still...
  9. IC: Team Comet: the Arena:Hexxon and Kaytana were quite surprised to be teleported into the arena, and more so as the place was volcanic. Though this didn't keep them distracted for long; Kaytana immediately went offensive, firing her eyebeams at the closest combatant. Meanwhile, her partner instantly using his control over darkness to pull shadows to himself, becoming harder to see as more collected. Then he moved out, looking for the most vulnerable looking opponent. OOC: And now the fun begins...
  10. IC: Parched WastesNostala saving Rastaque from the boulder and sickle surprised Greel enough to drop his hold on the Toa. Though, realizing what he did, the golden-skinned being quickly acted, placing his power on Rastaque again. This time he ws given limited movement; his limbs were frozen in place, but he could still move his head and mouth.What?! Greel rambled inside. But after thinking about it, he figured that maybe she was saving Rastaque for him to kill - or maybe some last words.With a slight smirk, he withdrew a knife and moved slowly over to the two. He wasn't worrid about an attack, after all Rastaque was restrained.
  11. IC: Parched WastesWhile looking around, Greel spotted the new fighter hurl a boulder at the Toa of Air. He certainly wanted to guild its path with telekinesis to icrease its accuracy, but instead just left it. True, he could probably do so and keep a hold on Rastaque, though he was tiring from the fight and didn't want to give his enemies the chance to attack him while focusing on the rock. Instead, he watched as it came towards the green Toa and wished it would crash into him.
  12. A lion's mane is around his neck only; it doesn't wrap around him. Whenever Rocky's mane lights up, Greel retreats to his lower back to avoid being roasted, though he doesn't escape all the heat.Were needles ever thrown at his chest and legs? The only times Rastaque attacked him with needles were when he and Greel were heading back to the group, and when he pounced into the air at him and Rastaque tossed the needles at his face. I only read about needles being thrown at his face, not at his chest and legs, I believe.
  13. IC: Parched WastesSeveral of the needles thrown over the dune were knocked out of their path by some unseen force. And the moment Greel could see over that dune, he froze Rastaque with telekinesis once more.Nostala had reappeared, though that didn't surprise him, since she returned to view before he arrived. Now, in order to not lose his concentration again, he glanced around repeatedly, looking for anything that might distract him. Nothing, but he continued to look. IC: Toothy BaneReya sat against the back wall of Oura's cave base. There were multiple supplies, such as small amounts of food and water, on the floor around her. An Observer was placed beside another wall, switched off by her Kanohi of Biomechanics. The Toa of Water held another Observer in her hands, obviously she caught another one, experimenting on it in for some reason...Although shadow from the the fake night outside filled the room, Reya continued her work, acting as if toying with machinery in the dark without any light was no big problem. She could see everything clearly as if it were day, thanks to her night vision.The Observer in her hands had been opened, and several of its inner workings were laid on the stone floor. She held a small, curved, silver spike with her teeth as she pulled out and moved gears and parts around with her free hand. It had been detatched from her armor, and she used it as a tool to operate on the robotic recorder.A few mechanical parts inside the machine turned or whirred at seemingly random times. This was a result of her use of her mask, reawaking its systems to see the effects of her experimenting.Kono was gone, missing after the battle at Haven Cove.Wonder where he went? she asked herself. Couldn't have gotten lost. Maybe he decided to explore the island. Probably went into that forest, and if he gets killed in there it's not my problem for not being there. I warned him. She had expected him to follow, but now she was alone again, which reminded her of Oura and Petra. She wasn't sure where they were, or if they were even alive. Perhaps she should go looking for the two...Not now - I'm busy. Indeed. Reya had delayed her message for too long. Maybe she shouldn't have gone to the beach.But there was a boat! I could've left this wretched island - and it went without me! The failure at the battle angered the Toa, causing the moving gears in the Observer to speed up. However, rushing onto a well-protected beach full of Caretakers, taking control of them (well, almost), and attacking the fleeing ship was not her kind of work. She could not be blamed for losing the fight, for she was a thief - stealthy and made quick getaways. Not bursting into dangerous, robot workers' posts and causing a commotion - that was the complete opposite of her profession.Reya needed to get this messge sent very soon. She had news and ideas to share.OOC: Okay, it's time to get going on this thing; Reya's about to send that message.
  14. IC: Parched WastesRastaque's movements began slowing down considerably before coming to a complete stop, now frozen in place by Greel's telekinesis. From behind, his enemy came, a dagger in hand. There was little chance of breaking from the hold, since he could not attack what he couldn't see, especially with Greel keeping most - if not all - his concentration on the Toa assassin.
  15. IC: Team Comet: the Coliseum:Team Comet had seated themselves inside a waiting room. Hexxon examined his spiked blade, while Kaytana seemed to be sharpening her claws. The Skakdi of plant life had the feeling that her partner might be mentally scanning what might be other competitors, attempting to see what he was coming up against. She smirked at the thought of this. Sometimes it didn't matter what powers or skills the enemy had, just blowing up and shooting everything in sight was enough.Then of course, he might not. There was that whole different reason about not cheating, especially before a game, that he could have.
  16. OOC: @ ToD: Greel isn't a Toa, though I sometimes wish he was. =P IC: Parched WastesAs Greel's focus had been broken by the wind, Rastaque had been freed - and that didn't please him. He tried digging his boots into the sand as he was pushed toward the Toa, trying to slow down. Though as he did so, Greel had releashed another Rhotuka, which effectively blocked the needles as he came to a stop. This Toa of Air was becoming a real challenge, something which the teal being liked. But not the injuries - those weren't good.Rastaque would feel another unseen hold on his throat, but with a stronger crush of force coming...
  17. IC: Parched WastesAmazingly, every needle thrown stopped in midair. With a wave of his hand, Greel used his telekinesis to fling them in harmless directions. Then he turned back to Rastaque.Unfortunately, he had to drop his concentration on the Toa's mask to block the attack. But instead of attempting to pull it off again, he focused his power on Rastaque's right ankle, telekinetically lifting him up into the air, causing him to hang by that ankle. Greel then began trying to shake him violently, hoping to end his attention on his vacuum and breath, and make him too dizzy to fight. While doing this, he constantly moved around the vacuum, trying to stay out of his enemy's range of sight.
  18. IC: Hexxon and Kaytana: the Coliseum:Hexxon and Kaytana walked alongside eachother, making their way to the arena. Hexxon didn't seem in the mood to talk, and seemed to try and ignore the trail his Skakdi partner was creating. Kaytana was silent as well, excited for the match they were going to fight in. It was only when she noticed he wasn't carrying his staff (a wicked looking blade in its stead) that they started a conversation. ''Hey, where's that staff of yours?'' she asked. Her ''friend'' merely glanced down at her and said, ''That tool is for my job. It's not meant for games like these.''Kaytana grumbled. ''But you could trap your opponents in place, keep them from hitting you, bind them all easily - why not try and be the instant winner?''''Because,'' he replied, ''I'm not fighting criminals - or they're not considered thugs in here - so I have no need for imprisoning fellow competitors.''The rest of the trip was like it began: silent, as the two entered the Coliseum, heading for a waiting room. OOC: Last post for today.
  19. IC: Kaytana: the GarageOnce she had left Hexxon, Kaytana's entire demeanor changed; she walked, talked, and thought differently. The Skakdi of Jungle strolled through the Garage looking like she owned it, and even ready to collapse it if she wanted to. And when she was sure she was out of her partner's telepathic range, she ran through her thoughts. That fool, Hexxon, she told herself. So ready to believe in a sad story when told one. It was almost effortless to get him to join me.Kaytana knelt beside her vehicle, inspecting it, making sure everything was in right shape for traveling around the island. She remembered quite well the time she first saw the giant, armored being. So serious, didn't even act like he cared about anything. Kaytana didn't need a Mask of Charisma to convince the gruff man. Just a little alterations to her own life story, enough so he would believe that they dealt with problems similar and should stick together. Did the female Skakdi care about his past?Nope. All she needed was another to form an effective team. Despite being highly damaging to everything around her, Kaytana still felt like just one team member wasn't strong enough to win all. And Hexxon was the perfect pick, already emanating fierce power and anger. Smirking, Kaytana threw back her head and laughed. She was cunning, a warrior, powerful... what else was there to have?''Time to go,''The voice frightened her, for it was Hexxon's. Had he slipped in while she had thought all about her work?No, the voice came from her crest. The match was beginning soon, and now they needed to get to one of those waiting rooms. Kaytana jogged back to the surface, where Hexxon awaited her presence.
  20. IC: Hexxon and Kaytana: Registration OfficeHexxon gave a nod of thanks to the Matoran, and turned to the exit saying, ''Come, Kaytana.''''My thanks as well, little one,'' Kaytana said before following her partner. Once outside, the Skakdi headed in the direction of the Garage. ''I'm going to look over my transport until they call.'' Hexxon nodded again and then joined Anar. It was good that the match was coming up very soon. Battling other combatants there, he figured, would help him perfect his abilities for crime fighting. After all, they were allowed in there too, and he would know just how to defeat their kind.
  21. IC: Hexxon and Kaytana: Registration Office:''Good,'' Kaytana said, her grinning widening. ''Team Comet.'' Hexxon answered.
  22. IC: Hexxon and Kaytana: Registration OfficeKaytana's eyes caught the Matoran that called to them. ''Why, yes, little one...'' she said, trying to sound more friendly and less vicious than she normally would. Her eyes flashed as she looked at the small being almost like prey. ''We have come to register for the next tournament match,'' Hexxon told the Matoran. He, too, was attempting to act a little more welcoming, though he wasn't trying very hard.
  23. IC: Hexxon: the Garage/Registration OfficeA shadow fell upon the ground by the Garage, followed by the flapping of wings. The source descended: a brown and blue-colored Rahi dragon, apparently carrying something on its back. It touched down on the ground, and then lowered itself. Black and gold armor gleamed in the light as the rider leapt off his mount, landing before the building.''Stay here, Anar,'' the rider said to the dragon. ''I have business in this place with another.''Hexxon stood, waiting for his partner to arrive...IC: Kaytana: the Garage/Registration OfficeNot very far away, another being was riding to the Garage, though not on a Rahi. She was driving a floating vehicle, which raced through the air several feet off the ground. This rider was much different from the previous: besides the Skakdi spine that ran down her back and arms, she bore branch-like antlers and wore unpleasent colors. Mechanical parts might be seen under a layer of moss, and the complex arm and eye were easily noticable. Several moments passed before her transport came to a building, near a resting beast and grim figure. She flew it into the underground parking area, returning minutes later. Immediately after stepping outside the Garage, sickly weeds sprouted from the ground as she moved towards Hexxon. ''Ah, Hexxon,'' Kaytana beamed, revealing dual rows of pointed teeth. Hexxon gave a slight smile - just a tiny one. He normally didn't do that, but Kaytana was his team partner, and should at least be treated like a comrade. ''Kaytana, I see you made it.'' His eyes darted to the trail of grotesque plant matter; that was one thing he didn't like about her. Wherever she went, those always grew where her footprints should have been. He couldn't help but see that it was a welcoming path for being followed. ''Indeed. Now shall we enter?'' the Skakdi of the Green said, gesturing to the doors of the Registration Office. Her partner nodded, and both walked side by side into the building. Neither wanted to waste eachother's time talking; better they sign up for the next match and wait. Kaytana looked around. ''Now what?'' she asked, unsure of what to do next.
  24. Thanks, Parugi, for both the approval and summary. Been wanting to join for some time, and the summary definately made the RPG more exciting after reading it. :)Also, for the tournament - would I first send my characters to the Registration Office to enter?
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