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Magnus Greel

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Everything posted by Magnus Greel

  1. IC: Parched WastesRastaque might find some of his teeth broken from biting as hard as he could into Greel's armored arm. In addition, his arm and fist had slowed down due to Greel's telekinesis beginning to fade. It was easily dodged, but not the shadow blasts, which hit him before the kick.They sent him rolling on the ground, close to the vacuum's edge. Recovering quickly for another attack, he dashed outside the air trap, moving much faster than he normally would because of the lack of air resistance. He was lucky to escape, for the assaults left him with one, small gulp of air, enough to aid him in getting out.Now rejuvenated with the outside air, Greel focused his powers on the large rock Nostala had thrown. It lifted off the sandy ground, and drifted over Rastaque. Then he cut the telekinetic hold on it, dropping the stone over the Air Toa. Next, Rastaque would feel his Kanohi mask start twitching under Greel's telekinesis. He was going to pull it off the Toa.
  2. Username: Magnus GreelName: HexxonFaction: KNPD (Day Run) Team Comet, crest symbol: looks like the Red Star here, inside two intercrossing rings shaped like an ‘’X’’ when looked at directly.Species: Hexxon is a member of the species that originally inhabited OdinaGender: MaleDescription: Hexxon is a very tall, thin being, with thick armor that is mostly black in color, with several plates of dark gold. Small, nasty looking, white spikes protrude through his armor on his shins and forearms, including two larger ones on his elbows and knees. He has small talons on his black boots, and wears a tattered, black cape identical to Vezon’s. His mask is dark gold, and his eyes have the ability to change color to reflect his mood.With a life of grief and pain, Hexxon is often bitter towards others, and strives to preserve and spread justice. He is normally serious and has a no-nonsense attitude, though he has joined Day Run to hone his powers for work.Equipment: Hexxon carries a staff that seems to be made of some durable wood, with metal tipping on both ends. Two spiked maces dangle from their chains that connect them to the staff’s tip. The staff itself has the ability to channel his powers and create energy bonds, which usually materialize as rings around the target(s). When in the arena, Hexxon switches this weapon with a spike-covered blade.Mask: Great Kanohi Suletu, Mask of Telepathy (shaped like a Great Kualsi)Powers: Hexxon wields Shadow abilities he developed, and can manipulate them at around Toa level of control. In addition, he has experimented on himself, removing several mechanical parts of his body and replacing them with those of a Rahkshi of Density Control, giving him access to that power.Vehicle: Anar – the mutated result of a fusion between a Phase Dragon and an Energy Hound. Anar is a small dragon with peacock blue and brown armor and skin, both of which are rough and scaly. There are two rows of spikes, one on either side of him that resembles the spines on Spinax. He has the ability to track down objects and beings by following their energy signature, and cough up blasts of – not fire – plasma. Hexxon uses him to travel around the island by flying in the sky.Biography: Long ago, Hexxon was a peaceful villager, living with his fellows on Odina. Then came the day when the Shadowed One and his friend Ancient purged the island of the natives, forcing Hexxon to either flee forever or die. He narrowly escaped with his life, and became further enraged when he learned about the Dark Hunters now operating there.Furious, Hexxon modified himself, even adding Rahkshi parts to his body so he could never be weak and vanquished like his kind, and practiced for years how to control his new abilities.He knew he couldn’t take on the mercenaries that inhabited his homeland, and so turned to Kai-Nam and decided to work for the police there. With new hope, Hexxon tries to do his best to seek out criminals that would dare corrupt the island.Username: Magnus GreelName: KaytanaFaction: Civilian, though she is secretly allied with the Ring (Day Run) Team CometSpecies: SkakdiGender: FemaleDescription: Kaytana resembles a normal Skakdi, looking like the Piraka, only with a more feminine-shaped form. Her skin, face, and spine are a sickly green, with blotches of dark brown spotted all over them. The spikes on her spine look like branches on a tree. She also has two small branches on her forehead, which resemble horns/antlers. Her armor is sickly green as well and dark brown. Several parts and sections of her body are mechanical replacements, colored gunmetal gray and copper. These include her right arm, which is a complicated mechanism with sharp claws that resembles thorns, and her left eye. A mossy material has seemed to grow over the mechanical replacements. Also, her eyes are a bright, gleaming red. Kaytana has a symbol – similar to this one – tattooed on her right shoulder armor.Fierce and highly destructive like all female Skakdi, Kaytana is also charismatic and has no problem with lying to others, both of which she used to convince Hexxon to join together as a team.Equipment: Kaytana’s right armor is completely mechanical, and has two additional functions: it can manufacture and shoot darts or arrows filled with her poison power, and tap into her Element independent of another Skakdi. Her eye replacement can channel the vision power from her left eye outward. She owns a wooden staff that is greenish brown in color, which looks very much like a spiked club, only with a longer handle. She also carries around a green vine covered in thorns, with its base a wooden handle bare of any spikes. Both these tools are kept living by her powers.Mask: NonePowers: Elemental the Green powers, however, after the accident, Kaytana has a limited use of the Element. Wherever she goes, she leaves a trail of slippery, unpleasant weeds; she can strengthen or cause plants to wither and decompose; create plant poisons; and can control any existing plants in the area. She also has Vertigo Vision, inducing dizziness and loss of balance in others when hit by the eyebeams.Vehicle: This. Kaytana’s speeder is capable of floating via levitation Kanoka, and can fire force bolts from two blasters mounted on the front. It is fast, sleek, and able to detect nearby objects through sensors.Biography: During one of the wars on Zakaz, Kaytana fought with her fellow warriors in a battle on some mountains. She proved highly determined to defeat the enemy, damaging much of the battlefield. However, she was too destructive, causing a section of the land she stood on to become unstable. A stray blast of energy struck the ground, crumbling it and sending Kaytana falling down the mountains.She was thought dead, but was found and given mechanical replacements for her broken body, which succeeded in amplifying her rage and viciousness, and then was shipped off Zakaz.Sometime later, Kaytana made her way to Kai-Nam, where she met Hexxon. The Jungle Skakdi convinced him to join her to form a team for Day Run, telling him a modified version of her story. He, like her, dealt with a similar, sad problem, and allied with her.She now pretends to be a Civilian, actually a member of the Ring, and has been able to hide this affliction from her partner, despite being telepathic.
  3. IC: Parched WastesThanks to Rastaque's air tunnel, Greel's oxygen supply was now replenished. He held in his breath, ready to fight inside the vacuum.Under Greel's mental control, his foe's needles were flung away. Then he concentrated his telekinesis on Rastaque's entire body, freezing the Toa in place. This time he drew both his knives, and thrust them hard at his head and chest. OOC: Last post of the day.
  4. OOC: I now have internet connection restored. Thank you, Parugi, for controlling Greel during my absence. ^_^The battle with Rastaque and Jontan confuses me, so I'll edit this if I need to.IC: Parched WastesWith the last bit of breath Greel had, he propelled himself into Rastaque's air tunnel. Thankfully, the Toa had landed close to him, and now with fresh air, albeit a little too dusty, he withdrew one of his daggers. It all happened so quickly; he thrust the weapon at the Air Toa, and in such a small area, his chances of missing the green-armored being were very, very low. IC: Parched WastesLuckily for Vertan, the sand cloud had blocked both Toas' vision enough that only a small amount of Levacius' lightning attack hit the Skakdi. However, it was still enough to send the red-armored warrior flying through the air, far away from the battle sight, and render him unconcious.Vertan's fall was cushioned by the top of a dune, which then sent him rolling down its side. He came to a stop, at the sand hill's base.Unfortunately, he had left his battle-broom behind. Though fortunately for him (for he did not want his enemies stealing his stuff), the amount of electricity inside the tool had horribly damaged it, reducing the weapon to a melted state.OOC: You two win - for now.
  5. IC: Parched Wastes... and harder and harder. If Rastaque didn't act swiftly, accurately, or release his weakening hold on the team, then he would die. Surely he couldn't continue attacking any longer with all the assaults coming at him. Slowly, the vacuum was fading.Meanwhile, the Toa of Air's aim wasn't as good as it could be while being choked; needles landed in the sand close to Greel and his partners. Rocky looked worse, but he could manage just a little bit longer. Greel, on the other hand, was losing his oxygen, but continued his telekinetic hold on Rastaque. He was too determined to give up now.IC: Parched WastesWhen Vertan lost sight of Levacius in the sky, he became nervous, then retreated into the sand cloud. Fortunately for him, he moved away from the Toa's path. Only his giant hand/forearm was hit by the Toa of Lightning's twirling blades, tearing some of the armor plating.However, before he could worry about the damage, the sound of an impact reached his ears. He turned to see Amalia, who had been struck by his eyebeams. Then her telepathic attack hit his mind, filling it with horrible images.It was a good thing Vertan was a violent warrior, for someone else would have fainted from the terrible visions. But he had seen enough of this on the battlefield on Zakaz, where the Skakdi fought like barbarians. Though it did sicken him only a little.Scowling but then smirking, the Skakdi fired even more force bolts all around her. Surely some would hit. And the Psionics Toa was continuing to use her powers; she was making herself more vulnerable.Vertan turned his attention to Levacius, who seemed to disappear into the cloud. He believed that, at the rate the Toa was spinning and moving, he would be very dizzy - and ripe for attacking.
  6. OOC: @ Parugi: That's okay. :PI still have no internet connection, so feel free to still control them even after this post. IC: Parched WastesGreel struggled to mantain what air he had left inside his lungs. Rocky wasn't looking so good, but thankfully he had much larger lungs than the rest of them. This lack of oxygen was irratating both of them very much, and if they got out of this, Greel could bet Rastaque wouldn't leave alive - or conscious, at least.His shielding Rhotuka blocked the Air Toa's needles aimed at him, but then disappeared. It would need some recharging before he could create another one.His eyes rolled in Rastaque's direction, who seemed to be having difficulty at the moment. He was going to end this. He wasn't going to lose his pet or partners - not today.Greel threw out most of his concentration at the cloaked Toa, focusing his telekinetic powers on his neck, and began to squeeze. Rastaque's struggling focus on the vacuum was beginning to break. If they couldn't have air, than neither could he. An eye for an eye, eh? Greel thought. IC: Parched WastesVertan sped around the giant sand cloud, trying to keep Levacius' concentration moving around. The Toa had been foolish to shout at him, revealing his location via sound. Now the Skakdi wasn't too worrid about his Lightning Toa enemy at the moment, though still ready to react should Levacius attack - which he was sure he would.Most of his attention was drawn to Amalia. The thought came to him that the Psionics Toa was using large amounts of Elemental Energy, something that he knew wasn't limitless to use. She had been using it during the battle against Kuy'saz'ra and that Vortixx and her Rahi, which he had been watching for some time. The Toa had probably been using it even before, and she was certainly using it from the start of this battle. This meant she was the weakest opponent at the moment, and should be taken out immediately.So, judging from that information, Vertan believed Amalia's telepathic detection power would also be faint, thus giving him the element of surprise.He moved to the spot were she was last floating with her mask, and shot both his eyebeams (at full power) and a volley of force bolts, including a charging one.OOC: Still a little behind, so I'll edit if I need to.
  7. OOC: Greel doesn't wear Kanohi. His shielding power is through his Rhotuka. ;)Also, I not sure if I'll be on for a while, so since Nostala is closest to Greel and Rocky, do you mind controlling them, Parugi?IC: Parched WastesRocky followed Rastaque's scent as they raced across the sands. Nostala's appearance on him did surprise the two, but Greel realized who it was and urged his pet to go on. ''Once we get close to that Toa of Air, I can use my powers to hold him in place,'' Greel whispered to Nostala.IC: Parched WastesLuckily for Vertan, the effects of his eyebeams had caused Levacius' concentration on the electrical cage to waver. Just as he felt its power lessen and fade, the Skakdi shoved his battle broom into the ground, attracting the electricity in it, and making the escape less painful. Vertan stood, seething, his vision somewhat clouded from the shock, though he could still make out his two enemies. The ground blew up all around them, sending sand into the air again, all thanks to his eyebeams and force bolts. A huge cloud was created, engulfing Levacius and Amalia. Now Vertan fired his impact vision at where he last saw Levacius, and all around that spot, then force bolts. Levacius' vision was blocked now, and the Skakdi believed that focusing on the prison would make it harder to dodge.
  8. OOC: If there's anything I need to edit, just say so. It's a little hard to keep up with the posting and being absent.Also, ToD: What about Greel's telekinetic attacks on Rastaque?IC: Parched WastesThe needles Rastaque flung at were instantly incinerated by Rocky's mane, and the Rahi came to a skidding stop, narrowly avoiding a collision with Nostala. His nose twitched as he smelled the air for Rastaque again, and then whirled, running in that direction. Meanwhile, Greel activaded his shielding Rhotuka to protect himself from further attacks. IC: Parched WastesUpon awaking and seeing the electrical cage, Vertan quickly pulled himself in to avoid any more zapping.This again, he growled.The Skakdi heard Levacius mumble about himself again, and how he owned a Mask of Dimensional Gates. The next thing he saw was another bizare world.This didn't make sense, however, as Vertan had seen the Lightning Toa's mask active during their skirmish at Dragon's Roost. He smiled at the memory of sharp rock fragments rolling down towards his prey, but his mask was aglow, somehow keeping him from falling. And if he remembered correctly, there was no portal... and he could've opened one to escape the case.The female Toa! Psionics - how could I have forgotten?Amalia's illusion fractured as the crimson-armored Skakdi forced himself out. Now he could see that wretched Toa again!Not wanting to miss his chance of freedom again, Vertan fired eyebeams at full strength, strong enough to blast through the prison and fly towards Levacius, then two more at the ground, and his left and right. How was he to dodge all those?
  9. OOC: Looks like I got lucky again. IC: Parched Wastes Using his sense of smell, Rocky had followed the unfamiliar scent of Rastaque, and found him as he jumped over Nostala. The Air Toa might have evaded Irraine's fire attacks, but now he had another coming right towards hims: the fiery, white-hot mane of a Rock Lion. Teeth clenched, the Rahi dashed forward, claws aimed for Rastaque while Greel focused telekinetic attacks on him, such as punches, kicks, and pushes. IC: Parched Wastes Vertan's impact eyebeams had bought him time; blasting into the ground where Levacius had once been and blowing sand into the air, temporarily blinding them both. Before the Lightning Toa grabbed one of his spikes, the Skakdi felt the Toa move with him with his waving arms, and pushed him off. The blade was gone, and Levacius' electric attack had been reduced, delivering only a painful jolt that tore a short scream from Vertan.
  10. OOC: So many posts... I can barely keep up... IC: Parched Wastes Sand, molton sand, and shards of glass burst from the grainy, suffocating ground in a great blast, flying outward. Rocky emerged, with Greel on his back, far away from the blazing, white-hot mane. All around them, the said materials flew, caught in a telekinetic grip, and other objects that came close enough. In another massive blast, all of it shot outward away from the Rahi and rider. Greel and his pet looked damaged, but now they felt a fury inside them, especially Rocky. They raced across the sand at an amazing speed, seeking out Jontan and Rastaque, using Rocky's sense of smell to determine their unfamiliar scent. OOC: @ Rakata: She can still react to the force bolts, they'll fly towards her in the air. IC: Parched Wastes Vertan fired more eyebeams at Amalia as he fell, and felt something from behind. Yes, his spikes had touched something, and then that something tried to hit his neck. Unfortunately, this failed, as his spine was in the way. Now Levacius had a giant Skakdi falling ontop him, with him twisting sideways to get a better view of what he was falling on. His claws flailed around in the air, and his eyes glowed again as he fell...
  11. I apologize for my recent activity. A few days ago I lost internet connection while still online, and I haven't been able to connect since then. I'm lucky to be using the internet here, and I can bet I'm not going to be on BZPower for several more days. So, I'll try and make use of the time I'm on right now. And since I probably won't be active for some time, my characters won't be active either. Reya can pretty much stay where she is now, wherever she is. Hexxon is with no one, so that's okay - he'll just stay were he is. As for Greel - he'll need to be lent to someone else until I return. Whoever is closest to him - Plagia and Rynekk, I believe - should control him. So, Emissary, you can control him for now. And Vertan... I'm not sure. I'll see what I can do today with him today. I don't want to keep others' characters waiting for him to react. So we'll see...
  12. IC: Parched Wastes When the sand finally cleared around Amalia, Vertan was no longer laying where he was before. He appeared beside her, using both the cloud and her surprise as cover. The Skakdi swung his spiked club even as several force bolts shot from his free, open hand, both aimed at Amalia. ''Who's ignorant now?'' he hissed. He would deal with her first, then Levacius, who might be facing his own problems from the sand, eyebeams, and charged force bolt.
  13. OOC: @ Emissary: Have no fear, Greel is here! IC: Parched Wastes Telekinetic energy surrounded Rynekk, gently pulling him up into the air, and sending floating through the storm under Greel's mental guidance. Rocky had alerted Greel about the presence of a familar being using his heightened senses. The golden-skinned being didn't know exactly who it was, but he figured any help was needed here, and then he sent mental energy in the direction Rocky was looking. IC: Parched Wastes The moment Levacius finished speaking, twin beams of impact power at full intensity lanced from Vertan's eyes. They were aimed at the ground beneath the two Toa's feet, and would also send sand clouds flying into the air. In addition, the deadly, charged force bolt flew in the direction Levacius was standing in. When Vertan had sensed the electrical field's diappearance, he waited until the Lightning Toa had stopped speaking so he could recover a little. And whether he was being strangled or not, the Skakdi wasn't going to lose an opportunity to attack his tormentors. Determination - that was where he drew his strength from.
  14. I don't think it has any gaps in it. But could his attacks phase through it? I thought electrical shields were supposed to block attacks such as those that blast another back?
  15. I imagined that the electrical cage kept the blasts from getting through, so he couldn't attack.
  16. Rakata: I don't understand how Vertan got himself stuck in the problem if he was suddenly attacked by two others and imprisoned before he knew they were there, but whether it's his fault or not, he can't really handle the situation. He's being choked be an unseen force with its source outside his prison, and zapped by lightning in a restricted space. He can't stop what's going on because his attacks are blocked by the electrical field, and he's losing air.
  17. In a PM I once sent to GregF. That might answer your question.
  18. IC Parched Wastes Vertan struggled as Amalia choked him, and if he could talk, he would be saying, ''All Toa stand by their morals, and do not kill. You are evil, a murderer - a disgrace to your kind. You are one of us. And all wars on my homeland are true battles - to kill and conquer.'' he would have grinned if he could. The Skakdi would continue. ''Experience is not someting to brag about. And, you - the best? Oh, yes, you are the best... at making enemies, at incurring my wrath. The more you hurt me, the more painful your death will be. This cage cannot hold forever, and I will pursue you around this island until you die. ''I survive, because the strong do that. You have not died because you run from a fight, you block off your enemy because you know you cannot defeat him. ''You think you can decide my fate, little Toa? Well, you are so wrong. I will crush you!'' he would say. Struggling to breath, Vertan couldn't stop the lightning bolts. They hit him, stunning the Skakdi. OOC: I'm starting to find this a little unfair. My character is stuck in a confined space, unable to touch the walls without getting badly hurt. Lightning bolts lash out at him, with not much room to dodge them, and he's been beaten and strangled using telekinesis. He has no real way to defend himself, while Amalia and Levacius stand, able to easily kill him - or killing him now, with electricity eveywhere and no air to get to his head or lungs - and he cannot touch or even catch them off balance.
  19. IC: Parched WastesThe images thrust into his head didn't effect Vertan. Being a warrior - and a highly destructive one at that - he had seen his fair share of sights like these.Amalia was only encouraging him to kill her, especially with that giggling she mocked him with.OOC: Yeah, last post now.
  20. IC: Parched Wastes The mask detatched... only to be grabbed by Vertan before it could be destroyed by the lightning field. He placed it back onto his armor, and strapped it down more tightly. Had Amalia been the one who tried to take it before? Same force to take it, same move to do it. It was definately her. ''Why so interested in my mask, Toa of Thoughts? It's mine now.'' Vertan said as he moved out of the way of a bolt. That had been her last chance. He had almost lost his trophy... and she was becoming a bigger nuisance. OOC: Possibly my last post for today.
  21. IC: Parched Wastes Vertan tried despartely to avoid being shocked by the lightning bolts, which was even harder to do while confined in a small space by electricity. ''What - now you start speaking in riddles? What's this 'Team Patronage' you mumble about, Toa?'' Vertan said, dodging a blast that would likely daze him. ''Also,'' the Skakdi said, ''watch what you say about my kind. We are far more powerful than yours. Sure not many of us can use Kanohi, or tap into our Elements as easy as you all. But we have far superior strength, toughness, and lack of morals... and our own unique powers and eyebeams. Together, the Skakdi could dominate all Toa.'' Pausing, Vertan checked his force bolt. No, not quite ready. ''And, I've never seen a Toa brag so much as you - or such a show off.'' Before being smacked by Amalia, he said, ''Calling me little, too? Believe me, I am much bigger, stronger, and ready to tear you in half.'' Falling to the ground and getting hit in the leg by a small bolt, Vertan growled at Amalia, and continued to dodge blasts. She would die soon if she kept this up.
  22. IC: Parched Wastes Vertan slowly got back to his feet, now completely over the stunning effect. The sight of an electrical force field did not make him very happy, nor did seeing Levacius alive. He fired his eyebeams at the cage, and even a few force bolts, but nothing seemed to penetrate it. ''You - Toa of Lightning. You saved my life with those electrical blasts, and thus I should thank you.'' the Skakdi said. ''However, being a highly destructive entity of power,'' Vertan boasted, ''you should know that I'd like nothing more than to toss you into the lava that courses through Ashring. And you should also know that this little trap won't hold me for long.'' Vertan pointed to Kuy'saz'ra's Kanohi and gestured to his batte-broom. ''You see these? I defeated the most strongest Toa on this island, and took his possessions from his dead body. Therefore, no weak, little Toa of Sparks can contain me - or kill me.'' Then, noticing the jet pack Levacius wore, he said, ''Ah, that's new equipment. Didn't have it with you before, so did you get it from my cache?'' Vertan's hand began to glow, a force bolt charging within it. It probably wasn't very useful here, but the more power he gave it, perhaps it could do some damage to something.
  23. OOC: @ Undying Light of the Lake: Sorry, I wasn't aware the shield was under the power of his mask. IC: Parched WastesAs Vertan kept twisting his head around to free himself, his eyebeams came around to Levacius. At that time he caught a glimpse - just a tiny glance of his former adversary, and so did his impact vision...The red-armored Skakdi was thrown back by the two lightning bolts, breaking the ice at his feet and flying through the air, and also freed of Amalia's telekinetic strangle.If he wasn't too dazed at the moment, foul words would be escaping Vertan's mouth, cursing that Toa who survived...
  24. IC: Parched Wastes The shield, being made of ice, could not withstand the concussive force produced by Vertan's eyebeams, especially at full power. It shattered easily upon impact. And now the Skakdi's vision power was coming towards him again, still constant and at full intensity...
  25. IC: Parched WastesVertan's hands shot up to his neck as he felt it being strangled. Did this Toa wear a Mask of Telekinesis? His mask didn't seem to be glowing.Thrashing around, the Skakdi fired his eyebeams at full power at Starkad, and kept them constant. He contined to try and twist his neck, causing his head and impact vision to turn in different directions. And although he didn't notice at first, Vertan's beams were heading right toward Amalia.OOC: @ ToD: Previous post edited. But you'll also have to consider that the needles would have to penetrate through his clothes and his armor. His armor alone should be able to deflect most of them anyway.IC: Parched WastesMore sharp pains, though most of the damage prevented by metal plating. Greel began to feel weak, and say the pillars coming... only to be transformed to solid glass columns by Rocky's mane, and also began to melt. ''Thanks for the help,'' said the weakening Greel to Plagia, still woth that slight smile. ''Now we have another problem.'' he pointed to the forming sand walls, which we blasted outward with his telekinesis at sections of it.
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